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WGISS Connected Data Assets Update - Oct. 23, 2018

This update provides information on the status and registration of data assets in the WGISS Connected network, including reports, demonstrations, and future plans. It also outlines collaborations, improvements, and proposed initiatives for the federation.

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WGISS Connected Data Assets Update - Oct. 23, 2018

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  1. WGISS Connected Data Assets UpdateOct 23, 2018Yonsook Enloe

  2. Session Agenda • WGISS Connected Assets Status • CWIC Report • IDN Report • FedEO Update • European Partners’ Data Collections Registration • ESA Catalog Evolution • ESA TPM DatacubeDemonstration • EUMETSAT Report • JAXA Portal • CEOS OpenSearch Conformance Test Document • WGISS Connected Data Assets Client Guide

  3. Recent and Future Happenings • NOAA datasets being registered/updated in the International Directory Network (IDN) • EUMETSAT datasets being registered/updated in the IDN • FedEOdata collections being registered in the IDN • FedEO datasets registered in the IDN will be tagged • CEOS OS granule access to FedEO datasets in IDN will be directed to FedEO • Essential Climate Variables (ECV) and COVERAGE (CEOS Ocean Variables Enabling Research and Applications for GEO) collections will be registered in the IDN (ESA iscontacting data providers) • Continuing integration with GEOSS • Completed the CEOS OpenSearch Conformance Test document • CWIC Smart Client Validator for CEOS OS conformance testing • This software is going through the Open Source process at NASA • Currently the System Level Team is writing the WGISS Client Partner Guide

  4. Recent Collaborations • Essential Climate Variables 2.0 – • System Level Team analysis of what ECV 2.0 data is discoverable • Facilitate registration of ECV datasets in the IDN • Future: work towards getting granule search access to all ECV 2.0 datasets; Support ECV 3.0 datasets • COVERAGE • System Level Team analysis of what key COVERAGE datasets are discoverable • Facilitate registration of COVERAGE datasets in the IDN • Future: work towards getting granule search access to all COVERAGE datasets • Carbon Portal • Future: add additional keywords to GCMD keywords

  5. Improved IDN Dataset Registration • NOAA datasets being registered in the IDN • New keywords will be added to the GCMD keywords • ESA team registering FedEO datasets in the IDN • More detailed error reports from tools • Better documentation • ESA is spearheading registering other European datasets (e.g. Copernicus) for COVERAGE, ECV,.. • NASA and ESA working together on automating the dataset registration/update process • Web Accessible Folders is one potential option

  6. Towards a WGISS Federation • Data collection registration at the IDN using the GCMD keywords; Info about how granule search is supported will be included in the data collection registration; Tag for granule access; Propose new keywords to the GCMD Keywords set (if needed); • Data partners need to support or be translated by CWIC or FedEO to WGISS supported standard • CEOS OpenSearch Best Practices (v 2) • All searchable data must have a data access path • Data download • Data order (free or with cost) • Email order (free or with cost) • Servers must have high availability (99%?) • A technical POC needed for each data partner

  7. Proposed Data Partners Status Page Need for a status information webpage for all data partners – proposed: http://ceos.org/wgiss-connected-data-assets-status/ • Table of all data partners who offer data to WGISS • Register datasets in the IDN • Granule search via CWIC, FedEO, or standalone server • Path to data access via data download, data order system, or email order • Status types: • Development • Operational • Up • Down • Daily access testing needed to determine current accessibility!

  8. Client Partners • Clients can offer search and access to all the satellite data available through the WGISS Federation • Clients can offer search and access to a limited subset of data available through the WGISS Federation along with other services through tagging (e.g. CWIC, FedEO, LSI, Carbon,…) • Clients can offer support for a 2-step search • Discovery through collection search using platform, instrument, science keywords, etc. (IDN). The IDN data record will contain info about how granule search is supported • Search granule metadata at data partners via CWIC, FedEO, Independent servers • All granule search results will contain links to data access

  9. ForTool Developers • WGISS Connected Data Assets Client Partner Guide – new document being written by the System Level Team; Details how to search for collection and granule data at IDN, CWIC, and FedEO. • Expected Completion Date – first half 2019 • Document overview at the end of this session • Outreach to potential tool developers • One page flyer targeting tool developers • Soft copy of the flyer will be kept on the WGISS website • Local printing • Advertise the urlhttp://wgiss.ceos.org/access

  10. WGISS Work Plan Deliverables Produce How-To Guide to become WGISS Client Partner that describes how to connect and search for data in the IDN, FedEO, and CWIC Review and update FedEO How-To Guides for Data Partner Review and update CWIC How-To Guides for Data Partner Still need these others? Review and update FedEO How-To Guide for Client Partner Review and update CWIC How-To Guide for Data Partner

  11. System Level Team Created an integrated system team to coordinate and oversee the WGISS integrated system and standards: Coordinate operations, maintenance and evolution activities (e.g. for infrastructure, standards adoption, etc). On-board new data partners Provide technical support for client partners Monitor the health of the federated system and report outages and errors etc. to the partners Test all the components of the federated system, including end to end search and data access Work with data and client partners to identify and resolve system and component bugs Provide support for metrics collection Image Source: http://professionbiz.com/archives/7347

  12. CWIC Update • CWIC Data Partner Updates: • National Center for Remote Sensing of China – operational • Global High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST)/NOAA - operational • USGS/LSI – operational • EUMETSAT - operational • CCMEO - operational • ISRO – 2 data centers connections are operational (MOSDAC and NRSC) • INPE – operational (but currently experiencing outage) • NCEI/NOAA – developing CWIC interface to NOAA One-Stop • China GEOSS– new partner • Australian data centers – on hold

  13. Challenges • Ease dataset registration in the IDN from diverse data providers • Evolve the CEOS OpenSearch BP • Incorporate data services within the WGISS Connected Data Assets • Portal access to a predefined subset of data and services • Interoperable and discoverable Data Services • Discover and compare ARD products • Discover and compare analytic services

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