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Vessel Tracking in 3D MRA

Vessel Tracking in 3D MRA. Jing Jiang M.S. , E Mark Haacke, Ph.D. Developed in vascular SPIN software. Background and Introduction. Use one segmentation algorithm to exact vessel or other connective tissues Based on Adaptive region growing Dynamically updated criterion

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Vessel Tracking in 3D MRA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vessel Tracking in 3D MRA Jing Jiang M.S. , E Mark Haacke, Ph.D. Developed in vascular SPIN software

  2. Background and Introduction • Use one segmentation algorithm to exact vessel or other connective tissues • Based on Adaptive region growing • Dynamically updated criterion • Tracking more complete • User friendly • Speed up trauma diagnose • Reveals info hiding behind 2D axial slices

  3. Vessel Tracking: Untangle one vessel • Result overlaid on the transverse MIP file • Note the split into three pathways which occurs because of the tortuous folding on itself of the vessel • We can also track a single bolus in a movie loop like this

  4. Vessel Tree tracked image

  5. Future Direciton

  6. Future Direciton

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