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Michael B. Jackson. Media Kit. MBJ Bio Press Release (FatherHoodlum) Resume MBJ Stuff Interview With MBJ MBJ Books Contact MBJ. Michael B. Jackson Bio.
Michael B. Jackson Media Kit MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Michael B. Jackson Bio Michael B. Jackson was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. He recently retired after working for 26 years with New Jersey Juvenile Corrections and Parole. Jackson is the author of 4 books. Three Self Help books entitled, How to Love and Inspire Your Man After Prison: A Guide for Women with Men in Prison; Como Cumplir Con Tus Obligaciones Al Salir De La Prision: Guia Practica Para Una Vida Mejor and, one-time NY Times Magazine’s "This Weeks Recommendation" How to Do Good After Prison: A Handbook for Successful Reentry. His recently released novel, FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad, is his first venture into fiction writing. Jackson is an inspirational speaker and a passionate advocate for the rights, protections and success of formerly incarcerated people, their families and those without a voice. He lives by the philosophy that “Doing good is the best revenge” and encourages those leaving prison to take control of their own success and “Do good, with a vengeance”. He was a proud member of the planning committee for the Counting the Costs Hearings convened by NJ Assembly Majority Speaker Bonnie Watson Coleman (2008-2011). These series of history making Town Hall meetings have resulted in legislation being introduced that will bring unprecedented positive reform to the New Jersey Criminal Justice System. Jackson frequently conducts workshops and presentations at seminars and conferences, including the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Conference, in Jacksonville, Florida, The National Associate of Hispanics in Criminal Justice and the Prison Talk Online National Conference. He has been featured in numerous magazine and newspapers and has appeared on several national television shows, such as “The Iyanla Vansant Show” (ABC), “Dayside with Linda Vester” (Fox News Network) and “Comcast Newsmakers” and “It’s Your Call, with Lynn Doyle (CN8). Download Bio PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Press Release FatherHoodlum: The Story of One Ex-Con’s Mission to Overcome His Past And Become A Positive Role Model And Guide to His Young Son “The streets may have gotten me, but I’ll be damned if they will get my son!” WILLINGBORO, NJ, October 28. 2014 – Noted author Michael B. Jackson has released his first fiction novel FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad. FatherHoodlum is the captivating story of Lamont B. Moody, who grew up in a Newark, New Jersey housing project, during the 50s, 60s, and 70s. At 18-years-old, he made his first trip to prison, and spent the next 10-years in and out of prison for parole violations and new offenses. After parole from prison in 1980, at age 28-years-old, he decided to start a new life 60-miles away from Newark in the city of Trenton, New Jersey. Shortly after parole, Lamont gains custody of his eight-year-old son, LJ, who was getting suspended from school and had also been arrested for burglary, back in Newark. He brings his son to live with him in Trenton. He was determined that LJ would not become just another black boy being primed for the prison system. FatherHoodlum is a poignant novel, which brings the reader through a journey down the corridors of street life and then uplifts the reader with restored hope and faith in one man's determination and commitment to overcome his past and become a positive and outstanding role model and guide for his son. This story has a spirit that the reader can feel. This story transcends the literal environment and setting into a connection which readers of any background can identify. Jackson infuses an atmosphere of hope and inspiration in his novel. Jackson reveals the often overlooked and perhaps misunderstood three dimensional feelings, concerns, hopes, dreams and conflictions of an ex-felon. This novel engages the reader in an uplifting journey. Jackson, who grew up in Newark and also spent time in prison, previously authored 3 Self Help books, including one-time (2008) NY Times Magazine’s "This Weeks Recommendation" How to Do Good After Prison: A Handbook for Successful Reentry, How to Love and Inspire Your Man After Prison: A Guide for Women with Men in Prison, and Como Cumplir Con Tus Obligaciones Al Salir De La Prision: Guia Practica Para Una Vida Mejor. -End- Download Press Release PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Book ReviewFatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison DadBy Michael B. Jackson Michael B. Jackson’s first work of fiction is one of inspiration and hope amidst a backdrop of the harsh realities of the streets. Fatherhoodlum successfully draws the reader into Lamont Moody’s world from the very beginning and then holds the reader’s interest until the very end of the