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Point Indication Review. ACR class 10. Point Categories. THE FIVE SHU POINTS. Jing-well Points. Where the Qi of the Channel emerges Restores consciousness Clears Heat & Stagnation, especially from the opposite end of the channel Calms the Spirit (Shen) Treats fullness below the Heart.
Point Indication Review • ACR class 10
Jing-well Points • Where the Qi of the Channel emerges • Restores consciousness • Clears Heat & Stagnation, especially from the opposite end of the channel • Calms the Spirit (Shen) • Treats fullness below the Heart
Examples • Bleed all twelve jing-well points in for excess-type (Heat) collapse • LU-11 for acute sore throat and mumps. • HE-9 for Heart or chest pain • Several Jing-Well point indicated for mania
Ying-spring Points • Where the Qi of the Channel “glides” • Clears heat from the channel/organ (fire & water point) • Effect on the opposite end of the channel (less than Jing-well) • Can substitute for Jing-well • Can combine w/Shu-stream to treat Zang
Examples • LU-10 clears heat from the throat and/or Lung • KID-2 clears deficiency heat from the Kidneys • LIV-2 clears Liver fire • GB-43 clears heat from the GB channel. • ST-44 clears fire from the Stomach channel
Shu-stream Points • Where Qi of the Channel begins to pour • Yin Channels: same as Yuan-source pts • Heaviness &/or pain of the joints • Combine w/ Ying-spring to treat the Yin organs • Yang Shu-stream: channel stagnation • Diseases which “come and go” - chronic
Examples • LU-9, SP-3, HE-7, KID-3, LIV-3 all tonify their associated zang (Shu-stream + Yuan-source) • GB-41 disperses qi stagnation throughout the shaoyang channel • SI-3 for all disorders of the neck
Jing-river Points • Qi of the Channel begins to flow heavily • Cough, Fever & Chills • Change in voice • Disorders of the muscles, tendons, bones, joints
Examples • LU-8: cough, asthma, wheezing • HE-4: sudden loss of voice • BL-60: stiff neck, lumbar pain • LIV-4: contracted sinews, lumbar pain
He-sea Points • Where the Qi of the Channel “unites with the sea” -- communicates with organs • Rebellious Qi, diarrhea, abnormal leakage of fluids • Skin diseases • Treats the Fu organs
Examples • ST-36: every kind of Stomach or Spleen disease • SP-9: lack of appetite, diarrhea • L.I.-11: skin diseases, itching of the skin • LIV-8: itching of the genitals
Mother-Child Points • AKA, “Tonification (Supplementation)” and • “Dispersion (Sedation) (Draining)” Points • Based on Five-Phase (Five-Element) theory, specifically Classic of Difficulties 69. • Most often applied to Yin channels
Classic of Difficulties 69 • “In deficiency, tonify the Mother • In excess, drain the Child • Tonify first and then drain”
Mother Point = Point representing phase/ element preceding affected channel on Sheng (Generating cycle) • Example: Lung Deficiency: Tonify LU9 (Earth point on Metal Channel) • Child Point = Point representing phase/ element following affected channel on Sheng (Generating cycle) • Example: Lung Excess: Drain LU5 (Water point on Metal Channel)
Korean Four-Needle Technique • is based on Five-Phase (Five-Element) theory, specifically Classic of Difficulties 69. • Four points are chosen; two are tonified, two are drained. • A slightly different protocol is followed depending on whether the affected meridian is excess or deficient.
