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Homeostatis and the Control of Temperature

Homeostatis and the Control of Temperature. By Adam & Lucy. What is it?. Homeostatis is the control of the internal environment Animals that can control it themselves are called warm-blooded Animals that cannot control it themsleves are called cold-blooded. What is it controlled by?.

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Homeostatis and the Control of Temperature

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homeostatis and the Control of Temperature By Adam & Lucy

  2. What is it? • Homeostatis is the control of the internal environment • Animals that can control it themselves are called warm-blooded • Animals that cannot control it themsleves are called cold-blooded

  3. What is it controlled by? • Thermoreceptors in the skin • Thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus • In humans - thermoregulatory centre in hypothalamus

  4. How is it controlled? • Thermoreceptors in the skin and hypothalamus detect when the internal temperature is too high or low • They send messages to the brain • Effectors then correct the problem • Controlled by a negative feedback system

  5. Temperature in the Body • The body’s internal temperature should be about 36.8°C • When the external temperature lowers, the human body shivers and blood vessels contract • When the external temperature rises, the human body sweats and blood vessels dilate

  6. Example:

  7. Other information • A fever is when the body temperature rises • In cold situations, frostbite can sometimes occur because the organs have more priority for the blood than limbs, so the blood flow is restricted to some parts of the body; also, tissues are damaged by the harsh cold conditions

  8. Bibliography • “Homeostatis” March, 2006, online <www.biologymad.com/resources/A2%20Homeostasis.pdf>

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