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Christine Ortiz, Associate Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT-DMSE, Assistant Professor (1999-2004) MIT-DMSE, Associate Professor without Tenure (2004-2006) MIT-DMSE, Associate Professor with Tenure (2006-present)
Christine Ortiz, Associate Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT-DMSE, Assistant Professor (1999-2004) MIT-DMSE, Associate Professor without Tenure (2004-2006) MIT-DMSE, Associate Professor with Tenure (2006-present) CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE :Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang Prof. Michael Cima Prof. Bernie Wuensch May, 2009
RESEARCH PROGRAM OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ NANOMECHANICS OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS -nanoscale forces and displacements (F, d), constitutive laws (s/e) -local, spatially-specific material properties (E, sY, H, energy dissipation, etc.) -molecular-level structure-property relationships -novel mechanical phenomena (e.g. nanogranular friction, fracture localization, etc.) Musculoskeletal (internal to the body) (e.g. cartilage, bone, etc.) Exoskeletal (external to the body) (e.g. gastropod molluscs, armored fish, etc.) Medical motivation: -to facilitate the development of improved clinical treatments for disease & injury through tissue repair and/or replacement→ regenerative medicine / tissue engineering Engineering motivation: -Bio-inspiration and guidance for improved materials for protective and structural applications Multiscale Approach: single molecules →biomimetic assemblies → matrix of single cells → in-tact tissue Objective : A Fundamental, Mechanistic-Based Understanding of Tissue Function, Quality, and Pathology
RESEARCH PROGRAM OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ NANOMECHANICS OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS matrix (Buschmann+) SELECTED RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS (MUSCULOSKELETAL) ●Prior to tenure: established the use of nanomechanics in near-physiological conditions applied to healthy musculoskeletal tissues ●Post-tenure: application of nanomechanics to the field of tissue engineering; temporal evolution of the quasistatic mechanical properties (Ng+ J. Biomech. 2007) and dynamic visco(poro)elasticity (Lee+ Trans. ORS 2008) of the tissue engineered cartilage matrix associated with individual cells ●Assessment of engineered tissue quality and heterogeneity locally at unprecedented resolutions as a function of cell type, scaffold, growth factors, etc. ● Relevance to mechanotransduction COLLABORATORS ● A.J. Grodzinsky (MIT-BE),S. Chubinskaya (Rush U.), Anna Plaas (Rush U.), John Sandy (Rush U.), Peter Roughley (Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal, Canada ) AFM colloidal tip chondrocyte, stem cell viscoelasticity + poroelasticity 10 µm
RESEARCH PROGRAM OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ NANOMECHANICS OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS SELECTED RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS (MUSCULOSKELETAL) ●Prior to tenure: established the experimental and theoretical methods for high resolution imaging and nanomechanics of bone ●Post-tenure Postulated a new theory for the strength on bone involving "nanogranular friction" (Tai+ Nano Lett., 2006, featured in Nat. Nanotech. News and Views, 2006, commentary; J. Am. Acad. Ortho. Surg. 2007); discovered a new energy dissipation mechanism in mineralized biological tissues; nanoscale heterogeneity (Tai+ Nat. Mater. 2007)→assessed nanoscale properties of stem cell-based tissue engineered bone (Tai+ J. Biomech., Pelled+ Tiss. Eng. 2008). ●Understanding the mechanisms that prevent our bones from fracturing under physiological loading will aid in the treatment of problems that result from old age, disease, and injury. COLLABORATORS ●F. Ulm (MIT-CEE), S. Suresh (MIT-DMSE), D. Gazit (Hebrew U.) FEA f=15º, c =100 MPa
