1. Sponsorship Essentials
2. The Sponsorship Process
3. Key Sponsorship Concepts Participants
Sponsor Party Seeking Association (Visa)
Sponsee Property Owner (e.g. FIFA)
Self-Evident adidas products used in event
Strategic Visa Credit Cards and FIFA have similar target markets
Efforts to Support Ones Sponsorship with Additional Strategic Initiatives (i.e. Event-Oriented Advertising)
4. Example of Leveraging
5. Venue Naming Rights Building Sponsorship
Sponsor Pays to Have Its Name Attached to a Facility for A Specified Period of Time
Many Types of Facilities beyond Sports
Percent of Major US Professional Teams Playing in Venues with Corporate Sponsor
30% in 1997
69% in 2007
6. Allianz Arena Mnchen
7. Sponsorship vs. Advertising
8. Sponsorship vs. Advertising
9. Sponsorship vs. Advertising
10. Advertisings Advantages Persuasive Message
Words and Images Used to Convey Ideas
Everyone Receives an Identical Message
Guaranteed Size of Audience Reached
Circulation; TV Ratings; Radio Ratings
11. Sponsorships Advantages Credibility, Emotion
Internal Morale
Sales Opportunities
Overcome Advertising Restrictions
Bans against Tobacco Advertising
Cut Through Advertising Clutter
Not Competing with Broadcast Advertising
Reach Small Segments and Niches
Small Specialized Properties (local festival)
12. Worldwide Sponsorship InvestmentsSource: different sources, especially IEG.
13. Sponsorship Spending WorldwideSource: 2007 IEG Sponsorship Report (sample issue), p. 1 and 4.
14. Sponsorship Objectives
15. Sponsorship Components Category Exclusivity
Right to Use Event Trademarks and Logos
Distribution Rights
Hospitality Areas
Complimentary Advertising
Free Tickets
16. Sponsorship Components (Contd) Right to Purchase Additional Tickets
Link on the Event Web Site
(Sponsorship) Designation
Inclusion in Event Promotions
Access to Property Mailing List / Database
Right of First Refusal
17. Which Components Are Most Valuable?
18. IMC including sponsorship
19. IMC including sponsorship
20. Sponsorship Categories (US) Numbers for 2008 Sports (69%)
Entertainment, Tours & Attractions (10%)
Cause-Related Marketing (9%)
The Arts (5%)
Festival, Fairs & Annual Events (4.5%)
Associations and Membership Orgs (3%)
* Rounding creates small statistical error (IEG)
21. Sponsorship Categories (Europe) Sports sponsorship (60-70%)
Arts / cultural sponsorship (15-20%)
Social sponsorship (10-15%)
Environmental sponsorship (< 5%)