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CAESAR AUGUSTUS AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Unit 10. QUIZ on OCTAVIAN READING. 1. Who were the two men vying for power following Caesar’s death? 2. Who did Cicero support, Octavian or Antony? 3. Who made up the “Second Triumvirate”? 4. Over time, who did Antony rely more heavily upon?
QUIZ on OCTAVIAN READING • 1. Who were the two men vying for power following Caesar’s death? • 2. Who did Cicero support, Octavian or Antony? • 3. Who made up the “Second Triumvirate”? • 4. Over time, who did Antony rely more heavily upon? • 5. T/F: Julius Caesar had a son
Slides 1-8 Quiz • 1. Cicero wrote the Philippics, which were speeches against ____________. 2. When Cicero said the Ides of March was a “deed half done”, he was telling the Roman people they needed to also kill ______________. 3. Name one problem with the murder plot on March 15th.
SLIDES 8-14 QUIZ • 1. Following Caesar’s death, who controlled his wealth? • 2. Who was Octavian’s best friend?
Slides 14-19 Quiz • 1. Antony wanted to take over what region following the Caesar’s death? • 2. Name one person who died during the Battle of Philippi
Slides 20-24 Quiz • 1. What region did Antony travel to when he realized he was desperate for money? • 2. When Antony needed to reform his alliance with Octavian, who did he decide to marry?
PROBLEMS WITH THE Murder Plot • 1. They had no plans to prepare for the transition of power. • 2. They allowed Antony to live • “The Ides of March was a fine deed, but half done” - Cicero • 3. They misjudged the public’s reaction • Many of Caesar’s soldiers were in Rome during the Idea of March to “see Caesar off” to Parthia…
TRANSITION AFTER CAESAR’S DEATH • What effective arguments did Antony pose? • What was Antony’s plan moving forward? • Why was it in his best interest? • Why did they not want to kill Antony? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJvAHMtN04c
Aftermath of Caesar • Crowds did not support their plan • Why did they only kill Caesar and not Antony or anyone else? • Murderers given amnesty, dictatorship abolished • Caesar left a lot of his $ to the people of Rome. Brutus and Cassius are now Enemy #1! • Caesar names Octavian as his heir • This infuriates Antony! • Antony gives histrionic speech about Caesar’s assassination • Angry masses rioted, liberators had to flee the city • Cicero’s Philippics support Octavian • This will be something Cicero will come to regret…. • Why did Cicero want to throw his support behind Octavian?
Gaius Octavius • 63 B.C. – 14 A.D. • Fragile • Always sick, not physically strong • Seemed to never be involved in warfare…. • Extremely intelligent • Became best friends with Marcus Agrippa • Agrippa respected Octavian for his loyalty
Octavian • Barely knew Caesar • Left with Caesar’s wealth, but Antony controlled it… • Why would Octavian’s family try to convince him NOT to accept the adoption? • Took the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian • Antony broke off terms with the Senate
SICKLY octavian • Weak Liver • Kidney Stones • Didn’t like cold baths, would rather be rubbed with oil • Could not handle very hot or very cold weather • Catarrh • Weak left leg and left hip, walked with a limp • Shrunken and weak right index finger, had to wear a special ring to help him write • This poor health was often an excuse for Octavian to conveniently avoid the battlefield…
Octavian, both subtle and clever • Why did Octavian give away so much money? • Why was Antony furious with him? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw2qN62nGgc
CICERO AND MARC ANTONY • Why is Cicero hesitant to allow Antony to have Cisalpine Gaul? • Why wasn’t Cicero intimidated by Antony? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kac4T-9HkPI
Octavian And Antony • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BZyZ-__6z4
SECOND TRIUMVIRATE • Antony used his consulship to claim Cisapline Gaul • Octavian combines his forces with others to fight Antony • Stalemate, both consuls die and Octavian takes over the legions • Octavian works with Cicero to become consul • Antony and Octavian still hate each other…. • Oct. 43 B.C. - Antony, Lepidus and Octavian meet • Form the Second Triumvirate
Second triumvirate • Antony and Octavian begins proscriptions to try to gain wealth • Antony reviewed every proscribed head himself! • 1. Continued posting names • 2. Stole from safe deposit boxes in the Temple of Vesta • 3. Taxed the Roman people! • Brutus and Cassius set up defenses at Philippi
Death of cicero • HBO Rome: Season 2, Episode 6 • Proscriptions: 3:05 – 6:00 • Cicero’s Death: 16:24 – 22:45
Marcus vipsaniusagrippa • 64 B.C. – 12 B.C. • Best friend of Octavian • Led military forces throughout Octavian’s career • Later married Octavian’s sister, Octavia
Battle of philippi • Brutus’ Body: • Antony covers it with a general’s cloak • Octavian cuts his head off and has it thrown at the feet of the a statue of Caesar…. • 42 B.C. • Antony and Octavian land in Greece • Antony leads force through mud to surprise Cassius and Brutus • Brutus and Cassius both die • “The last of the Romans” – Marcus Brutus • Pinnacle of Mark Antony’s Career
Battle of philippi • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_hgcC2NFwo
Aftermath of Philippi • Power resides fully in only 3 men • But none of them actually wanted to rule with each other! • Antony goes East, while Octavian is trying to govern Rome • Why don’t Octavian and Antony have money from victory? • What is the inevitable problem that will emerge? • Antony given power in the East, Octavian in the West (except Gaul – that is still Antony’s) • Where did Antony want to invade? Why? • Octavian arbitrarily settled soldiers throughout Rome
Fall of the Triumvirate…? • Sextus Pompey blockades Rome • Antony styled himself as the new incarnation of Dionysus • What does Dionysus represent? • Antony is broke, looks toward Egypt and Cleopatra • Antony and Cleopatra have twins • http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/cleopatras-twin-babies-120420.htm • Antony’s brother and sister try to rebel against Octavian • Octavian defeated the enemy forces • Why would this military victory be important for Octavian?