RESEARCH PROGRAM OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ NANOMECHANICS OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS 10 μm cross section of fish scale SELECTED RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS (EXOSKELETAL) ●Prior to tenure: established an experimental and theoretical framework for studies of mineralized biological materials at the nanoscale, using nacre as a model system ●Post-tenure Determined multilayered design (i.e. thickness, sequence, and material properties of individual layers) of a natural armor which facilitate circumferential fracture and prevent interfacial delamination under a penetrating load (bite from predator) in order to localize impact and prevent catastrophic failure (Bruet+ Nat. Mater. Cover 2008) ●Bio-inspiration and guidance for improved materials for protective and structural applications (Ortiz+ Science 2008) COLLABORATORS ● M.C. Boyce (MIT – MechE) Ganoine Dentin Isopedine Bone penetration on top of fish scale
RESEARCH PROGRAM OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ NANOMECHANICS OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS geometry and mechanical properties of threat(e.g. penetrating indenter) s(e)t camouflage pigmentation z Rt multilayered design (layer thickness, sequence) − penetration resistance, minimizes back-deformation into soft tissue, prevents catastrophic fracture (self-healing), thermal management, weight reduction l1 biomechanical flexibility s(e)1, a(CTE)1 , r1 l2 s(e)2, a(CTE)2, r2 anisotropic spatial arrangement of armor units – cooperative deformation of entire body l3 s(e)3, a(CTE)3 , r3 li durable functionally graded interphases −mitigates delamination curved geometry (shape / size) of individual armor units – energy absorption, ergonomics l4 s(e)4, a(CTE)4 , r4 anisotropic constitutive models of individual layers − local stress distributions Ru back deflection tissue finite viscoelastic deformation (damage tolerance) interlocking articulation at reinforced joints unique organic-inorganic nanocomposite morphologies (e.g. fibrous, prismatic, nacreous etc.) - energy dissipation PROTECTION MOBILITY SELECTED RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS (EXOSKELETAL) ● Defense Science Study Group (DSSG) 2008-2009 ●Department of Defense National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows (468 white papers resulted in 17 semifinalists being invited to submit full proposals and in person interviews → 10 awardees selected)→ $4.6M total ● MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (Member, 2002-present) ● Raytheon, Inc.
THESIS SUPERVISED BY CHRISTINE ORTIZ Supervised a Total of 60 Students
SELECTED ORTIZ GROUP ALUMNI R&D ● Monica Rixman (Provex Technologies, Dexcom Technology for Diabetes) ● Laurel Ng (Titan Corporation) ● Jae Choi (MIT Center for Cancer Research) ● Jennifer Vandiver (Alkermes) ● Dong Zhang (Heraeus, Inc.) ● Miao Ye ( Proctor & Gamble) Intellectual Property ● Kuangshin Tai (Wolf, Greenfield, and Sacks Intellectual Property Law Firm) Financial ●Lin Han (Aristeia Capital) Tenure-Track Faculty ● Joonil Seog (University of Maryland College Park, Materials Science and Bioengineering) ● Delphine Dean (Bioengineering Dept.,Clemson University, NC) ● Kristin Domike (College of Wooster, OH) ● Hang Qi (University of Colorado) ● Mariselma Ferreira (Universidade Federal do ABC, Sao Paulo, Brazil) Graduate School: (UROPs, B.S. Thesis) ● Rafael Bras (Northwestern), Lauren Frick (MIT-BE), Shikha Gupta (Berkeley), Patty Chen (Whitaker College Health Sciences and Technology), George Gluck (NYU Medical School), Elissa Robbins (Yale), Krista Niece (Northwestern), etc.
PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZSINCE TENURE (16) 1. Dean, D., Han, L., Grodzinsky, A. J. and C. Ortiz, “Compressive Nanomechanics of Opposing Aggrecan Macromolecules,” Journal of Biomechanics 39(14), 2555-2565, 2006. ** 2. Vandiver, J., Dean, D., Patel, N., Botelho, C., Best, S., Santos, J. D., Lopes, M. A., Bonfield, W. and C. Ortiz, “Silicon Addition to Hydroxyapatite Increases Nanoscale Electrostatic, Van der Waals, and Adhesive Interactions,” Journal of Biomedical Research Research A 78A(2), 352-363, 2006. ** 3. Qi, J.H., Ortiz, C. and M. C. Boyce, “Mechanics of Biomacromolecular Networks Containing Folded Domains,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 128(4), 509-518, 2006. ** 4. Oyen, M.L., Bushby, A.J., Mann, A. and C. Ortiz, “Mechanics of Biological and Biomimetic Materials at Small Length Scales,” Journal of Material Research 21(8), 1869-1870, 2006. ** ** OUTGROWTH OF STUDENT SUPERVISED RESEARCH
PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZSINCE TENURE (16) 5. Tai, K.; Ulm, F.J. and C. Ortiz, “Nanogranular Origins of the Strength of Bone,” Nano Letters 6(11), 2520-2525, 2006 (Featured in: J. Thomas, “Biomaterials: Close to the Bone,” Nature Nanotechnology News and Views 1(2), 99, 2006. Commentary in: D. Fyhrie, “Rocks in a Bag,” Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 14(4), 257, 2007). ** ** OUTGROWTH OF STUDENT SUPERVISED RESEARCH
PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZSINCE TENURE (16) 6. Pelled, G., Tai, K., Sheyn, D., Zilberman, Y., Kumbar, S., Nair, L. S., Laurencin, C. T., Gazit, D. and C. Ortiz, “Structural and Nanoindentation Studies of Stem Cell-Based Tissue-Engineered Bone,” Journal of Biomechanics 40(2), 399-411, 2007. ** 7. Han, L., Dean, D., Ortiz, C. and A. J. Grodzinsky, “Lateral Nanomechanics of Cartilage Aggrecan Macromolecules,” Biophysical Journal 92(4), 1384-1398, 2007. ** 8. Ng, L., Hung, H, Sprunt, A., Chubinskaya, S., Ortiz, C. and A. J. Grodzinsky, “Nanomechanical Properties of Individual Chondrocytes and Their Developing Growth Factor-Stimulated Pericellular Matrix,” Journal of Biomechanics 40(5), 1011-1023, 2007.** 9. Tai, K., Dao, M., Palazoglu, A., Suresh, S. and C. Ortiz. “Nanoscale Heterogeneity Promotes Energy Dissipation in Bone,” Nature Materials 6(6), 454-462, 2007.** 10. Han, L., Dean, D., Mao, P., Ortiz, C. and A. J. Grodzinsky, “Nanoscale Shear Deformation Mechanisms of Opposing Cartilage Aggrecan Macromolecules,” Biophysical Journal 93(5), L23-L25, 2007. ** 11. Ulm, F.-J., Vandamme, M., Bobko, C., Ortega, J. A., Tai, K. and C. Ortiz, “Statistical Indentation Techniques for Hydrated Nanocomposites: Concrete, Bone and Shale,” Invited review article, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90(9), 2677-2692, 2007. ** ** OUTGROWTH OF STUDENT SUPERVISED RESEARCH
PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZSINCE TENURE (16) 12. Arslan, M., Boyce, M.C, Qi, H. J. and C. Ortiz, “Constitutive Modeling of the Stress-Stretch Behavior of Two-Dimensional Triangulated Macromolecular Networks Containing Folded Domains,” Journal of Applied Mechanics 75(1), 011020, 2008. ** 13. Ortiz, C. and M. C. Boyce, “Bioinspired Structural Materials,” Science 319(5866), 1053-1054, 2008. 14. Tai, K., Pelled, G., Sheyn, D., Bershteyn, A., Han, L., Kallai, I., Zilberman, Y., Ortiz, C. and D. Gazit, “Nanobiomechanics of Repair Bone Regenerated by Genetically Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells,” Tissue Engineering : Part A 14(10), 1709-1720, 2008. ** 15. Han, L., Dean, D., Daher, L. A., Grodzinsky, A. J. and C. Ortiz, “Cartilage Aggrecan Can Undergo Self-Adhesion,” Biophysical Journal 95(10), 4862-4870, 2008. ** ** OUTGROWTH OF STUDENT SUPERVISED RESEARCH
PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZSINCE TENURE (16) 16. Bruet, B. J. F.; Song, J.; Boyce, M. C.; Ortiz, C., “Materials design principles of ancient fish armor,” Nature Materials, 7(9), 748-756, 2008 (Cover of Issue) (Featured in: “Fishing for Compliance,” commentary by K.D. Jandt, Nature Materials, 7(9), 692-693, 2008). ** ** OUTGROWTH OF STUDENT SUPERVISED RESEARCH
