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Groundwater. David R. Maidment CE 394K.2 Spring 2005. Reading: Handbook of Hydrology, Chapter 6, Sec 6.1 to 6.7. Groundwater Investigation. Can’t “see” groundwater so a lot more is done by inference and interpretation than for surface water Site investigation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Groundwater David R. Maidment CE 394K.2 Spring 2005 Reading: Handbook of Hydrology, Chapter 6, Sec 6.1 to 6.7

  2. Groundwater Investigation • Can’t “see” groundwater so a lot more is done by inference and interpretation than for surface water • Site investigation • Conceptual model of geological environment and the flow system through it • Field measurements (bore holes, pump tests, geophysics) • Hydrogeologic simulation model (e.g. Modflow)

  3. Groundwater Investigation Figure 6.1.1

  4. Geological Time Scale

  5. Comal and San Marcos Springs are the major outflow points for the “Southern Segment” of the Edwards Aquifer

  6. Barton Springs Segment of Edwards Aquifer http://www.bseacd.org/geology.html

  7. Geological Evolution http://www.edwardsaquifer.net/geology.html

  8. Hydrogeology of Aquifer http://www.bseacd.org/hydrogeology.html

  9. Karst terrain – caves, sinkholes and underground streams http://www.bseacd.org/karst.html

  10. 2002 2003 2004 2001 2000 Flow in Barton Springs http://www.bseacd.org/cc_water_levels.html

  11. Piezometric Head Map Tucson, Az. Figure 6.3.2

  12. Barton Springs (surface water) Lovelady Dowell Buda Negley Monitoring Points Well Stream gage

  13. Piezometric Head Level Depth from the ground surface Pressure head Piezometric head Elevation head

  14. Buda 2002 2003 2004 http://www.bseacd.org/cc_water_levels.html

  15. Dowell Buda 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 Piezometric head in monitoring wells Dowell Monitoring Well Buda Monitoring Well 2002

  16. Equipotential Lines and Flow q = K dh/dx Figure 6.3.5

  17. Flow Net Figure 6.4.1

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