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Satellite & Fiber Network Overview

Satellite & Fiber Network Overview. Nic Blamire April 2014. Agenda. Fiber Network Overview Satellite and Fiber Comparison Hybrid Network Applications. Asia Cables Overview. Existing Cables. APCN2. IACS. EAC-C2C. RNAL. New Cables 2013, 2014. DWDM Upgrade. MORE CAPACITY SUPPLY

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Satellite & Fiber Network Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Satellite & Fiber Network Overview

    Nic Blamire April 2014
  2. Agenda Fiber Network Overview Satellite andFiber Comparison Hybrid Network Applications
  3. Asia Cables Overview Existing Cables APCN2 IACS EAC-C2C RNAL New Cables 2013, 2014 DWDM Upgrade MORE CAPACITY SUPPLY (hundreds of Tbps) Lit & Un-purchased Cable Construction Purchased & Unused SJC APG ASE Used Source: Telegeography
  4. Asia Cables: Demand & Cost Supply Lit & Unused Price Trend Purchased & Unused Used
  5. Africa Cables: Commissioned 2010-2012 Africa West Coast ACE GLO-1 WACS Main One Africa East Coast TEAMS SEACOM EASSY Availability of Fiber Capacity only in Limited Coastal Locations. Limited terrestrial backhauls.
  6. Africa Cables: Pricing for Major Routes
  7. Middle East Cables: Commissioned 2010-2012 TGN Gulf MENA GBI iMeWe EIG SEACOM ISSUE: Egypt as a potential major point of failure for Asia and Africa traffic
  8. Agenda Cable Network Overview Satellite and Fiber Comparison Hybrid Network Applications
  9. Satellite and Fiber System Comparison
  10. Satellite and Fiber Attributes developed areas under-served areas Data Center to Data Center application high quality video distribution fixed locations, subject to outages mobility, reliability
  11. Agenda Cable Network Overview Satellite versus Fiber Comparison Hybrid Network Applications
  12. Network Model Satellite Versus Fiber Satellite will not able compete with fiber based on cost for major point-to-point service Satellite Versus Satellite Compete based on coverage, power, video neighborhood, commercial flexibility and value-added services Satellite Cost is 10x to 100x FE/GE Terrestrial Network Cost is 1x 10GE/Tbps Competition Synergy Remote location Fiber + Satellite = Hybrid Solution Enhance value proposition to customers Differentiate capability from other satellite competitors
  13. Hybrid Network Solution – Video Distribution Video Distribution Use terrestrial network for contents aggregation Use satellite for content distribution Teleport interconnected to video PoPs Video value-added services HD & Ultra-HD Video Distribution ABS-2 Hong Kong Tel Aviv London
  14. Hybrid Network Solution – Reliability Enhancement Africa Unreliable terrestrial network Insufficient international fiber diversity Business Continuity Terrestrial and satellite network overlay Shared satellite capacity by multiple locations for restoration Potential Users Mobile Operators in Africa (Airtel, MTN, Vodacom) Regional ISPs in Africa SEACOM WACS ABS-2
  15. Hybrid Network Solution – VSAT & Mobile Comm Mobile Communications High bandwidth services for maritime and aeronautical uses VSAT Communications Government and Enterprise premises in strategic/remote locations ABS-3A Ku-Band European Teleport interconnect to MPLS cloud
  16. Envisioned ABS Future Network ABS Core Assets ABS Teleports Interconnect Points Terrestrial PoPs at Strategic Locations: US, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Terrestrial Partners
  17. End of Presentation

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