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STUDENT LED AfL. What is AfL?. Write your definition. AfL definitions. Assessment for learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to promote pupil’s learning...

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  2. What is AfL? Write your definition...

  3. AfL definitions • Assessment for learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to promote pupil’s learning... • AfL can help learning if it provides feedback, used by teachersand by their pupils...to modify the teaching and learning activities. • Assessment only becomes ‘formative’ when the evidence is used to adapt the work... • Paul Black, Dylan William et al, 2002 • Working inside the Black Box: AfL in the classroom

  4. Student-led AfL in practice? The Hole-in-the-wall project, India

  5. Is our AfL Student-led? • Can the students talk about what they are learning or simply describe what they are doing? • Can students measure their own progress and do they know what they need to do next? • Do the students know (i) what they are doing (ii) why they are doing it? Can they see the point – do they know the ‘bigger picture’.

  6. What does OFSTED think...? • Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. They should reflect on and evaluate their work, negotiate and set targets, and record their progress. • The primary focus will be on learning, rather than teaching, with students working in partnership with teachers, asking questions and reflecting on the learning strategies that work best for them.

  7. What does OFSTED think...? • Satisfactory... • Good... • Outstanding = Student-led!

  8. AfL in lessons: Carousel...

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