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Life in Mary queen of scots

Life in Mary queen of scots. By Eren Tum. This is Mary queen of scots. who likes Marys dad. Marys dad was so rich. he was the king of Scotland. his people did like him. The poor and rich.

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Life in Mary queen of scots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life in Mary queen of scots By Eren Tum

  2. This is Mary queen of scots.

  3. who likes Marys dad Marys dad was so rich. he was the king of Scotland. his people did like him .

  4. The poor and rich People in that time were helpful. The rich people had very posh clothes. Poor people didn’t have that bad clothes. Rich people ate lots of food there was lots of left overs. The poor people didn’t have that much food.

  5. Houses of the poor and rich The rich lived in castle and lots posh places. The poor where not like that they lived in very soft houses. The houses will often brake. The rich people had workers to clean the castle and do all of the things to. The poor didn’t have workers because they cant give money to them.

  6. Kings and queen People in that time think that kings are stronger. but in the time we live in every body is strong now. So this can be like Mary queen of scots story people first liked her but then did not like her that much but then they just liked her.

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