For Deficiency, Tonify the Mother • Example: Lung Deficiency: Lung is Metal, Mother of Metal is Earth, Metal is Controlled by Fire • 1) Tonify the Mother Point on Affected ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Tonify LU9 (Earth point on Metal Channel) • 2) Tonify the Same-Phase (Horary) Point on the Mother ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Tonify SP3 (Earth point on Earth Channel)
3) Drain the Same-Phase (Horary) Point on the Controller ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Drain HT8 (Fire point on Fire Channel)4) Drain the Controller Point on the Affected ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Drain LU10 (Fire point on Metal Channel)
For Excess, Drain the Child • Example: Liver Excess: Liver is Wood, Child of Wood is Fire, Wood is Controlled by Metal1) Drain Child Point on Affected ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Drain LR2 (Fire point on Wood Channel)2) Drain Same-Phase (Horary) Point on Child ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Drain HT8 (Fire point on Fire Channel)
3) Tonify Same-Phase (Horary) Point on Controller ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Tonify LU8 (Metal point on Metal Channel)4) Tonify Controller Point on Affected ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Tonify LR4 (Metal point on Wood Channel)
YUAN-SOURCE POINTS • Each of the twelve primary channels has a yuan-source point where it is said the original qi surfaces and lingers. • On yin channels, the yuan-source points are the same as the shu-stream points. • “When the five zang are diseased, select the yuan-source points”, they are the primary point on the yin channels for this purpose.
On the yang channels their importance and indications they are quite different from the yuan-source points of the yin channels. • Their principal actions are to dispel various kinds of excess pathogenic factors and to treat disorders along the pathway of their respective channels.
LUO CONNECTING POINTS • The actions of the luo-connecting points: • i. treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zang-fu, • ii. treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channel • iii. treating psycho-emotional disorders.
THE METHOD OF COMBINING THE YUAN-SOURCE AND LUO-CONNECTING POINTS • Known as the ‘host and guest combination’ • The yuan-source point of the first or primarily affected channel is combined with the luo-connecting point of its interiorly-exteriorly coupled channel.
Group Luo Points • Used in cases where all 3 yin or yang channels of the arm or leg are affected. • SJ 8 - 3 arm Yang (LI, SJ, SI) • PC 5 - 3 arm Yin (LU, PC, HE) • GB 39 - 3 leg Yang (ST, GB, BL) • SP 6 - 3 leg Yin (SP, LIV, KD)
XI-CLEFT POINTS • Xi-cleft points in general are indicated in the treatment of acute conditions and pain. • Xi-cleft points of the yin channels have an additional action of treating disorders of blood.
BACK-SHU POINTS • “the shu points are situated in the yang region, they may be used to treat yin diseases”- most practitioners use the back-shu points of the zang more frequently, while the front-mu points may be favored for diseases of the fu. • Back-shu points do not treat channel disorders; may be indicated in some disorders of the sense organs.
FRONT-MU POINTS • Front-mu points have a wide application, including excess, deficiency, hot and cold patterns; they can be used diagnostically (as can the back-shu points). • The front-mu points their respective zangfu but not their respective channel. • The corresponding back-shu and front-mu points are also frequently combined in treatment.
HUI-MEETING POINTS • LIV-13: hui-meeting point of the zang • REN-12: hui-meeting point of the fu • REN-17: hui-meeting point of the qi. • BL-17: hui-meeting point of blood.
GB-34: hui-meeting point of the sinews. • LU-9: hui-meeting point of the pulse and vessels. • BL-11: hui-meeting point of bone. • GB-39: hui-meeting point of marrow.
LOWER HE SEA POINTS • Used to treat their respective fu organs. • Large Intestine ST 37 • Stomach ST 36 • Sanjiao BL 39 • Gall Bladder GB 34 • Small Intestine ST 39 • Urinary Bladder BL 40
Conception vessel (LU-7) is paired with the Yin Motility Vessel (KID-6) • Treats: Chest, diaphragm and throat • Penetrating Vessel (SP-4) is paired with the Yin Linking Vessel (P-6) • Treats: Stomach, heart and chest
Governing Vessel (SI-3) is paired with the Yang Motility Vessel (BL-62) • Treats: Inner canthus, neck, ear, shoulder, upper back • Girdling Vessel (GB-41) is paired with the Yang Linking Vessel (SJ-5) • Treats: Outer canthus, cheek, neck, back of ears and shoulder
FOUR AND SIX COMMAND POINTS • ST-36 - abdomen. • BL-40 - lumbar region and back. • LU-7 - head and nape. • L.I.-4 - face and mouth. • P-6 - chest and lateral costal region • DU-26 - resuscitation.
