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Spanish Contractions and how to say “to the” and “of the”

Spanish Contractions and how to say “to the” and “of the”. The four ways to say “the” in Spanish:. El La Los L as. How do you say “to” in Spanish?. a. Put them (a + definite articles) together to make “to the”. One of the following is incorrect. a el a la a los a las.

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Spanish Contractions and how to say “to the” and “of the”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spanish Contractionsand how to say “to the” and “of the”

  2. The four ways to say “the” in Spanish: El La Los Las

  3. How do you say “to” in Spanish? a

  4. Put them (a + definite articles) together to make “to the”. One of the following is incorrect. a el a la a los a las

  5. The answer is: “a el” is wrong! The correct form is one of only two Spanish contractions: al

  6. Summary/ How to say “to the”: al a la a los a las

  7. Examples • I’m going to break. • Are you going to lunch? • He goes to the museum. • Voy al descanso. • ¿Vas al almuerzo? • Élva al museo.

  8. Examples • I’m going to class. • Are you going to the museums? • He goes to the classes. • Voy a la clase. • ¿Vas a los museos? • Élva a lasclases.

  9. Transfer the skill to the other contraction. How do you say “of” or “from” in Spanish? de

  10. Put them (de + definite article) to make “of/from the” in Spanish. Which is incorrect?: de el de la de los de las

  11. The incorrect form is de el The correct form is: del

  12. Summary/ How to say “of/from the” in Spanish. del de la de los de las

  13. Práctica • I am calling from downtown. • Are you walking from the library? • Maria is from the United States. • We study from the notes. • Llamo del centro. • ¿Caminas de la biblioteca? • Maria es de los EstadosUnidos. • Estudiamas de los apuntes.

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