novel. Set in Newark New Jersey teenager Lamont Moody has just crashed his dad’s car after a late night ride out with friends …sneaking the keys and taking the car without permission. The storyline hones in on Lamont’s journey into addiction and crime to support his heroin habit. Jackson does a superb job of keeping the story moving and the reader interested in Lamont’s path. “When I went to prison for the first time LJ (Lamont’s son) was only a few months old… When paroled he was two.” Through a series of challenging events, Lamont’s focus becomes very clear that he has to dedicate his efforts toward saving his son from the grips of the streets and the very real pipeline to prison which funnels urban youth into the prison system, starting as early as the third grade. Lamont finds that he is able to pull from lessons he learned from his father to help with raising LJ. “I wasn’t afraid of my father, and I didn’t want my son to fear me.” The possibilities of hope, success and positive transformation suggested by Fatherhoodlum are immense and important. This book can appeal to young adults as well as adults of any age. I would especially recommend this book for young people who have been incarcerated or in juvenile facilities because it provides an avenue of strategy and direction for obtaining a positive life track. Jackson gives guidance to parents through this novel that encourages them to be present and proactive in their child’s life. Through this quick moving story Jackson poignantly manages to convey the following: A “so-called” problem kid can achieve great things when they have a positive man in their lives. Being an ex-con doesn’t mean that you are condemned to a life of failure, hopelessness and crime. This novel finds its way into your heart and leaves you with a sense of endearment. Book Review by Cyntra D. Scott. Cyntra D. Scott is a freelance writer who has been published through a variety of nationwide publications including Black Men Magazine and Today’s Black Woman. Download Book Review PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Michael B. Jackson: Resume (2 of 2) Regional Parole Supervisor (Acting) (1/97 - 5/97) Managed, Northern Region Parole Office, including 15 Juvenile Parole Officers. Hired, trained, evaluated, and supervised regional parole staff. Initiate, develop, coordinate and oversee community programs and projects. Superintendent: Juvenile Residential Facility (1991 - 1996) Develop and implement policies and procedures to operate a forty-six bed juvenile center and 15 bed annex unit, Coordinate staff development, educational services and program development. Manage budget preparation and administration. Establish and maintain liaison with the Division of Juvenile Services, the Courts and Federal, State and local agencies. Developed and chaired the Lacey Township Citizen's Advisory Committee that established ongoing community rapport. Appointed to Division of Juvenile Services Management Team. Assistant Superintendent: Residential Group Center (6/89 – 6/91) Assisted the Superintendent in the daily operation of Residential Program Directed Guided Group Interactions, program development and staff supervision. Youth Worker Supervisor: Residential Group Center (1986-1989) Managed the youth work operations of this center specializing in behavioral problem residents; scheduled and supervised staff of twelve. Selected to develop and manage Day Program for pre-adjudicated juveniles. Program Director, Theater Without Bars, Inc, a private non-profit agency offering programs and services to prisoners and former prisoner, Trenton, NJ (5/78 – 5/86) Counselor/Tutor, Mercer County Youth Detention Center, Trenton, NJ (76 - 78) Download MBJ Resume PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
MBJ Stuff BOOKS/PUBLICATIONS FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad ISBN: 978--0-9707436-5-7 How to do Good After Prison: A Handbook for the Committed Man ISBN: 9 780970 743626 How to Love and Inspire Your Man After Prison ISBN: 0-9707436-2-9 Como Cumplir Con Tus Ogligaciones Al Salir De La Prision: Guia Practica Para Una Vida Mejor ISBN: 9 780970 7436-4-0 WEBSITE www.Jointfx.com INTERVIEWS/GUEST The Iyanla (Vansant) Show (FOX) Dayside with Linda Vester (FOX News Channel) It’s Your Call with Lynn (Comcast Network) On the Count w/Eddie Ellis (WBIA/AM radio) Courier Post Newspaper (South Jersey) CNNMoney.com SPEAKER/PANELS New Jersey Community and Corrections Working Summit: Impacting Communities of Color, Rutgers University, NJ National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice national Conference, Jacksonville, FL Prison Talk Online/Families of Prisoners Annual Conference, Houston, TX (2003), Orlando, FL Mercy County Youth Alternative Disposition Panel "Counting the Costs" Reentry Hearings Working Group AWARDS & ASSOCIATIONS Big brother Big Sister Mentor (2002 - present) NJ Law & Public Safety “Distinguished Service” Award Edison Electric Institute “Excellence” Award Download MBJ Resume PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Interview: