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Time travelers webquest. By: Jessica Carron. Home Page. Introduction Task Process Quick Trivia Evaluation Conclusion Credits. Teacher Page. Introduction. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could go back in time and meet one of our Presidents?
Time travelers webquest By: Jessica Carron
Home Page • Introduction • Task • Process • Quick Trivia • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Introduction Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could go back in time and meet one of our Presidents? You are a reporter for the Cayuga Herald. Traveling back in time to meet one of our past Presidents. What would you ask them? What would you try to smuggle back to 2013 like in George Washington’s Socks by: Elvira Woodruff? Today we will find out what mark some of our past Presidents left on history. Your time travel begins now! Good Luck!
Task Hold on tight! You are getting ready to head back in time to meet one of our great Presidents of the past! • Your first destination back in time will take you on a Presidential scavenger hunt where you will find out information about your President. • Next, you will then need to write a list of three questions you would ask your President if you got the chance to interview them. • Then, you will be asked to write a three paragraph essay. • Last, write and draw a picture of the item that you choose to bring back from your time travel and a short statement saying what it is and why you chose it.
Process • Before you begin please complete the fallowing • Make sure you have the worksheet you need for the Presidential scavenger hunt and the Name of the President you will be meeting. • A hard copy of this worksheet can be located at http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/presidents/scav.htm • Once you have this information and your work sheet go to the fallowing websites to find the information you need. • http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/photogallery/the-presidents • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/past-presidents-of-usa.html • http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/uspresidentsdropdown.htm • Second, make sure you have the worksheet that you need for writing down three questions that you will ask your President. *See teacher for copy of worksheet • Third, you will write a three paragraph essay about your President • The first paragraph should include an introduction • Second paragraph should include biography • Third paragraph should include information on why your President was important to history Continued
Process-Cont. • Fourth, Complete the Quick Trivia • Fifth, watch the fallowing short video • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/homeworkhelp/socialstudies/social_studies_homework_help.html?campaign=DE&CFID=1233760&CFTOKEN=94718031 • Please click on the video on the right labeled Presidents day • Sixth, think you know the Presidents? Play this short game to find out! • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/games/ • (Click on U.S. Presidents Trivia Game in the middle of the page) • Want to know what it would be like to be President for a day? Click on the fallowing link to find out! • http://pbskids.org/democracy/be-president/ • Last, When you are all finished draw a picture of the item that you chose to bring back from the vist with your President and a short statement explaining what it is and why you chose that item. • See your teacher for a piece of drawing paper
Quick Trivia ? 1. Which President was known as the “father of our country”? 2. Which President wrote the Declaration Of Independence? ? 4. Which President hid his mail, bank book, and important papers in his stove pipe hat? 3. Who was the youngest President in history? ? ? Can you guess the President? Click on the ? To see if you are correct!
George Washington -was the first President of the United States and known as the “father of this country”
Theodore Roosevelt -Was the 26th President of the United States and also the youngest President in history at the age of 42
Abraham Lincoln The sixteenth President of the United States and known for hiding important papers in his stove pipe hat!
Thomas Jefferson -The third President of the United States and was asked by John Adams to write the Declaration of Independence.
Evaluation Students will be evaluated on the fallowing • Completion of their Presidential scavenger hunt • Completion of three questions that they would ask their President sheet • Completion of their three paragraph summary • Completion of their drawing of the item they choose. Continued
Conclusion Welcome back to 2013! I hope you had an exciting journey! I can’t wait to hear all about it. I hope you have gained a better understanding of your President and the mark they left on history. Each President has contributed something during their time as leader to help build the wonderful country we live in today!
Credits • Time travelors clock image • http://www.google.com/imghp • Georege Washington image • http://www.google.com/imghp • Theodore Rooselvet image • http://www.google.com/imghp • Abraham Lincoln image • http://www.google.com/imghp • Thomas Jefferson image • http://www.google.com/imghp • Scavenger Hunt work sheet • http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/presidents/scav.htm • Quick Trivia information • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/past-presidents-of-usa.html • Evaluation image • http://www.google.com/imghp
Teacher Page • Introduction • Learners • Standards • Resources • Student Page
Teacher Introduction This webquest was designed for 5th grade students learning about the past Presidents of the United States. Students will gain an understanding of the President they were assigned and understand what affect they had on history and how it impacts our country today.
Learners • Students should have prior knowledge with the basic understanding of how to use the internet for research based purposes. • Students should also have prior knowledge of the construction of essays. (in paragraph form with a beginning, middle, and ending)
Indiana State Academic Standards • 5.1.16 Explain the development of the first American political parties and describe early presidential elections. • Example: The elections of 1792 (re-election of George Washington), 1798 (election of John Adams) and 1800 (election of Thomas Jefferson) and the political debate about the role of the federal government • 5.1.21 Formulate historical questions from encounters with primary sources and identify and describe the contributions of important early American artists and writers and traditional arts and crafts to the new nation’s cultural landscape. (Individuals, Society and Culture)
Teacher Resources • Indiana Academic Standards • https://learningconnection.doe.in.gov/Standards/PrintLibrary.aspx • Presidential Scavenger Hunt • http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/presidents/scav.htm • Resources for the research of Presidents • http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/photogallery/the-presidents • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/past-presidents-of-usa.html • http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/uspresidentsdropdown.htm
Teacher Resources • Quick Trivia Resources http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/past-presidents-of-usa.html • Presidents Day Video • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/homeworkhelp/socialstudies/social_studies_homework_help.html?campaign=DE&CFID=1233760&CFTOKEN=94718031 • Please click on the video on the right labeled Presidents day • Trivia Games • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/games/ • (Click on U.S. Presidents Trivia Game in the middle of the page) • http://pbskids.org/democracy/be-president/