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Verb Conjugation: “O” to ”UE”

Verb Conjugation: “O” to ”UE”. By guillermo, C arlos, y A riana. Introduction to “ ue ” verbs. In many verbs, such as PODER (to be able to), the stem vowel changes from “O” to “UE.” FOR EXAMPLE:. But here’s an EXCEPTION….

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Verb Conjugation: “O” to ”UE”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verb Conjugation: “O” to ”UE” By guillermo, Carlos, y Ariana

  2. Introduction to “ue” verbs • In many verbs, such as PODER (to be able to), the stem vowel changes from “O” to “UE.” • FOR EXAMPLE:

  3. But here’s an EXCEPTION… • The stem changes from “O” to “UE” in all forms of the word EXCEPT for the “Nosotros/Nosotras” form. Here’s what we mean… • Notice how all forms of the word now have “UE” except EXCEPT for “Podemos?”


  5. Changing a verb stem from “O” to “UE”… • Is not that hard…it’s quite easy!

  6. Take out the “O” that’s right in the center… • …of your verb to make it sound better.

  7. Then use “UE” to replace that old stem… • BUT WAIT! There is an exception!!

  8. “UE” should take over instead of the “O”… • But not in the FIRST & SECOND PERSON PLURAL forms, ya know!

  9. But wait! There’s still more! Here’s what else you should do! • Include your endings…Who you’re referring to!

  10. I, You, He/She/It, We, Y’all, Them, and You (formal)… • …are the pronouns whose verbs you conjugate to be normal.

  11. -o, -es, -e, -emos, (sometimes –eis), and –en… • …are the endings we use to make our verbs end.

  12. So don’t you worry, panic, or confuse… • …Carlos, Guillermo, y Ariana taught you the stem you should use!

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