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An Introduction to Lions Quest. As a business leader, what are some of the skills you see as being necessary to work in today’s marketplace?. Skills for the 21 st Century Workplace. Foundations:
As a business leader, what are some of the skills you see as being necessary to work in today’s marketplace?
Skills for the 21st Century Workplace Foundations: • Basic Skills— Reading, writing, solving arithmetic and mathematical problems, listening, speaking • Thinking Skills— Thinking creatively, making decisions, reasoning, solving problems, visualizing, knowing how to learn • Personal Qualities— Displaying responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, honesty
Skills for the 21st Century Workplace, con’t Competencies: • Resources — Identifies, organizes, plans and allocates resources (time, personnel, money) • Interpersonal — Works with others (team player) • Information — Acquires and uses information • Systems — Understands complex interrelationships • Technology — Works with a variety of technologies
Overview of Lions Quest Lions Quest is a school based, positive youth development program encompassing: • Drug and bullying prevention • Violence prevention and conflict resolution • Teaching Social and Emotional skills • Building Character and teaching Values • Using Service as a way to apply topics learned in the classroom
Lions Quest Programs • Lions Quest Skills for Growing (Ages 5 - 10) • Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence (Ages 11 – 14) • Lions Quest Skills for Action (Ages 15 – 20)
Program Goals • Engage students, families, the school, and community members, • Provide opportunities for young people to learn essential social and emotional skills, • Engage young people in the practice of good citizenship through service learning and philanthropy and • Strengthen young people’s commitment to their family, positive peers, school, and community.
Life Skills Development Lions Quest programs emphasize essential life skills such as: • managing emotions and resolvingconflicts, • self-confidence and self-discipline, • responsibility and good judgment, • effective communication, • decision-making and problem-solving, • strengthening relationships, • resisting negative peer pressure, • higher-order thinking and goal-setting, and • community and civic engagement.
Five Program Components • classroom curriculum to integrate within classes such as language arts, health or social studies or as a stand alone course (includes service-learning projects), • parent involvement, • community involvement, • a positive school climate (teaching techniques and subject themes to be integrated into all subjects), and • professional development and training.
Training • Teachers go through a training in order to learn about the curriculum and the student centered teaching strategies • 2-3 day full program training in SFG, SFA, or SFC • Examine ways a classroom and school learning community can support the development of healthy young people • Review program components and materials. • Explore implementation options for the classroom and school wide components.
Why is Lions Quest Important? • Research has shown that when students’ emotional needs are addressed, children do better academically. SEL programs can improve academic performance by at least 11%! • LQ addresses issues such as drugs and violence not in isolation but together in a holistic, coordinated approach. • LQ teaches 21st Century Workforce Skills • Cultural literacy and global awareness • Higher order thinking and reasoning • Real world application of planning and management • Personal social responsibility • Inventive thinking; creativity • LQ supports Character Education – teaching values based skills such as ethical decision making and social consciousness. • LQ uses civic engagement and service learning as a hands-on tool to teach these Character and SEL skills.
Results • 41% have improved problem-solving skills • 9% increase in GPA • 44% decline in out-of-school suspensions • 82% decline of in-school suspensions • 57% decline in school absences • 47% decrease in bullying • Lower levels of school dropout and drug use • Positive attitudes and better interpersonal skills
Australian Lions Quest Teacher How is the program used in your school? Has the program been helpful? Have you seen results? Why did the school originally choose Lions Quest?
Lucky Richter Director Comprehensive School Riedstadt/GermanyHow did we get started?
How did we get started in Germany? • 1991 First knowlege about the program by German teachers visiting the USA • 1992 Request for an initial evaluation by University of Bielefeld Educational Dpt. • 1994 Trial sessions in preselected schools • 1996 German Lions Foundation (HDL) buyout of the licence strictly for use in Germany • 1997 First issue oft he German teacher’s manual (Third issue in use by now)
How did we get started in Germany? • Thereafter the message was spread all over MD-111 Germany • Convince Lions-Clubs to agree to Partnerships with local schools • Convince headmasters and teachers of the number one program for social learning • Well trained teachers are the best salesmen • Collect or provide sufficient money for initial or ongoing funding
How did we get started in Germany? • Pending problems • Not all Sixteen German States have signed Contracts with Representatives of Lions Districts to have the Program being implemented in Comprehensive Schools and Schools of different Character. • There are some Restrictions to freely Incorporate LQ into the schedule, Schools must find a Specific Way to get around.
