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Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue 24. July 7, 2013. “Let the Dead Bury The Dead”.
Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue 24 July 7, 2013 “Let the Dead Bury The Dead” And another of the disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘Follow Me and allow the dead to bury their own dead.’ (Matt. 8:21-22) Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this conversation between a would-be disciple and the Lord Jesus. Having heard these words discussed by many present-day disciples, I’ve come to learn that an acceptable interpretation of this passage does not come easily to us. Taken at face value, these words of Jesus form one of the hardest mandates in all scripture. It is difficult for human beings to get the message that Jesus will not take second place to even our dearest loved ones. The man’s request to bury his father certainly sounds like a legitimate one to human ears. Based on the fifth commandment in the Law of Moses, the burial of a parent was considered one of the highest of family duties (1 Kgs. 19:19-21). Christ certainly knew that, yet gives no quarter in his request for the man to “follow” Him. Many attempt to soften Jesus’ apparent severity by saying the father was not yet dead and the son should live with and take care of him until his actual death. Afterward, they say, he would be free to live his own life, which, in this case, would involve “following” Jesus. We simply have a hard time understanding how following Christ would take precedence over the closest of earthly ties and the responsibilities that inhere in those relationships. As Chumbley says, “When Christ insists that a man choose Him over his earthly father, we don’t turn it down, we tone it down (MATTHEW, p. 160). Yet, we must remember the admonition of Christ in Luke 14:26 where a man must hate his mother, father, wife, children, brothers and sisters in order to be a disciple of His. What we “amen” in principle, we balk at in practice! And, no wonder. This is tough stuff. “Allow the dead to bury their dead” probably means “Let others tend to this obligation.” David Hill says, “…those who have not found the life of the kingdom of God in Jesus can attend to matters of burial,” (MATTHEW, p. 165). Discipleship to Jesus is not just another commitment Christians squeeze into a long list of commitments; it is THE commitment. God will have it no other way. The Lord’s invitation for this man to “follow” Him probably meant that Jesus wanted him to join the group of close and committed disciples and work in spreading the word of salvation Continued on back page
BIBLE CLASSES: As Peter and Andrew immediately dropped their fishing gear to follow Christ (Matt. 4:20), and as Matthew immediately left his tax business to follow the Lord (Mark 2:14), Jesus wanted this man to make the same commitment. And, here’s the kicker, He wants YOU and ME to make the same kind of commitment to Him. Will you follow Him TODAY? dlf SUNDAY AM CLASS: Sunday: The Gospel of Mark. Chapter 2. Teacher: Denny. WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE CLASS: Course: “The Fruit of the Spirit” – Joy. Sick & confined Darlene Alexander – Eye surgery. C. V. Alexander . Eddie Goff – Westminster, Alzheimer's center. Nita McCain. James Taylor – Pray for brother Jim’s overall health. GROUP MEETINGS: Group 2 is scheduled to meet after evening service. Everyone is needed to participate in this work. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – If The Foundations Are Destroyed Reading: Psalm 11:1-7 PM – Happiness (Part 2) GOOD ADVICE! Find some good in everyone, and perhaps everyone will find some good in you. You cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts. CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3332 Or, Denny Freeman @ 904-703-2277 Email: dlf100@aol.com Website: julingtoncreekchurchofchrist.net GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes --------------- 9:30 AM Morning Worship --------- 10:30 AM Evening Worship ---------- 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes --------------- 7:00 PM We love visitors!