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EarthCube Solicitation Update

3/13/2013 Eva Zanzerkia, Barbara Ransom, Irene Lombardo, Leonard Pace Lisa Boush, Bob Chadduck, Mark Suskin. EarthCube Solicitation Update. Content. ANT Glaciology. NCAR. Paleo-Climate. Petrology Geochemistry. Solar Terrestial. ANT Astro & Geospace. Tectonics.

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EarthCube Solicitation Update

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  1. 3/13/2013 Eva Zanzerkia, Barbara Ransom, Irene Lombardo, Leonard Pace Lisa Boush, Bob Chadduck, Mark Suskin EarthCube Solicitation Update

  2. Content

  3. ANT Glaciology NCAR Paleo-Climate Petrology Geochemistry Solar Terrestial ANTAstro & Geospace Tectonics EarthCube Supports the Geosciences EAR Ed. Atm. Chemistry Aeronomy • climate change • deep – surface earth • Interactions & feedbacks • environmental • change & resilience • the origin of life • human-earth interactions • extreme events – causes, periodicity, & implications • formation & evolution • of the atmosphere & oceans • resource discovery & abundance • geohazards • continental evolution & changes through time EarthScope ANTEarth Sciences Phy. & Dyn Met. Geophysics Clm & Large Scale Dyn IES Magneto-spheric Phys. ARC Natural Sciences Hydrology ARC Sys Science (ARCSS) Geobio & Low Temp Geochem Sediment Geology and Paleobio ARC Obs. Network (AON) EarthCube CI Geomomorphology & land use dyn ARC Social Sciences PhysOcean Biological Infrastructure ANTOcean & Atm. Sci. Envir. Biology GeoPRISM OOI Software Emerging Frontiers (BIO) High Perf Computing OceanDrilling Biological Ocean Marine Geology & Geo-phys Networks OCE ED ANTOrganisms & Ecosys. Chem Ocean Data

  4. • Transform the conduct of geosciences research with the next generation CI . • Create effective community-driven cyberinfrastructure. • Enable global data discovery within the geosciences • Achieve interoperability and data integration across disciplines. EarthCube Vision http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/ eop/ostp/library/publicaccesspolicy Federal Science Agencies You

  5. DataOne The EarthCube Strategy CUASHI Unidata • The process must • Engage all stakeholders: Geosciences end-users • Geosciences and CI facilities • CI and Computer Science specialists • EarthCube built on existing resources, understanding that different geosciences communities are not uniformly served • Build EarthCube iteratively, with community input and assessment in yearly intervals NCAR IEDA IRIS OOI

  6. Geoscientists FY13 Themes: Engage Stakeholders Academic Researchers Geosciences Facilities Students Industry • Governance • Community • Engagement Geo-ed Computer Scientists • Architecture • Resource • Leveraging Geosciences Cyberinfrastructure CI Experts Builders CI Resources Data Providers

  7. EarthCube Amendment I • Governance • March 26 deadline • Test Enterprise Governance • 1 award; ~2yrs; $2m-$3m • EarthCube Research Coordination Networks • 4-6 awards; 2yrs; $300k • Community • Engagement

  8. Governance Test Enterprise Governance • Two stage process • Facilitate the creation of a terms of reference engaging the appropriate organizations and people • Demonstrate the terms of reference • Coordinate, organize and set priorities for a complex set of activities that will change over time • http://www.nsf.gov/geo/earthcube/docs/EarthCubeGovernanceFramework.pdf • http://www.nsf.gov/geo/earthcube/docs/EarthCubeGovernanceRoadmap.pdf

  9. Community • Engagement Research Coordination Networks • Planning activity for geosciences communities • Shared resources • Representative plans for needed CI • Data/CI standards • Multi-disciplinary is preferred • Communication and Participation Required • Not designed for defined groups to plan or build specific CI RCN • Geoscientists • RCN Output Steering Committee; Coordination Activities; Collaborations

  10. EarthCube Amendment II • Resource • Leveraging • May 22 deadline • Building Blocks • 4-6 awards; 2yrs; up to$2m • Conceptual Designs • 3-5 awards; 2yrs; $300k • Architecture

  11. Resource • Leveraging Input from EC, end-users, architecture Building Blocks Initial integration of current resources Next Building Blocks Stage 2 Outcomes • Demo utility to geosciences communities within 24 months • How does the approach extend and fit into “ecosystem” Proposals must • Have credible links to end-users geosciences communities—not just a subset • Motivate how the solution might be broadly applied across ALL geosciences community

  12. Resource • Leveraging Building Blocks Serving more than one domain and recognized community organizations Not all cyberinfrastructure projects are appropriate for this opportunity. What do you do? Several opportunities for those committed to participating in the spirit of EarthCube. CONTACT YOUR PROGRAM DIRECTOR

  13. Architecture Conceptual Designs Initial planning for Enterprise Architecture • CI Architecture Teams • Understand the landscape of existing resources • Consider innovative designs for an evolving system • Output Conceptual Design Reports • Engage end users • Presented to other EarthCubers • Discussion about different approaches • Phased Approach Software Stogare Communities Networks Compute,

  14. How Will It All Fit Together:Phased Approach NSF Review Community- Run Status Assessment

  15. How Will It All Fit Together:Participation • Participation is a requirement for each award. • Managing this requirement • Understand there is uncertainty • Does your project organization accommodate meetings, other interactions? • How well do you understand end-users and the groups that serve them? • Point you to the right solicitation(s) CONTACT YOUR PROGRAM DIRECTOR

  16. Questions and Comments? earthcube@nsf.gov

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