Michael B. JacksonAuthor of FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad “Well, just like Lamont, I grew up in the projects in Newark. I also did time in prison…” Q: How did you get the motivation to write this book, FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad? MBJ:The story is very important to me personally and I wanted very much to tell it. I’ve actually been writing it for several years. It took me that long to get it the way I wanted it. Plus, most “Ex-con” stories that people are exposed to usually end in failure and hopelessness. A steady average recidivism rate of 75 percent in the US, there are surely a lot of failure and hopelessness going on, but there are also many positive and inspirational stories that go untold. Q: Are there any similarities in your real life and the life “Lamont Moody”, the main character in your book? MBJ:Well, just like Lamont, I grew up in the projects in Newark. I did time in prison and raised a son when I got out. There are so many similarities. The important thing is the story. I wanted to tell the story. Q: There are many novels on the market. Why should a reader choose to read your book? MBJ:First and foremost FatherHoodlum is a great story and a great read. This story transcends the literal environment and setting into connection readers of any background can identify. Q: What scene or dialogue, or aspect of the book are you most proud of and why? MBJ:I like the scene where LJ admits to his father, Lamont that he had taken and lost Lamont’s bicycle. It inspired Lamont to call his father and admit that he had wrecked his Bonneville years earlier. That was inspiring. That scene reminds me to say what you need to say to people now, or you may regret it forever. Q: Your book deals with aspects of the criminal justice system? Although your book is fictional, what important aspects about being on parole or the prison system in general would you like to emphasize as important or very real? 1 0f 3 pages Download MBJ Interview PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Interview: Michael B. JacksonAuthor of FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad “Black boys being classified and primed for the prison pipeline, as early as the third grade, is real and important…” MBJ:Everything about Lamont’s story is very real. Heroin addiction is as real today as it was back in the 70’s, even more so. . Black children being classified as “special” and placed into over crowded, inadequate and ineffective classrooms is real. Black boys being classified and primed for the prison pipeline, as early as the third grade, is real and important. Black men in prison are real and important. Men neglecting their responsibilities as fathers and mentors for their kids is real. If it was not specifically real in my personal situation, it was and is still all real and important somewhere to someone. Black boys killing one another in the streets Q: What do you think is the primary role of prisons – to punish or rehabilitate? MBJ:The prison’s primary role cannot possibly be rehabilitation. The statistics are well known: Over a third of Black men in the USA are in prison, jail or on parole, and 6 of 10 released from prison return within 3 years. The primary roles of prisons, as I see it, are disenfranchisement of black men, Control & suppression of AA community and family, Support local and national economies, and to make stockholders of private prisons millionaires. Q: Does prison have a real deterrent effect on “at risk” people who are on the edge of engaging in criminal behavior? MBJ:I would prison has very little deterrent effect on most “at risk” people. You can hold prison up as a consequence, but if you don’t offer an obtainable alternative, you’re just talking. Many times, right or wrong, it about survival from day to day for “at risk” people. They’re at risk of going with the essentials of live, food, clothing and shelter. Survive today the way you have to and deal with the consequences when they happen. Q: You recently retired from the New Jersey Juvenile Justice System after 26 years. In those years you worked as a Juvenile Prison Superintendent, a Parole Hearing Officer, in addition to several other administrative functions. You served time in prison prior to that. How did a person with a prison background, such as yourself, get hired for such government positions and last so long? Download MBJ Interview PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Interview: Michael B. JacksonAuthor of FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad “I wanted to inspire hope and possibility to all fathers, and all men, with a chance to make a difference in a boy’s life…” MBJ:There are no laws in NJ preventing formerly incarcerated people from serving in those positions. It’s only prejudice and hate that prevents more from getting hired. Back in the early 80’s when I was hired by the state the views were a lot more liberal and willing to give formerly incarcerated people an opportunity, than they are today. I