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Batch 050112_TEC6D. Batch 050119_TIB6PD. Batch 050201_TOB6PU. Batch 050209_TOB6PU. Batch 050216_TOB4PU. Batch 050223_TIB6SU. Batch 050303_TOB6PU. Batch 050310_TEC4U. Batch 050310_TEC6D. Batch 050310_TEC6U. Batch 050317_TOB6PU. Batch 050324_TOB6PU. Batch 050331_TEC4U.
Batch 050331_TEC4U (Batch 050408_TIB4PU not done yet)
Mean values for Pulltest in blue : wire 1 in green : wire 2 in red : mean For comparison : The same plot for the 2003/2004 batches
First (and fast ) studies : - The value are a little bit higher in 2005 compare to 2004 - The shape of the distribution tends to enlarge after march 10 (already reported) - It seems that atfer march 24, the distributions for wire 1 and wire 2 are more separated. - Something append between march 3 and march 10, (distribution clearly differents), - culminate with batch 050317_TOB6PU (lift off, craters) - Something else append after march 17 (increase of mean values) It is difficult to evaluate if the cratering problem is in any way related to the pull test values, It may be interesting to know if CICOREL did something around these dates about the gold plating, or / and if HSA had to modify the bonding parameters