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SEO on page

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  1. AUDIT REPORT ON-PAGESEOAUDITREPORT ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Meta-title is wrong/ right .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2. Meta-description is wrong/ right. ................................................................................................................. 4 1.3. H1 tag is wrong ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4. Image Alt Text / Attribute is wrong ............................................................................................................... 4 1.5. Canonical Tag is wrong ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.6. Redirect is wrong ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.7. Robot .txt is wrong/right. .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.8. XML Sitemap is wrong/right.......................................................................................................................... 6 1.9. Analytics is wrong/right ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.10. Search Console is wrong /right .................................................................................................................... 7 1.11. Colonial Tags is wrong / right...................................................................................................................... 8 1.12. Speed is wrong / right / normal. Attach Screenshot. .................................................................................. 8 1.13. Mobile Friendly is right. ............................................................................................................................. 10 1.14. Responsive Design is right/wrong ............................................................................................................. 10 1.15. Schema markup is wrong/right ................................................................................................................. 10 1.16. Rich Page Test is right/wrong ................................................................................................................... 11 1.17. DAPA, DA is 3, PA is 1, SS is 1% ................................................................................................................. 11 1.18. Domain Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 11

  2. Tools Links Description 1 SeoSite Checkup https://seositecheckup.com/analysis 2 SeOptimer https://www.seoptimer.com/ 3 SeoAnalyserme https://seoanalyzer.me/ It gives many factors of Site. It gives many factors of Site. It is a free site and it will give whole audit report. It gives 20 to 30 searches. You will have to extract every factor. It checks the speed of site. It is a Google’s tool. Checks responsiveness of site. It gives a number to site (mobile and desktop) It is responsive testing tool which gives responsive according to every device. Checks Structure of website. 4 Page Speed insight https://pagespeed.web.dev/ 5 Mobile friendly Test https://search.google.com/test/mobile- friendly 6 Rich Results Test https://search.google.com/test/rich-results 7 Responsive Design Checker (Media Genesis) https://responsivedesignchecker.com/ 8 Google Search Central Structured data Schema markup validator. 9 DAPA Checker https://validator.schema.org/ https://websiteseochecker.com/bulk-check- page-authority/ It is marks given by google in reward of good seo. Checks the traffic of website. Google database. 10 Analytics google https://analytics.google.com/ https://search.google.com/search- console/about https://totheweb.com/learning_center/tool- test-google-title-meta-description-lengths/ 11 Search Google Console 12 TotheWeb Checks Page Title, Meta Description and gives mobile/desktop preview of both.

  3. ON-PAGE SEO AUDIT REPORT RED ARROW is from writing instructions and GREEN LEAF is for steps to solve on page Seo → For audit you will only need url of a Site. → Do not change sequence of tools → When you will make audit report only use home page url (main domain) like www.youtube.com → BOLD: “What to write in Audit Report” → Page/website/post/blog/product have same seo optimization steps like meta title, meta description and page optimization.   Go to Settings then to Reading and then to Search Engine Visibility. It should be ticked as it prevents google crawlers to index it.   Go to Plugin and Search SEO YOAST by Team Yoast and activate it, never update Seo Yoast or any plugin.   Make an excel sheet that contains all the data of Seo steps. Like this sheet: SEO STEPS   Go to POST EDIT and start its seo   Check indexing of website, search in google like this - site: website.com   Check why SEO is not working by going to SEO Analysis in WordPress dashboard. 1.1.Meta-title is wrong/ right → https://seositecheckup.com/analysis → https://www.seoptimer.com/ → Meta-title should be from 45 to 50 Characters. →         description.   Google does not know special chars. Go to TotheWeb. It is length checker which tells length in pixels as google understands pixels. Page titles should be around 580 pixels in length. Use only one keyword (long tail or short tail it does not matter) for meta title and Only one keyword is targeted per page/blog/post/product.

  4.   For meta-title do not use any characters like dot and comma. 1.2.Meta-description is wrong/ right. → https://seositecheckup.com/analysis → https://www.seoptimer.com/ → Meta-description should be from 145 to 150 Characters. →   Google does not know special chars Meta descriptions should be around 920 pixels in length. 1.3.H1 tag is wrong → https://seositecheckup.com/analysis → https://www.seoptimer.com/ → H1 tag is always wrong because you will have to do keyword research and optimize it as google reads all the headings first. → Use keyword in H1 Tag → H1 Tag occurs 1 time in page. → H2 Tag occurs 2 time in page. → H3 Tag occurs 3 time in page. → Heading tag occurs corresponding to number of tags. → H1 tag is the most important factor after meta title. → Do not use short tail keyword in H1 → It will have long-tail keyword (secondary keyword) → Prevent keyword stuffing → Do not use keyword in H2 1.4.Image Alt Text / Attribute is wrong → https://seositecheckup.com/analysis → https://www.seoptimer.com/ → Image Alt Text / Attribute is always wrong because you will have to do keyword research and optimize it as second number of searches are done by images.