How did I get started in LQ? • Attendance of three seminars (basic plus two advanced seminars) • Presentations in schools and Lions-Clubs • Provision for integration of LQ in the inidividual mandatory school program • 1996 -1999 Implementation of LQ in a comprehensive school as teacher • Since 2000 deputy-headmaster in a comprehensive school with special task for implementation and organisation of LQ and partnership with the local LCs
How did we get started in Martin-Niemöller-Schule • Conception of Lions Quest at Martin-Niemöller-Schule • Embodied into the school program • Annual meeting including reports of masterteachers and social worker • Internal advanced training at the end of the term for all new master teachers 5th grade including social worker • Completion with other suitable components: room for exercises in behavior, class council, smokers reflection, prevention, responsibility for schoolyard and cafeteria, social working group: “Encounter of Generations“, charity run for MS victims
Concept of Lions Quest at Martin-Niemöller-Schule 5 6 LQ once a week every second week together with social worker; one week prevention training and LQ outside of school 7 LQ once a week with master teacher special project days in case of need Advanced training of master teachers LQ once a week in one lesson together with Social workers 8 Mentoring by LQ for occupational orientation training social working group (service-learning) LQ once a week 9 Application and consolidation of skills 10 Same as 9
Results • Good teambuilding • Cooperation with social workers (network) • Better adherance to the rools oft he school • Easy combination with other educational components • Enhancement of conduct • Enhancement of working- atmosphere • Extension of items of social studies and religion
How do I choose a Lions Quest Chairperson? • who feels responsible for the continuity of working with LQ • who takes care that new teachers participate in LQ-training • who initiates the evaluation of the program once a year • who stays in contact with the local Lions-Club
How do I reach out to schools? • Go with who you know – educators, school or government administrators • Meet with your national and then local government education department • Reach out to the local teacher’s college • Market through brochures, etc. Send out invitations to a presentation • Contact afterschool and out of school programs, camps • Talk with parents
What do I do when a school is interested? • Contact LCIF (in US) or your country office • Ask the school if they would like to review materials or what they need to make a decision • Obtain letters of intent from schools stating they will support the program (financial/in kind support or with a commitment to try to implement) • Set up a workshop in order to train teachers; purchase materials
How is the program used in schools? • As a separate course or for the Advisory Period • Included within a health or civic education course • The teaching methodologies and school-wide themes are used in all classes • Involve the parents and/or community members • Only use the service-learning aspect of the program
How can Lions be supportive once the program is in the school? • Build a relationship with the school, teachers, and students • Check in with the school to see what kind of support they need • Ask teachers/students to give presentations on LQ or on their service learning projects to the Lions • Join the students in a service project • Ask teachers if the Lions can give a presentation on service, civic responsibility or philanthropy to the class
Past International President Rohit MehtaWhy and how should Lions support Lions Quest? What resources are available?
Lions: Natural Partners of Lions Quest • Lions Quest is a practical extension of the service ethic of Lionism • Local Lions are critical to expanding programs in schools and communities • Lions Quest complements Leo clubs, youth camps and the Peace Poster contest • Establishes school partnerships that encourage membership (New: Lions Quest Clubs!) • Creating a world brand and reputation for Lions and their youth work
Lions Quest Promotional Workshop Grants • Goal – to assist with new growth and expansion (only new MDs and Ds; not those with current Core 4 grants) • $1,000 each • No local match needed • 2 max per MD per year • Promotional seminar can be facilitated by trainer, Lion, local teacher • Focus on curriculum, teacher training, strategies for approaching school districts, securing partners and funding
Core 4 Grants • Initiate or expand programs • Up to $100,000 available to Multiple Districts • Up to $25,000 for sub-districts • Commitment of MD/district funds 25% of total • If increase match, more likely to be approved • Can be used to leverage funds from government, foundations, etc.
How do I set up a Lions Quest Foundation? • Lions make a long-term commitment to the program • District or MD Lions agree to set up a separate organization to oversee Lions Quest • Steering Committee formed including teachers or education officials • A structure for the Foundation set up • If at the country level, can have representatives from each MD or each D • If at the District level, can have representatives from different parts of the district
Website Resources • www.lions-quest.org (new site February 2010!) • Curricula Maps • Evaluation Tools • Additional lessons • On-line review course • Service Learning projects • Evaluation Studies
Expand Technical Resources –What You Can Do • Create a website for your country program – network with teachers, parents and administrators • Join the LQ Facebook page as a “Fan” of Lions Quest • Upload any videos of workshops or classroom activities to YouTube
Celebrate 25 Years of Lions Quest Lions are encouraged to Celebrate by: Learning about Lions Quest Wearing a “Celebrate 25 Years of Lions Quest” button Talking about the program with fellow Lions or showing the new LQ promotional video Making a contribution to the program or to their local school Attending, presenting or organizing a Lions Quest session during area Forums, MD or District conventions
Celebrate 25 Years of Lions Quest Donations: Individuals are encouraged to donate $25, clubs $250 and districts $2500 Every donation receives a supporter button
What are my first steps? FIRST STEPS: • Write down one way to find out more information • Write down one person you will contact when you return home • Write one idea you have to involve other Lions NEXT STEPS: • Write down one idea on how you can approach a local school • Write down one idea on how to support the program once it is in the school • Write down one way you can raise funds, create partnerships or start a LQ foundation