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Using Corpus Resources in English Language Teaching

First, a bit of history behind the corpus revolution"... Two simultaneous linguistic traditions. Chomsky's Syntactic Structures 1957Firth's A Synopsis of Linguistic Theory 1957. The American Linguistic Tradition. A branch of cognitive psychology a sort of biologyData can be derived intuiti

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Using Corpus Resources in English Language Teaching

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Using Corpus Resources in English Language Teaching Hilary Nesi Coventry University UK

    2. First, a bit of history behind the �corpus revolution���..

    3. Two simultaneous linguistic traditions Chomsky�s Syntactic Structures 1957 Firth�s A Synopsis of Linguistic Theory 1957

    4. The American Linguistic Tradition A branch of cognitive psychology � a sort of biology Data can be derived intuitively and presented in isolated sentences The theory does not have social relevance The goal is to develop a system of abstract principles to account for everything that humans know about language �in advance of experience�

    5. The British Linguistic Tradition A branch of social science Data must be studied in the context of whole texts - attested, authentic instances of use The theory helps solve practical problems of language and society The goal is to study meaning. Language is social interaction, and transmits culture.

    6. Competence and Performance �Competence� = knowledge of the language system

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