  5. 1.5.Canonical Tag is wrong → https://seositecheckup.com/analysis → https://www.seoptimer.com/ → It is always wrong → It is duplication of url. → Google does not allow two url. → It is like www.abc.com/def and www.abc.com/hij 1.6.Redirect is wrong → You can check if redirect is wrong or right by adding a wrong url to site. For example, www.abc.com/def and www.abc.com/hij are correct (pages exists in a site) but if you write www.abc.com/167 and it gives 404 error and does not redirect to home page then it is wrong. → If 404 error is showing then redirect is wrong, it is also called “Custom 404 Page”. → Redirect is right if site goes to home page when a wrong url is given. 1.7.Robot .txt is wrong/right. Check if all the four steps (lines) of robot.txt are followed then it is right otherwise wrong. → You can check it by writing homepage url with robots.txt. Example, www.abc.com/robots.txt → It allows user or google to enter a site; it is the door of website it is used to allow or disallow google to crawl any page. → Google's crawlers (google bot) enters from * (which shows all search engines Search engine's symbols).   These three lines are must in robots.txt. User-agent: Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajaxphp   SEO Yoast to Tools to File editor   For core/html site - write this text in notepad, save it is robots.txt. Go to manage and upload file into public. Html

  6. Do not show your robots.txt to your competitor. 1.8.XML Sitemap is wrong/right → If it gives blank /homepage, then it is wrong otherwise right. → Google understands XML → We can delete & add sitemap’s pages. → Without sitemap, site will index in google but it won't be proper indexing. → URL to check sitemap www.abc.com/sitemap.xml → Without sitemap.xml, robots.txt only works 80% → html and WordPress sitemap links are different → It will automatically update sitemap. → Only give submit one sitemap. →   T: Seo Site Checker (Sitemap Checker) Plugin - Install plugins →Add new → Seo Yoast → General → Features → Sitemap ? → See the sitemap   Search console → Add property → Sitemap → Submit →     →   HTML Sitemap Shopify or any other Download Notepad++ Take website link T: XM-sitemaps.com. (or use any other tool) Generate site map → Paste to notepad → Save as sitemap.xml → Upload sitemap TO hosting by these steps:   File manager → public_html → upload sitemap.xml   To submit xml to search console → Sitemap → Submit 1.9.Analytics is wrong/right → https://analytics.google.com/ → Google says if you connect analytics with site then I will give you ranking → Andytics.google.com

  7. If your website is old, then ask the client if he has analytics you will ask for access by giving your mail. If not, then make one. → It is good for google indexing. →   It is ranking signal. Go to Google Analytics → Start → Name of site → All ticks → Next → Property name site → Select the country which website will rank; currency does not matter → next → small → Create → Do not change US → Accept → Web → Copywrite → Stream name → Create →Add new page tag → copy code.   1ST METHOD --- Go to Site Dashboard → Appearance→ File editor → Theme header → Paste code in Header after last line (in end) → Update file.   2ND METHOD --- Go to site dashboard → Add new plugin → WP Code by WP Code → Code snippets → wp code → Paste code in Header after last line (in end) → Save.     Go to Analytics home You can add in analytics properties 1.10.Search Console is wrong /right → https://search.google.com/search-console/about → Website will enter in Google’s database/server from search console. → Google console can be down then will use blackhead techniques. → Get its access as analytics, ask the client if he has Google search console then you will ask for access by giving your mail. If not, then make one. → It also fixes performance issues. → Types of Traffic --- Direct Traffic (when it opens directly from search) – PPC - Organic Traffic (according to keyword) - Social Traffic (links in bio) → Check if site is indexed: these results are only shown when site is entered in console. → If site is Showing ask client for console access or make a new one. →   Jab the queries nhi aati tab the site rank nhi hoti On before the indexing / enable search engine visibility before using search console.