FOUR GATES • Points: L.I.-4, LIV-3 • Common combination usually indicated for stagnation of Qi and/or Blood, with associated symptoms of pain and emotional stress.
POINTS OF THE FOUR SEAS • The Spiritual Pivot describes four ‘seas’ in the human body: • Sea of qi: ST-9, REN-17, DU-15 and DU-14. • Sea of blood: BL-11, ST-37 and ST-39 • Sea of water and grain: ST-30 (upper point) and ST-36 (lower point). • Sea of marrow: DU-20 and DU-16
WINDOW OF HEAVEN POINTS • This is a group of ten points which have come to be known in Western acupuncture circles as ‘Window of the Sky’ points. • Points: ST-9, L.I.-18, SJ-16, BL-10, LU-3, REN-22, SI-16, SI-17 (or GB-9), DU-16 and P-1 • They are not commonly used in Modern Chinese practice, though some non-TCM systems use them more frequently.
Indicated for: • Disharmony between the qi of the body and the head, with qi or blood rebelling upwards • Scrofula and goiter • Sudden onset • Psycho-emotional disorders • Disorders of the sense organs
THE THIRTEEN GHOST POINTS OF SUN SI-MIAO • The thirteen ghost points were listed in the Thousand Ducat Formulas by the great 7th century physician Sun Si-miao for the treatment of mania disorder and epilepsy. • The thirteen ghost points are: DU-26, DU-16, DU-23, REN-24, LU-11, L.I.-11, ST-6, SP-1, P-7, P-8, BL-62, Haiquan (Extra), REN-1.
EXIT/ENTRY POINTS • The Entry points are the first point on the channel, with one exception (L.I.-4). • Six of the Exit points are the last point on the channel, and the other six are not. • Points which are not the first or last point on the channel are marked with an asterisk (*):
LU-1 (Front-Mu point): Cough, turbid phlegm, wheezing, fullness/ pain or in the chest, difficult ingestion • LU-5 (He-Sea /Water, Dispersion/child point): Cough &/or wheezing d/t heat or phlegm-damp, Kidney not grasping qi • LU-6 (Xi-Cleft point): Cough (acute &/or with blood), chest pain, throat swelling and pain.
LU-7 (Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Conception vessel, Command point for nape & back of head): Exterior Wind invasion, Headache and stiffness of the neck and nape, Conception vessel or urinary problems. • LU-9 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth point, Hui-Meeting point of the Vessels): Lung Qi Deficiency or Yin deficiency, Irregular or faint pulse • LU-10 (Ying-Spring / Fire point): Cough (heat or w/blood), sore throat d/t Lung Heat. • LU-11 (Jing-Well / Wood Point) Swollen sore throat
L.I.-4 (Yuan-Source point, Command point of the face, Four Gates point): Exterior wind-cold /wind-heat, copious sweating or no sweating, any disorder of Face / sense orifices (eye, ear, nose, mouth), delayed labor, Bi and Wei. • L.I.-6 (Luo-Connecting point): Edema (esp facial edema), difficult urination, pain of hand and arm, sore throat. • L.I.-10 “Arm ST-36”: Pain / immobility of the arm and shoulder, windstroke, hemiplegia. • L.I.-11 (He-Sea / Earth point, Ghost point): Any Excess Heat pattern, various skin disorders (esp d/t Heat), itching of the skin, intestinal complaints, Bi & Wei patterns. • L.I.-15: Pain in shoulder & arms, motor impairment of upper limbs, Wind-Heat skin rashes • L.I.-20: Nasal congestion and discharge, Main local point for nose problems