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My e-portfolio. 5th Year “B” Suipacha Milagros Claudel. my opinion.
My e-portfolio • 5th Year “B” • Suipacha • Milagros Claudel
my opinion • Workingwith a “Portfolio” wasinteresting , itwas a little bit hardfor me initially, because I neededtochooseactivitiesthatwehave done throughouttheyear. Thisactiviteswerenot done withthe use of the net. So, ourteachersuggestedustoselectthethemewelikedmost, and includein itsomegrammarpoints. Itwascool!
1. “chef ” • He is responsible for everything that happens in the kitchen. He monitors employees, prepare letters, work together with the manager of the restaurant for the purchase of products and logistics, teaching new members and health care issues.
cook • He prepares and controls the cooking of the dishes in a station. Something like a team keeper. They are also the junior and apprentice chef, young talents who are just taking their first steps, absorbing skills and knowledge of the kitchen watching their peers.
dishwasher The one who cleans the dishes and cutlery in order to leave them ready for reuse. Something like the figure of the physiotherapist. Then there is the Saucier. Its role is to add more flavor to a dish by preparing different sauces. Something like the little ingredients that brings a team hitch.
entremetier • is being conducted by the preparation of all dishes that are within the category of entries, first approach diners with a proposed restaurant. Something like a team defense. The wildcard Tournant is moving around the kitchen in an emergency to attend to any of the others in the kitchen.
Patissier • who is in charge of the desserts and all the preparation that includes sweet for a grand finale.
Grammarpoints: PresentPassive. Thisexercisewas: Quite difficult. 1. Thepurchase of productsis done bythe chef. 2. Thecooking of dishesispreparedbythecook. 3. Thecutlery and dishesare washedbythedishwasher 4. Thepreparation of alltheentriesisconductedbytheentremetier.
Giveyouropinion and makecomparisons Thisexercisewas: Alsodifficult, uhhh! • From my pointof view, cookingdishesis more interestingthandoingthewashing up. 2. I thinkthat, preparingdifferent sauces is more difficultthanwashingthecutlery. Theend………
Choose a profession and re writethechossingparagraphusingsequences (first, then, next, finally) Thisexercisewas: Difficulttoo! First, the dishwasher cleans the dishes and cutler. Then, he dries the dishes and cutler with a cloth. Next, he puts the them in their place and finally , the work is done!