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Erongo & Southern Kunene regions update 9 th February 2005

Erongo & Southern Kunene regions update 9 th February 2005. Institutional Development. Assist with the development of functional institutional management structures and communication strategies within conservancies.

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Erongo & Southern Kunene regions update 9 th February 2005

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  1. Erongo & Southern Kunene regions update9th February 2005

  2. Institutional Development • Assist with the development of functional institutional management structures and communication strategies within conservancies. • Key administrative tools such as Financial, Assets, Staff and Vehicle policies were developed and are in place • Support building the institutional capacity of /Audi emerging Conservancy - Application submitted to MET • Assisted Otjimboyo conservancy to officially launch their conservancy

  3. Held a Networking Workshop for three conservancies where experiences and innovative ideas were shared • Secure money for Otjimboyo conservancy office construction • Support Uibasen to develop a BDP

  4. Institution conti. • HIV and AIDS Sub-committees and Peer Educators Groups were established within conservancies • Jointly with NACSO, conduct a weeklong intensive training for HIV and AIDS Peer Educators • Training: Team building, Financial management, Leadership/governance

  5. Natural Resource Mgt. • Event book system and audit • Support Otjimboyo & Tsiseb with the development of their NR Management and utilization plans • Conduct monthly fixed route game counts in Doro!nawas, Tsiseb and Otjimboyo, synchronized with joint patrol

  6. NRM conti. • Continue to assist and facilitate trophy hunting operation in Tsiseb and Doro!nawas • Secured funds for CGGs system transformation – Pilot satellite camp • Support Doro Nawas to secure funds for combating off-road driving.

  7. NRM conti. • Conduct annual game count • Facilitated trophy hunting agreements between trophy hunters and conservancies • Assist with the development of shoot and sell contract

  8. Enterprise Dev. • Coordinate the facilitation of Tourism Awareness training workshop for conservancies • Support joint management structure between investors and conservancies to ensure effective management and monitoring of the enterprises in the interest of both parties E.g.Tsiseb and Brandberg White Lady Lodge

  9. Enterprise conti. • RISE Namibia is an active member of the Joint Management Committee of the National Heritage site • Supported Tsiseb conservancy to secure funds (N$12000.00) from SRT • Offered Training on Business management (Daureb craft, Mountain guides, Petrified Forest, Otjimboyo, Audi, Tsiseb and Doro! Nawas)

  10. Constrains • Lack of continuity of conservancies operation – Lack of management succession plans and skills transfer • Resources and capacity stretch due to neighboring conservancies calls (e.g. Ohungu, Blaufes and Spitzkoppe conservancies) • Literacy level leads to poor contracts management (Size, technical jargons)

  11. Constrains conti. • There is a great need for Windhoek based NGOs to consult when going in the field and inform local based organizations on pledge they made. • Lack of inter-ministerial policies coordination (Environment VS Mining)

  12. Key Lesson Learned • The is a need for conservancy to move from Welfare operational principles to business sense • The paradigm of wildlife conservation and tourism is good but not enough to support rural livelihood, therefore there is need for us to focus towards integrated resources management

  13. Major Activities Planned for 2005 The Road Ahead

  14. Major Activities Planned for 2005 • Develop operational framework for conservancies • Render interpersonal relation skills training (Leadership skills, Labour issues, Conflict management and Negotiation skills workshops) • Organizational development and management training (Understanding organization, human resources mgt, meetings procedures)

  15. Activities conti. • Conduct business feasibility studies (opportunities outside traditional CBNRM enterprises) • Conduct business administration and management training (Bookkeeping, business management, contract management)

  16. Activities conti. • Establish tailor made Saving and Credit Schemes • Explore different options of dividend distribution in conservancies towards livelihoods activities

  17. Assist conservancies to develop Management and Utilization Plans (MUP) • Conduct strategic wildlife management training (Zonation, Human-wildlife conflict management, Sustainable use of NR, CGG Law enforcement)

  18. Assist conservancies to develop an effective Monitoring and Evaluation system on NRM • Conduct Game counts • Assist conservancies to develop broader based strategies on HIV and AIDS awareness.

  19. Attend workshops, courses and study visits that will equip and empower RISE staff

  20. Thank You

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