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Significant Numbers

Significant Numbers. Int 2. Significant Numbers. Using Standard form. www.mathsrevision.com. Int 2. Starter. www.mathsrevision.com. Significant Numbers. Int 2. Learning Intention. Success Criteria. To know the meaning of significant number. To understand the

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Significant Numbers

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  1. Significant Numbers Int 2 Significant Numbers Using Standard form www.mathsrevision.com

  2. Int 2 Starter www.mathsrevision.com

  3. Significant Numbers Int 2 Learning Intention Success Criteria • To know the meaning of significant number. • To understand the • term significant numbers for decimals and whole numbers. • Apply knowledge to problems. www.mathsrevision.com

  4. Significant Numbers Int 2 • In mathematics a figure or digit is significant • if it gives an idea of both: • Quantity • Accuracy www.mathsrevision.com It is similar to rounding and all to do with zero’s

  5. Significant Numbers Int 2 Decimal numbers What is the first rule? 0.04 1 significant figures 0’s at the beginning DON’T count 0.37 2 significant figures What is the second rule? 1.04 3 significant figures www.mathsrevision.com 0’s in the middle DO count 0.306 3 significant figures What is the third rule? 1.30 3 significant figures 0’s a the end DO count 0.90 2 significant figures

  6. Significant Numbers Int 2 Easy rule : Just remember 0’s at the beginning DON’T count Exercise : Round to 2 sig figures 55.24 55 1.24 1.2 12.307 12 2.307 2.3 www.mathsrevision.com 0.08445 0.084 0.445 0.45 0.00106 0.0011 0.0162 0.016 0.030467 0.030 0.003398 0.0034 0.0503990 0.050 0.0103290 0.010

  7. Significant Numbers Int 2 Whole Numbers What is the rule 106 3 significant figures 0’s in the middle DO count 9087 4 significant figures 0’s at the end MAY or MAY NOT count depending on the question. 360 ? 2 / 3 significant figures www.mathsrevision.com There are 360 degrees in a circle. 3 significant figures 2 significant figures 358 to the nearest ten is 360.

  8. Significant Numbers Int 2 Easy rule : 0’s at the end MAY or MAY NOT count Exercise : Round to 2 sig figures 55 55 15030 15000 1094 1100 230 230 www.mathsrevision.com 445 450 17693 18000 50298 50000 135 140 10000 10000 1378409 1400000 314 310 1155 1200

  9. Significant Numbers Int 2 Now try MIA Ex 1 Ch16 (page 3) www.mathsrevision.com

  10. Int 2 Starter www.mathsrevision.com

  11. Significant Numbers Int 2 Learning Intention Success Criteria • Convert between and normal form and scientific notation. • Work with a calculator to solve problems to specific significant figures. Also convert between normal form and scientific notation. • Use calculator to work problems to a specific significant figures. www.mathsrevision.com

  12. Significant Numbers Int 2 Standard Form / Scientific Notation Normal mode 1 ≤ a < 10 n = Integer Number 2001 4 Sig. fig. www.mathsrevision.com 0.056 2 Sig. fig. 564.7 4 Sig. fig. Standard form always indicates the number of significant figures

  13. Significant Numbers Int 2 Now try MIA Ex 2 Ch1 (page 5) www.mathsrevision.com

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