PUBLICATIONS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ Total number of peer-reviewed publications while at MIT (70) Post – Tenure (29)
PUBLICATIONS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ BREAKDOWN BY JOURNAL (20 Different Journals) ● Biomaterials (1) ● Biophysical Journal (3) ● Journal of Applied Mechanics (1) ● Journal of the American Ceramic Society (1) ● Journal of Biomechanics (5) ● Journal of Biomedical Research A (1) ● Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (1) ● Journal of Materials Research (2) ● Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Medicine (1) ● Journal of Structural Biology (Cover) (1) ● Key Engineering Materials (1) ● Langmuir (4) ● Macromolecular Symposia (1) ● Macromolecules (6) ●Nano Letters (1) ● Nature Materials (2) ● Physical Review Letters (1) ● Soft Matter (1) ● Science (1) ● Tissue Engineering (1) Post-Tenure In Blue Text ● Conference Proceedings : ORS Transactions, MRS Proceedings, ACS Polymer Preprints (25)
SELECTED RECENT RESEARCH INVITED TALKS OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ (SINCE TENURE) ● August 2006, Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization, New London, NH. ● December 2006, , August 2007, January 2008, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate of the Army Research Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. ● March 2007, The American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO. ● December 2007, Dow Distinguished Lecture, UCSB ● January 2008, Yale University, New Haven, CT ● January 2008, 2008 Annual International symposium "Frontiers of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology: Integration and Invention," Hunter College of City University of New York, New York, NY. ● February 2008, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, The Shraga Dirnfeld Lecture, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Haifa, Israel. ● March 2008, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. ● March 2008, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. ● November 2008, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. ● January 2009, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, MA. ● March 2009, Institute for Defense Analysis, Washington, DC. ~100 invited lectures, >20 international in 12 countries, 8 different Gordon Research Conferences since coming to MIT
RECENT HONORS (SINCE TENURE) OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ The Dow Distinguished Lecturer, 2007 University of California, Santa Barbara Lady Davis Fellow, Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem (Israel) 2008 Hebrew University – Hadassah Appreciation Medal 2008 (Jerusalem, Israel) The Shraga Dirnfeld Lecture, Technion - Israel Institute of 2008 Technology (Haifa, Israel) Defense Science Study Group 2008-2009 Study Group (DSSG) National Security Science and Engineering Faculty2008-2013 Fellow (NSSEFF) Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Award, MIT2009
RESEARCH CONTRACTS & GRANTS FOR CHRISTINE ORTIZ *only for C. Ortiz (excluding other PIs/co-PIs)
TEACHING EVALUATION DATA FOR CHRISTINE ORTIZ (SINCE TENURE) Instructors Evaluation Course Evaluation Sabbatical 2008
SELECTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (SINCE TENURE) OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ ● Advisory Board Panelist, NSF-CAREER Committee of Visitors Review (Oct. 2006) ● Proposal Reviewer and Panelist, NSF-CAREER Biomaterials (Oct. 2006) ● Session Chair, 2007 American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Session U4: Interfaces with Synthetic and Biological Polymers, Division of Polymer Physics at the (Denver, CO, March 2007) ● Organizer, Short Course at the 2007 American Physical Society Annual Meetingon "Advances in the Use of Atomic Force Microscopy for Studies of the Physics of Macromolecular Materials" (Denver, CO, March 2007) ● Invited panelist; Workshop on “Interdisciplinary, Globally Leading Polymer Science and Engineering”; an NSF Workshop co-sponsored by AFOSR, ARO, DOE/BES, NASA, NIH/NIBIB, NIST, and ONR (Sept. 2007) ● Proposal Reviewer and Panelist, NSF-CAREER Division of Materials Research (Oct, 2007) ● Proposal Review and Panelits, NSF-MDSE Materials Design and Surface Engineering (Jan. 2008) ● Co-organizer, Symposium on “Functional Biointerfaces,” European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (March 2009-May 2010) (Strasbourg, France) ● Board of Directors, Technion-MIT Hibur Program (Haifa, Israel, May 2009-present) ● Editorial Board, for the journal “InternationalJournal of SurfaceScience and Engineering”, published by Inderscience Publishers (Sept. 2005 – Present) ● Coeditor for the journal “Biointerphases,” published bythe American Vacuum Society and the American Institute of Physics (Nov. 2005 – Present ) ● Editorial Board, for the journal Advanced Biomaterials by WILEY-VCH GmbH & Co KGaA Oct. 2008-present Editorial Service
American Physical Society - Division of Polymer Physics Short Course 2007 : Saturday, March 3rd and Sunday, March 4th, 2007 Denver, Colorado Advances in the Use of Atomic Force Microscopy for Studies of the Physics of Macromolecular Materials (http://www.aps.org/meetings/march/special/dpoly.cfm) Lateral force microscopy Piezoresponse force microscopy Small scale nanoindentation Integration with optical /chemical characterization Combinatorial nanomechanics Stimulus responsive polymer brushes Instrumentation and New Methodologies Hansma Kalinin Bonilla Attard Lewis Whole Tissues & Cells Hansma Van Vliet Han (Ortiz) Stolz Synthetic Polymers / Nanopatterning Van Vliet Zauscher Single Molecules Hansma Ortiz Zauscher Engineered cells and tissues Stem cells Knock out mice Diagnostics Sacrificial bonds Single molecule imaging and force spectroscopy
SELECTED OUTREACH OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ (SINCE TENURE) Guest Speaker, Museum of Science Current Science andOct. 2007 Technology Stage Advisory board for development of daily animated children’sJan. 2008 PBS Television series and multimedia project “Wild Kratts”, involving the use of animals to explain fundamental science concepts to children ages 6-10 years old (Montreal, CA)
SELECTED DIVERSITY ACTIVITIES OF CHRISTINE ORTIZ (SINCE TENURE) ● Invited Speaker, Minority Summer Research Program (MSRP, Aug. 2006) Invited Speaker, Minority Introduction to Engineering Science (MITE2S) Program (MSRP) Aug. 2006 ● Faculty Advisory Board to the Office of Minority Education (Sept. 2006 – Dec. 2007) ● Graduate Student Recruitment, The Society for Advancementof Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), Tampa, FL (Dept. & Institute, Oct. 2006, Oct. 2007) ● Diversity Initiative Committee (Reporting to the Provost, March 2007 – Present) ● Admissions, Minority Introduction to Engineering Science (MITE2S) Program (March 2007, March 2008) ● Invited Participant, MIT9 Conference Attendee Focusing on Diversity (Washington, DC, Institute) April 2007 ● Invited Speaker, Campus Preview Weekend, Underrepresented Minority Parents April 2007 ● Invited Speaker (Research Presentation), Minority Introduction to Engineering Science (MITE2S) Program (MSRP) Aug. 2007 ● Invited Panelist, Workshop on Achieving Racial & Ethnic Equity in Chemistry sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF) / Department of Energy (DOE) / National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Arlington, VA, Sept. 2007 ● Invited Banquet Speaker, CONVERGE (graduate preview weekend for underrepresented minority Invited Moderator, Institute-wide Round Table Discussion, “Facilitating a Path to and Through Graduate School for Underrepresented Minorities,” UCSB Nov. 2007