  8.   Start → URL Prefix → Continue → HTML Tag → Copy → Site Dashboard → WP Code → Paste code in Header after last line (in end) → Save → Console → Verify → Go to property → Start → COVERAGE ISSUE --- Broken Pages or issue are shown in console, its error must be zero 0. It is called "Cancer". → 404 Error – solve this yourselves → Soft 404 – developer will solve this → 500 or 502 Error – server error. You can't solve it. Send it to developer. →     Error: => Indexed, through block by robots.txt (Dis-allow from robots.txt) REMOVAL --- If you remove page from google database but it will be available on site. If you delete it on site, remove it on search console. 1.11.Colonial Tags is wrong / right. → Google calls its duplication →   copy paste krna hai Google accidently adds more url when you index a url it is colonial tag issue. <link rel="cononical" href "https://abc.com/fgdfhhdf> jo link index karana hai wo url →   It works on one page only which it is implemented. Solve it for home page --- Now go to wp dashboard → Go to Code Snippets → Headers and footers → Paste code in last of header → Save   Solve to for any page --- Copy correct url for page to paste in headers of page → Give it to developer       Go to wp dashboard Install Plugin Redirection by John Goodley T: MOZ (for Checking Cononical), Mor Pro Link Exploser Go to wp dashboard 7 Install Plugin? Redirection by ghi Devay, 1.12.Speed is wrong / right / normal. Attach Screenshot. → https://pagespeed.web.dev/ → Red: 0-49 –Very low, dangerous not good.

  9. Yellow: 50-89 – You have not worked on this factor you are average. You are not good or bad. → Green: 90-100 – Top speed. → You will ask developer to increase site's speed. → Verify from this tool because this tool is Google’s tool. → GTMETRIX: https://gtmetrix.com/ Only give result of this site to client. You can change servers at sign up. It will show site according to country. It will tell in which country site will open with how much time. If client is in China. and wants to work in USA. You can check Speed of site in USA regardless of where you are sitting. → It is ok on mobile and desktop. → Sile speed is down/low ask developer. → Google asks 3 seconds but allows 5 seconds. → Speed should be 70+ Mobile and Desktop → Google has mobile first indexing. → T: Solar Winds Pingdom (Other countries). It also shows issues. These all steps are different options in a category.   Open Admin Dashboard → Install 1st Plugin → Swift by SWTE → Activate   Auto Config → Start (It will auto optimize site) → Next (if it has any cross leave it) → Swift Performance setting → Advance View → Google Analytics → On Bypass   Tracking ID from Analytics → on Delay Collect → Media → Images → On lazy loading → On Respect lazyload Standards → On inline lazy load images→ On Gravatar Chache → Gravatar Chache expiry (1 week)   Media Embeds → On lazy loading iframes → Respect lazyload standards   Optimization → On optimize → Prebuild → On Prefetch DNS   Scripts → On Merge Scripts → On Exclude Script localizations → Minify JavaScript   Styles → Generate Critical CSS → Print Critical CSS inline → Bypass CSS import   HTML → Fix invalid HTML Minify HTML   Caching → Enable Cache → Early loader → Enable browser cache → Enable Gzip

  10.   Tweaks Ajax Expifys → Strict host → Exclude author pages → Exclude Rest URL's → Exclude Feed             Warmup → Prebuild Archive → Prebuild Terms Plugins → Lazy Loading YouTube video CDN → Enable CDN SAVE CHANGES Install 2nd plugin → A3 Lazy load by a3rev → Activate → Clear All cache Install 3rd Plugin → wpcache by Emre Vona → Active → Clear All cache 1.13.Mobile Friendly is right. → https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly → It will be 99% right because all sites are made on CMS/WordPress etc. → It will be 1% wrong. If it is then you will ask developer to correct it. → It is most important tool which does full QA of site 1.14.Responsive Design is right/wrong → https://responsivedesignchecker.com/ → You will add screenshots of this → You will ask developer to correct responsiveness. → Only check main device’s responsiveness. → Must check GOOGLE PIXEL responsiveness. 1.15.Schema markup is wrong/right → https://validator.schema.org/ → If error and warnings are zero then it's right. → If error and warnings is 1 or more it is wrong. →     https://technicalseo.com/tools/schema-markup-generator/ It gives readable Data for crawler. It gives all the information about you on one place Check and validate Schema using https://validator.schema.org/ Make Schema using Technical Seo.com Markup Generator:

  11.   Select Article (always) → Add things → Copy code → Test Code with https://validator.schema.org/ 1.16.Rich Page Test is right/wrong → https://search.google.com/test/rich-results → Check it on desktop and smartphone. → This test gives results implemented on page SEO. → If you do not pass this test you have to again optimize every page. → If you optimize 20 to 30 pages of ecommerce site’s indexed pages then you will pass test. 1.17.DAPA, DA is 3, PA is 1, SS is 1% → https://websiteseochecker.com/bulk-check-page-authority/ → Add screenshot. → Check DA, PA, Spam Score (SS). → DAPA will increase when you will add backlinks 1.18.Domain Overview → https://www.semrush.com/ → Must add Screenshot of SEMrush Domain Overview. → If backlinks are increasing then Seo is going well.

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