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Nutrition and Physical Activity

Learn about nutrients, diet, and healthy eating habits to optimize your body's performance and well-being. Understand the importance of balanced meals, nutrient-rich foods, and smart food choices for optimal health.

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Nutrition and Physical Activity

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  1. Nutrition and Physical Activity

  2. In this lesson, you will be able to • listthe nutrient groups your body needs to be healthy. • discussthe health benefits of good nutrition. • identifynutrient-rich foods. • analyzethe information on a Nutrition Facts label. • usethe USDA’s MyPyramid to make healthful food choices. • discussthe factors that determine a person’s nutrient needs. • identifyinfluences on food choices. • plannutritious meals. • describewhy eating a healthy breakfast is important. • choosehealthful snacks. • applyaccessing information skills to choosing healthful meals.

  3. Nutrients and Your Body Nutrition- The science that studies how the body makes use of the substances in food and how and why people eat the way they do. Using food as energy (5steps) • Your body needs energy • You become hungry • You eat • You feel satisfied • Your body uses more energy

  4. 3 things that food does for you: • Food gives your body the raw materials it needs to grow. • Eating is an enjoyable activity you can share with family and friends. • Food helps many people feel content and secure.

  5. Diet- Everything you regularly eat and drink. • Nutrients- The substances in food that your body needs.

  6. 6 categories of nutrients • Carbohydrates The starches and sugars found in foods • Main source of energy for your body. • Proteins • Essential for the growth and repair of body cells. • Fats • promotes normal growth, gives you energy, and keeps your skin healthy.Carry vitamins A, D, E, and K to all parts of the body. • Vitamins • Substances that help regulate body functions. • Minerals • Elements that help your body work properly. • Water

  7. Minerals

  8. Carries nutrientsto your cells Helps your bodyremove waste Helps you digestfood Helps regulateyour bodytemperature Water A person can only live about one week without water. Water

  9. What food group should you eat before a big game or competition and why? • Carbohydrates is the main source of energy for your body so you should eat foods high in complex carbohydrates from the grain food group before a big game or competition. Pasta, breads, and potatoes are good sources for carbohydrates.

  10. What is the most important meal of the day?????????? • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  11. WHY is breakfast the most important meal of the day???????

  12. Kids growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food.

  13. When kids skip breakfast, they can end up going for as long as 18 hours without food, and this period of semi-starvation can create a lot of physical, intellectual, and behavioral problems for them. THIS MEANS IT WOULD BE MORE DIFFICULT TO CONCENTRATE ON SCHOOL WORK AND YOU WOULD NOT PERFOM YOUR BEST …. MIND AND BODY

  14. Eating a wholesome, nutritious morning meal recharges your brain and your body, you'll be more efficient in just about everything you do.

  15. Skipping breakfast is strongly linked to the development of obesity. Skipping meals slows down the metabolism ….. The way your body turns food into energy …. Slow metabolism means weight gain

  16. Recommended Dietary Allowance: Guidelines for the amount of each nutrient to be eaten each day.

  17. Making Healthy Food Choices • Starch • The complex carbohydrate stored in potatoes, rice, wheat, and other plants. • Fiber • The tough, stringy part of raw fruits, raw vegetables, wheat, and other grains that you cannot digest. • Saturated Fats (fats that are solid at room temperature) • Fats mostly found in animal products such as milk, butter, egg yolks, and meat. • Over time, eating too many saturated fats can increase the risk of heart disease and other diseases. • Cholesterol • A wax like substance our bodies produce and need in small amounts ….. trans fatty acids increase cholesterol

  18. Reducing Fats, Cholesterol and Sodium • 3 ways to reduce sodium • Cut down on salty foods, including salty snacks, ketchup, mustard, and relish. • Eat less processed food, such as packages sandwich meat and canned soup or canned vegetables. • Read food labels and buy brands with less added sodium. • 4 ways to reduce saturated fats and cholesterol • Choose low-fat or nonfat milk and milk products • Avoid fried foods • Choose low-fat or nonfat desserts instead of baked goods. • Eat fish, skinless chicken, or lean meat.

  19. Reducing sugar consumption • Cut back on foods with added sugar. • Soft drinks, candy, baked goods, fruits canned in syrup • Calorie- A unit of heat that measures the energy available in foods.

  20. Make Smart Food Choices Eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. Choose to eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juices. Vary your vegetables and eat more of them. Half of the grains you eat should be whole grains. Eat enough calcium-rich foods. Eat a variety of protein-rich foods. Go easy on foods that are high in saturated fats. When you eat meat, choose lean cuts and dishes that are baked, broiled, or grilled.

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