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Searching the Library Catalog

Searching the Library Catalog. Finding material by topic using keyword searches. Follow the link on the library homepage: http://www.msjc.edu/mvclibrary to the catalog. Searching the Library Catalog. In the catalog, locate the search box. Keyword search selected. Search box.

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Searching the Library Catalog

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  1. Searching the Library Catalog Finding material by topic using keyword searches

  2. Follow the link on the library homepage: http://www.msjc.edu/mvclibrary to the catalog

  3. Searching the Library Catalog In the catalog, locate the search box

  4. Keyword search selected Search box Topic searches – Using keywords • To find materials on a topic, try a keyword search • By default, the catalog is set for keyword searches (also calledword or phrase searches) • Type a word or phrase that describes your topic into the search box • DO NOTuse sentences, questions, or long strings of words

  5. drug abuse substance abuse Topic searches – Using keywords Often, there will be more than one word or phrase that describes your topic. Each search will retrieve different results. sample search using the phrasedrug abuse OR search using the phrasesubstance abuse

  6. drug abuseand teenagers Topic searches – Using keywords • Searches may be narrowed by adding more words or phrases • Link words and phrases together with the word AND Search narrowed by linking drug abuse with teenagers using AND

  7. More about keyword searches

  8. Part 2:Understanding Search Results I

  9. Understanding Search Results The results of a search will be in the form of a list of items that matched your search terms. 16 items contain both “drug abuse” and “teenagers”

  10. Click for more details about this item date of publication call number (location on shelf) title author Location in library owning library Understanding Search Results Each record contains information about the item Write down the call number, title, and location, to find the item on the shelf in the library

  11. Available online = not on the library shelf. This is an electronic item Internet resource = not on the library shelf. Text of book is accessed via the Internet Click on URL link to access the e-book Understanding Electronic Book (e-book) Records Read each part of the record to determine the format (print or electronic) and location (shelf or online access)

  12. For More Information Contact the library for all of your information needs 951-639-5450 or e-mail the librarian

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