lasted 26 years, because I did a good job, leaving no opportunity for anyone to come at me. Q: What it’s like to go from convict and parolee to Prison Superintendent and Parole Hearing Officer. How did your prison experience help or taint your ability to make fair decisions in those positions? MBJ:It did not taint or negatively influence my ability to perform my duties to the best of my ability. If anything, my prison experience helped me to better understand and consider both sides of the situation and try to make the right decisions and treat people fairly and with respect. Q: Do you have any suggestions for former or current convicts to get on the path towards reentry into society to attain the success as the main character had in your book? MBJ:Everyone’s situation and circumstances is different. I wrote a book called “How to Do Good After Prison: A Handbook for Successful Reentry,“ in which I talk all about that. The one thing I know one will need to succeed in any aspect of life, despite the circumstances, is a personal commitment to do what needs to be done to make it happen. Q: Is there anything you would like your book to do or say to the readers? MBJ: I wanted to inspire hope and possibility to all fathers, and all men, with a chance to make a difference in a boy’s life. If you don’t have kids, or your kids are grown, mentoring a child through program like, Big Brother, Big Sister, the church, or whatever is also important. Positive men, especially Black men, are badly needed to mentor a child in the community. Big Brother, Big Sister has a program where you can commit to meeting a mentee only 1-day per week, for 1-hour at his (or her) school. Just talking and asking how they’re doing, or playing checkers for an hour. That hour can make a huge difference in a kid’s life. -End- Download MBJ Interview PDF MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ
Books by Michael B. Jackson FatherHoodlum: Chronicles of a Prison Dad FatherHoodlum is the captivating story of Lamont B. Moody, who grew up in a Newark, New Jersey housing project, during the 50s, 60s, and 70s. At 18-years-old, he made his first trip to prison, and spent the next 10-years in and out of prison for parole violations and new offenses. After parole from prison in 1980, at age 28-years-old, he decided to start a new life 60-miles away from Newark in the city of Trenton, New Jersey. Shortly after parole, Lamont gains custody of his eight-year-old son, LJ, who was getting suspended from school and had also been arrested for burglary, back in Newark. He brings his son to live with him in Trenton. He was determined that LJ would not become just another black boy being primed for the prison system. Paperback: 252 pages Publisher: Joint FX Press (October 3, 2014) Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0970743657 Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inch How To Do Good After Prison There are two types of barriers that can hinder an excon's successful re-entry into society. There are those created by public policy and public attitude. However, in too many cases, there are also those barriers he creates for himself by lacking a plan, the right attitude, or the personal commitment to see it through. "How to Do Good After Prison" is a practical guide of advice, insight, and motivation to help ex-prisoners overcome the barriers and succeed after prison. Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Joint FX Press; 4th edition (January 1, 2008) Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0970743602 Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches How To Love And Inspire Your Man After Prison Who would be interested in this book? The hundreds of thousands of wives and partners of current, former, and future inmates; families, friends and loved ones of current, former, and future inmates; criminal justice professionals; and anyone interested in the corrections system and/or the betterment of society all will find this book indispensable. How to Love and Inspire Your Man After Prison is the first definitive self-help guide for women in relationships with men in prison and after prison. It is a potentially life-changing or life-saving manual with powerful insights, practical advice and energizing inspiration. File Size: 1301 KB Print Length: 144 pages Publisher: Joint FX Press (September 27, 2012) Language: English Como Cumplir Con Tus Obligaciones: Al Salir de La Prision This Spanish language version of Michael B. Jackson's popular selling book, "How to Do Good After Prison: A Handbook for the Committed Man", teached formerly incercerated people how to do well on Parole; How to Understand the Conditions of Parole; answers Parole FAQs, plus a Federal & State Parole Directory. Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: Joint Fx Press (June 1, 2005) Language: Spanish ISBN-13: 978-0970743640 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.3 inches MBJ BioPress Release (FatherHoodlum)ResumeMBJ StuffInterview With MBJMBJ BooksContact MBJ Download MBJ Books PDF