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By: Mikayla Jordan, Elizabeth Aviles, & Tanner Brown

The Evolution of the Book. By: Mikayla Jordan, Elizabeth Aviles, & Tanner Brown. Circa 3500 B.C. Cuneiform. http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/writing/images/pic.jpg. 2400 B.C. Papyrus. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dyhv8F3lK6A/TNWzy6wBUPI/AAAAAAAAAPI/ZbmogIYtohs/s1600/blank-papyrus.gif. 600 B.C.

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By: Mikayla Jordan, Elizabeth Aviles, & Tanner Brown

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Evolution of the Book By: Mikayla Jordan, Elizabeth Aviles, & Tanner Brown

  2. Circa 3500 B.C. Cuneiform http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/writing/images/pic.jpg 2400 B.C. Papyrus http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dyhv8F3lK6A/TNWzy6wBUPI/AAAAAAAAAPI/ZbmogIYtohs/s1600/blank-papyrus.gif

  3. 600 B.C. Left to Right writing and reading. http://johnconners.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/left-handed-writing-description.jpg?w=600 200 B.C. Codex http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Family-bible.jpg/220px-Family-bible.jpg

  4. 105 A.D. Cai Lun was credited with inventing papermaking, using bark, hemp, old rags and used fish nets. http://www.cultural-china.com/chinaWH/images/arbigimages/3eb4cc3e2493c9ec9023b21a0914073a.jpg 400-600 A.D. Advent of illustrated, handwritten manuscripts. http://www.abelprize.no/images/verker/handskrifter.jpg

  5. 868 A.D. The first book is printed on paper. http://sfbook.com/assets/images/other/Yuan_dynasty_woodblock.jpg 1041 A.D. The Chinese invented a movable type but was unsuccessful due to too many characters. http://www.absolutechinatours.com/UploadFiles/ImageBase/Bisheng-printing-chinese-inventions-5.jpg

  6. 1250 A.D. First block printing was in Egypt. http://img3.etsystatic.com/000/0/5791064/il_570xN.155590867.jpg 1440 A.D. Johann Gutenberg completes his work, the spreading of words. http://www.s9.com/images/portraits/12457_Gutenberg-Johannes.gif

  7. Circa 1455 A.D. The 42 line of Gutenberg bible was printed. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Gutenberg_Bible,_Lenox_Copy,_New_York_Public_Library,_2009._Pic_01.jpg/350px-Gutenberg_Bible,_Lenox_Copy,_New_York_Public_Library,_2009._Pic_01.jpg 1490 A.D. Printed books was widespread in Europe http://www.smu.edu/~/media/Images/News/Stories/bridwell-exhibit-sample-lg.ashx?as=1&w=250

  8. 1639 – 1640 A.D. America’s first book is printed “The Boy Palsmbook” http://3.bp.blogspot.com/- 1774 A.D. Chlorine is discovered and will bleach paper. http://www.viewzone.com/ferfal.bleach.gif

  9. 1791 A.D. The first amendment is passed. http://musicians4freedom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/first-amendment.jpg 1832 A.D. Books are wrapped in paper jackets. http://juniperbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Navy-Blue-Paper-Wrapped-Books.jpg

  10. 1860 A.D. Dime novels are being sold and are printed on cheap paper. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/DimeNovel.jpg/200px-DimeNovel.jpg 1440 A.D. Johann Gutenburg completes his work, the spreading of words. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Gutenberg.jpg/220px-Gutenberg.jpg

  11. 1875 A.D. 257 public libraries are open, where you can access cheap books http://www.hillsboroillinois.net/library.JPG 1929 A.D. The Charles Boni Paper Books influences book clubs and paperback novels http://www.yesterdaysgallery.com/pictures/19598.jpg

  12. 1933 A.D. Nazis begin book burning. http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/gifs/01622.gif 1939 A.D. Pocket books enter paperback market. http://www.neaca.com/images/SA105_HRT59_5_Pocket_Books_Adventure_.JPG

  13. 1958 A.D. The microchip is invented. http://www.machinegrid.com/machinepress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Explorer_16_Microchip_Development_Board2.jpg 1986 A.D. The encyclopedia is available on CD-rom. http://www.ohio-distinctive.com/images/products_large/SBW.JPG

  14. 1991 A.D. The internet is made available for commercial use. http://rgbagent.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/free-fonts-commercial-use-1.jpg 1995 A.D. Books are being sold online. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/bits/posts/amazon_books.533.jpg

  15. 1998 A.D. 70,000 book titles and 50,000 publishers. http://www.rbge.org.uk/assets/images/science/library_archives/lbos.jpg 2001 – 2006 A.D. E-books grows slowly http://www.e-book.com.au/Pulsing%20site%20logo.gif

  16. 2003 A.D. Online books increase because Amazon.com scans 120,000 books for online users. http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/064/Purple/v4/f5/74/72/f57472f7-b51d-5fa3-7e69-5e1419f22a90/mza_5660649439804255209.175x175-75.jpg 2006 A.D. Japanese-based cell phone novel via text message. http://img1-cdn.newser.com/square-image/16878-20110401023025/cell-phone-novels-take-japan-by-storm.jpeg

  17. 2007 A.D. Amazon kindle is invented. http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/dp/2012/KS/KS-slate-01-lg._V401030526_.jpg 2008 A.D. Bookshop technology allows for quick scanning. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/HvgGt6Qngvk/0.jpg

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