Antony and Cleopatra meet What are the various motivations for Antony and Cleopatra? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gacl8v0etCI
Reconciliation • Octavian moves to Gaul; Antony gain allies in the South • Octavian and Antony’s forces meet at Brundisium • “What if they threw a war and no one showed up?” • Centurions told Antony and Octavian they refused to fight! • Mark Antony stay in the East, Octavian gets Gaul, Lepidus gets Africa. • Antony marries Octavia • Octavian divorces his wife Scribonia and marries Livia • Both of them were pregnant…..but that didn’t matter • BEGINS THE JULIO-CLAUDIAN DYNASTY!
DIVIDING ROME INTO THREE Why wasn’t Octavian originally satisfied with their division of the Roman Empire? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SFsAqqN7fU
Octavian and the west • 37 B.C. – Agrippa becomes consul; builds an enormous fleet • Octavian and Antony renew their alliance • 120 ships = 4 legions • Octavian doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain! • 36 B.C. – Battle of Naulochus – Octavian and Agrippa defeat Sextus Pompey • Lepidus leaves the triumvirate
Antony and the east • 35 B.C. - While marching to Parthia, a Parthian cavalry flanks his troops and burns down his baggage train • Antony had to return to Greece • Antony loses 25,000 of his 100,000 troops without ever fighting! • 34 B.C. – Antony holds a triumph in Egypt! • Begins to dress in Eastern clothes, take part in Eastern rituals • DONATIONS OF ALEXANDRIA: • Cleopatra – Queen of Kings • Caesarion – True heir to Rome • Antony was turning the Eastern Empire into his own!
War with Egypt • 33 B.C. – Octavian becomes consul; blames Antony for betraying Rome • Throughout 33 B.C. Octavian and Antony were involved in a war of words with each other • Second Triumvirate officially ends • Therefore, Antony has no power left • Octavian reveals his true colors, 1/3 of Senate fled to Alexandria • Octavian steals Antony’s will from the Temple of Vesta! • Requested to be buried in Alexandria • Left his estate to his illegitimate children • Caesarion is true heir to Rome • Octavian and the Senate declare war on Egypt!
Battle of Actium • 31 B.C. • Antony mobilizes forces to Greece • Makes Cleopatra co-general of the fleet….. • Docks fleet in Ambracian Gulf, didn’t want to invade Italy • Why not?? • Many men deserted Antony • They were infuriated with Cleopatra’s significant role in the battle • Sever malaria outbreak – made most of Antony’s ships undermanned!
BATTLE OF ACTIUM • Octavian/Agrippa: 250 galleys • Antony: 290 galleys • Anti-climactic • Hole opens up, Cleopatra, Antony and the treasury all escapes back to Egypt • Octavian invades Egypt in 30 B.C. • Antony and Cleopatra both commit suicide, leaving Egypt to Octavian
Deaths of Antony and Cleopatra • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X9ZpNQTXXg
Aftermath of the civil war • 31-27 B.C. – Octavian serves as consul • Erases ALL memory of Mark Antony • “Two Caesars is one too many” • Who is he referring to? What does this mean? • “Settlement of 27 B.C.” • Augustus tries to step down, Senate says no. • He is awarded huge imperium • Becomes tribune in perpetuity • During this settlement, Octavian is officially renamed Caesar Augustus • “Augustus” means “revered one”
Augustus’ reign • Augustus continued to become seriously sick throughout his life • Agrippa was his tentative replacement • Agrippa then marries Augustus’ daughter, Julia • 20 B.C. - Augustus gets Crassus’ legionary standards back! • This was a HUGE deal for the Romans, Augustus is beloved by the people
Augustus’ reign • Augustus was INCREDIBLY wealthy • How can this help him write laws and endear himself to the people? • Augustus invested lavishly and wildly • 18 B.C. – Augustus took census, birth rate on decline • People were being selfish and unfaithful • How does the memory of the Battle of Cannae resonate with this? • Augustus outlaws adultery! Penalty is death… • Augustus continues to expand his empire and look for a potential replacement • 12 B.C. – Agrippa falls ill and dies • Augustus is TOTALLY crushed • Why was Agrippa such a valuable ally for Augustus?
Augustus’ reign • Augustus forces Julia to marry Tiberius • Tiberius has become Augustus’ only option • But then Tiberius sailed for Rhodes and retired! • Julia is found out to be Rome’s most promiscuous citizen… • She is also exiled • Tiberius eventually is allowed to return to Rome
DISASTER AT TEUTOBURG • 9 A.D. • PubliusQuinctiliusVarus – Rome • Arminius – German • Arminius sets the trap • Not in formation; blindsided by the Germans • Varus loses 3 legions! • This was a HUGE shock to Rome, devastating Augustus “PubliusVarus, where are my legions?!” SHORT TERM: Leave Germany alone LONG TERM: Created a cultural divide between Germany and Rome
Battle of Teutoburg Forest • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDJjG8dQTtY • 1:03 - END