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II. Spain Builds an Empire

II. Spain Builds an Empire. A. Spanish Conquistadors 1. Moctezuma, the Aztec emperor who ruled over much of Mexico, heard disturbing reports of a large house floating on the sea. a) Hernando Cortés led a Spanish force into Tenochtitlán , the Aztec capital.

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II. Spain Builds an Empire

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  1. II. Spain Builds an Empire • A. Spanish Conquistadors • 1. Moctezuma, the Aztec emperor who ruled over much of Mexico, heard disturbing reports of a large house floating on the sea. • a) Hernando Cortés led a Spanish force into Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital. • b) Cortés employed a Native American woman known as Doña Marina as a translator and negotiator. • 2. On November 8, 1519, Cortés marched into Tenochtitlán.

  2. II. Spain Builds an Empire • a) After initial niceties, Cortés kept Moctezuma prisoner in his own city. • b) The Aztecs drove the Spaniards out of the city, but then the Spaniards recaptured and destroyed Tenochtitlán. • c) Moctezuma was killed and the Aztec empire fell. • 3. Another bold conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, set his sights on the Incan empire. • a) Pizarro attacked the Incas with fewer than 200 Spanish soldiers and captured and executed the Incan emperor, Atahualpa. • b) By 1535, Pizarro controlled much of the Incan empire.

  3. II. Spain Builds an Empire • 4. How were the Spanish able to conquer two great empires with only a handful of soldiers? • a) Superior military equipment. • b) Horses • c) Native Americans did not fight hard. • d) Many Native Americans died from European diseases. • B. Exploring the Spanish Borderlands • 1. The Spanish were always looking for treasure. • a) The borderlands spread from Florida to California. • b) Ponce de León traveled through parts of Florida in 1513 looking for the fountain of youth.

  4. II. Spain Builds an Empire • 2. PanfiloNarváez led an expedition that ended in disaster. • a) They were lost in the Gulf of Mexico. • 3. From 1539-1542, Hernando De Soto explored Florida and other parts of the Southeast. • a) He explored and died alongside the Mississippi River. • 4. The conquistador Francisco Coronado heard legends about “seven cities of gold”. • a) His expedition explored the American Southwest.

  5. II. Spain Builds an Empire • C. Settling New Spain • 1. At first, Spain let the conquistadors govern the lands they conquered. • a) Poor leaders were replaced by the king. • b) The king set up a strong government. • c) The land was separated into New Spain and Peru. • d) The king put viceroys in charge of different areas of the colony. • 2. A code called the Laws of the Indies stated how the colonies should be organized and ruled.

  6. II. Spain Builds an Empire • 3. The code provided for three types of settlements in New Spain: pueblos, presidios, and missions. • a) Pueblos,or towns, were centers of farming and trade set up with a plaza, or public square. • b) Presidios were forts where soldiers lived behind high thick walls. • c) Presidios had shops, storehouses, and stables. • d) Missions were religious settlements run by Catholic priests and friars. • e) They often forced Native Americans to live and work on the missions.

  7. II. Spain Builds an Empire • D. Society in New Spain • 1. Spanish colonies were split into 4 social classes: peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and Native Americans. • a) Peninsulares were people born in Spain who came to the Americas and held the highest positions in the government and the Church. • b) Creoles were people who were born in the Americas to Spanish parents and were wealthy, but could not hold the jobs reserved for peninsulares. • c) Mestizos were people of mixed Spanish and Native American background who worked as laborers for the peninsulares and creoles.

  8. II. Spain Builds an Empire • d) The lowest class in the colonies were the Native Americans who were kept in poverty for hundreds of years. • 2. The two cultures of Spain and Native Americans started to blend and have a uniqueness all its own. • E. Harsh Life for Native Americans • 1. Encomiendas were land grants given to settlers that included the right to demand labor or taxes from the Native Americans.

  9. II. Spain Builds an Empire • 2. Mines in Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the Americas made Spain rich. • a) The Spanish forced the Native Americans to work in the mines. • 3. These harsh conditions led one priest, Bartolomé de Las Casas, to seek reform. • a) Las Casas journeyed to Spain and asked the king to protect the Native Americans. • b) In 1540, the Royal Spanish government did pass laws prohibiting the enslavement of Native Americans.

  10. II. Spain Builds an Empire • c) Few officials enforced the new laws. • 4. The death toll among Native Americans led to a shortage of workers. • a) Las Casas made the suggestion that Africans be brought over to New Spain as slaves. (Primarily, to protect the Native Americans) • b) By the time Las Casas died in 1566, he came to regret his decision. • 5. Demand for slave labor grew rapidly in the Americas. • a) Enslaved Africans were valued on sugar plantations in the Caribbean and Brazil.

  11. II. Spain Builds an Empire • 6. Some scholars have estimated that more than 10 million enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas between 1500 and 1800.

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