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SADC’s Infrastructure: A Regional Perspective. Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic: a multi-stakeholder effort. Methodology and approach. Methodology Data collection by local/international consultants and Bank staff based on standardized methodology
Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic:a multi-stakeholder effort
Methodology and approach • Methodology • Data collection by local/international consultants and Bank staff based on standardized methodology • Baseline year for data is 2006, does not reflect subsequent evolution • Approach • Focus on benchmarking SADC’s infrastructure against other African RECs and benchmarking SADC member countries with each other
Key Message #1 Infrastructure could be contributing much more to Southern Africa’s growth
Infrastructure contributed to over one percentage point to Southern Africa’s recent growth spurt
Catching-up on infrastructure could boost growth by three percentage points
Key Message #2 Southern Africa enjoys concentration of MICs and several (potentially) strong economies
A more hopeful economic geography • SADC faces all the standard challenges • 10 countries have economies <$10 billion • 6 countries have populations <10 million • 6 countries are landlocked • Multiple trans-boundary river basins • But also enjoys some advantages • 5 Middle Income Countries • Half a dozen large (or potentially large) economies • Strong gravitational pull of South Africa
Key Message #3 Road freight costs reasonably competitive but trade facilitation adds high margins
Road freight transport performance is best in Africa but still expensive by global standards
Corridors are almost entirely paved and in reasonable condition
High levels of traffic concentrated mainly along the corridors that connect to Durban
Some alternatives to Durban apparently look quite interesting as export routes
Delays at borders greatly slow down speed of road transit • Journey of 3,000 kilometers from Lusaka to Durban takes 8 days • 4 days of travel time • 4 days spent at border crossings. • Though trucks run at 50-60 kms/hr effective speed is no more than 12 kms/hr • Cost of delays for an eight axle interlink truck estimated at US$300/day (or US$50 mn/yr)
Key Message #4 Southern Africa’s regional road network generally very good, with only couple of exceptions
Network generally in reasonable condition except for stretches in DRC, Zambia
Traffic flows visibly concentrated on north-south axis with much less on east-west
Very strong performance on regional roads across SADC with few exceptions
Key Message #5 Southern Africa enjoys extensive regional rail network but border crossings remain problematic
Interconnection of seven national rail networks creates an extensive regional network
Southern African railways generally perform relatively well (with some notable exceptions)
Most railways outside South Africa and Zimbabwe are only lightly used
Tardy locomotive exchange at borders greatly slows down speed of rail transit • Journey of 3,000 kms from Kolwezi (DRC) to Durban (RSA) takes 38 days: • 9 days of travel time • 29 days associated with customs clearance and (primarily) loading and interchange • Though trains run at 25-30 kms/hr effective velocity is no more than 4 kms/hr • Cost of delays estimated at US$205 per day per freight wagon (or US$120mn/yr)
Key Message #6 Port of Durban plays a dominant role in regional trading patterns
Despite numerous ports traffic highly concentrated in Durban
Southern African ports though best in Africa lag global price and productivity benchmarks
Efficiency of ports in South Africa and Namibia far above rest but costs are high
Key Message #7 Relatively advanced air transport market despite slower market liberalization
Southern Africa records high usage and air transport connectivity
Steady increase in air transport internal to SADC region
Southern Africa plays a dominant role in the top few air transport routes in Africa
Regional air traffic heavily concentrated on routes from South Africa to Zambia
All countries have relatively frequent connectivity with South Africa
Aircraft fleet has shifted towards mid-sized planes rather than smaller planes as elsewhere
Southern Africa has made very limited progress with air transport liberalization
South African Airlines has significantly lost market share to subsidiaries and other players
Air safety standards in Southern Africa vary substantially across countries
There has been a renewal of the aircraft fleet over the last few years
Key Message #8 Regional power trade could save SAPP area US$1 bn pa (and 40 million tons of CO2)
Regional power transmission network already relatively advanced in SAPP area
SADC has highest availability of power and is relatively efficient, despite which access is low
SAPP was doing relatively well at meeting power demand as of 2005
Deepening regional power trade saves SAPP $1.1 billion annually