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Can we grow our format's reach from 35.9 million to 50 million cume with a 29% increase while targeting non-listeners? How to appeal to new cume without alienating the core audience? This study delves into the preferences and needs of women aged 35-54, aiming to bridge the gap between core listeners and prospects. Discover the clusters identified and the programming elements that resonate with both groups. The text outlines a strategic approach to attract new cume and retain the current core by focusing on what prospects value most: fun, upliftment, and positivity.
35.9 million > 50 million Is it doable? Who would we target? What do they want/need… That is compatible with our current core?
Is it Doable?? Growing from 35.9 to 50 Million… That’s a 29% increase But it’s really “only” 6% of the non-listeners in the U.S. = ∿Classic Hits’ 12+ Cume Rating
So… Study W35-54 Who Aren’t Part of Weekly Cume Can we attract…..12%?
Two-Stage Research Stage One: Focus Groups Dallas, April, Non-Core, W35-54
We’ll See Many of Those Words Again…. • Preachy, Judgmental • Not aware • Upbeat/Fun • Good Song/Keep Me Going c
Two-Stage Research Stage Two: The National Study 461 Women 35-54 Caucasian/Hispanic Markets with ≤1 Contemporary Christian station 400 non-cume 61 Weekly core (16%)* Online, 83 questions, August 2018
How Recruited Non-Listeners: Random Core: Station Databases
Headlines • Reaching or exceeding 50,000,000 is doable… • Without jeopardizing our core in any way • The format has a large Phantom cume • And clear ways to motivate them while attracting totally new cume • The #1 thing CCM stations can do is be More Fun to listen to • Slower music is not the format’s dominant music style • We need to make better use of our core as cume recruiters
There are Huge Differences… Percent 45-54 67% 49% Important: Feel Close To God 98% 40% Love: 64% Slow CCM 7% CCM Pop Rock 7% 77% 51% Identify Christian 98% Church Most Weeks 13% 89% Conservative or Very 27% 68%
Cluster Analysis Source: slideplayer.com
Cluster Analysis The Goal: Find a cluster that contains most or all of the existing core and a lot of people who share the same likes, needs, desires, and behaviors. …and we did.
The Two Clusters We Found…. Differences
Two Clusters The Most Important Difference Cluster one contained ALL of the CCM core listeners, plus 41% of all non-listeners. 41% of all non-core in the U.S. = 120,000,000
Composition Age Composition of Likely Prospects (C1) 35-44 44% 45-54 56%
What Do Women Think About Christian Music Radio? c
Which Of These Apply To Christian Music Radio Stations? Similar feelings about the format with both core and prospects… But prospects are less likely to say the format makes them feel good
Comparing Needs/Desires “For Yourself, in your life, how important or desirable is…?” (Very, Somewhat, So-so, etc) Love Better Mood Feeling close to God Feel Good Uplifting Inspiration Strength Hope Energized Happy Joy Fun Encouragement Feel Good about Life Positivity
Needs & Desires – What’s Very Important Prospects and Core share the same top needs…
Needs & Desires – What’s Very Important …but prospects place more importance on fun and feeling good than does the core.
Most Appealing Programming Elements Love It/Would Listen All the Time Like a Lot/Would Listen Frequently So-So/Might Listen Occasionally Dislike Some/Listen Rarely Dislike Lot/Never Listen c
Programming Elements Love/Listen All the Time % l Green = Top 5, Blue = above average. We see differences in the top 5s, but all of our prospects’ top needs are above average with the core.
Programming Elements Love/Listen All the Time % l All of the core’s top needs are “baked into” the format…no chance we’ll stop serving these.
Keeps The Core. Appeals To New Cume. Love/Listen all the time %
MUSIC CCM and Traditional Styles c
CCM/Traditional Segments Overtly religious hooks Non-overtly religious hooks
CCM Music Styles Average Score Ranked by Prospects Pop Rock 3.78 4.67 77% Masked Pop 3.70 4.57 69% 4.52 3.69 Slow/Ballads 64% 3.65 4.66 Unmasked Pop 72% Hymns 3.00 2.98 13% Focus more on rank than score…core scores are higher because they’re more familiar w/the songs.
CCM Music Styles Average Score Ranked by Core Pop Rock 3.78 4.67 77% 3.65 Unmasked Pop 4.66 69% 3.70 Masked Pop 4.57 72% 4.52 3.69 Slow/Ballads 64% Hymns 3.00 2.98 13% The more energetic sounds score better with both core and prospects
Phantom Cume (listen, but not often enough to show up in the weekly cume) CCM’s is Substantial! c
Percent Who’ve Listened… Past Month Past Week 43% of non-listening (non-weekly-listening) Prospects cume CCM Radio monthly. We could increase weekly cume significantly by converting Monthly to Weekly core
Another Way To Increase Cume: Use Your Ambassadors Prospects: Would you be likely to try a station you don’t normally listen to if a good friend 83% yes said he/she really liked it? (36% very/47% likely) Core Listeners How likely would you be 82% “Absolutely!” to recommend (Christian Stn) to a friend? Has that station ever asked you to 30% Yes recommend to friends? 28% No 46% Can’t Recall
Our Core Feels It’s A Priority “How Important To You Is It That The Station…” (most/very/somewhat/not)
Summarizing • Reaching 50,000,000 in weekly cume is doable • Our core thinks bringing in new people is important. • 43% of our best prospects are already listening monthly • We can serve them better, and attract completely new cume, without jeopardizing our core… • …By focusing on a market segment that includes all of our core and 41% of non-core (120m) • Biggest needs = best language, and they are… Hope Love Positivity Joy Feeling Good About Life (new cume; positive for core)
Summarizing • Commercial-free music is very appealing to core and new cume • As is playing their favorite songs (must be familiar to be favorite!) • Several items that are positive with our core are important to attract new cume: Hosts Who Are Fun to Listen To Makes You Laugh Picks You Up and Makes You Feel Good • Pop Rock is the best-liked CCM music style with both core and best prospects; slower, lower-energy music does not dominate with either. • CCM stations need to make better use of their core as ambassadors. • Best Prospects (and 35-44s) are not as conservative as your core. Careful with that.
Recommendations • Use all available resources to expose the radio station(s) to your market….TV, Outdoor, Social, You Tube, etc. • Motivate your listeners to recruit cume – they feel it’s important to attract new core to the Word and Music of God. • Increase the presence of Fun, Laughter, and Feeling Good. • Continue to use powerful words and phrases like Hope, Love, Positivity, and Joy.
Recommendations • I believe Positivity, Joy, and Feeling Good will give you the greatest impact in marketing. • “Joy” can be a powerful word since it also connotes Fun, Feeling Good, and Positivity • If you can offer periods of commercial-free music, do. It’s powerful. • The next three slides are frames from a TV campaign that encompasses Positivity, Joy, Feeling Good/Fun, and Commercial-Free
Recommendations - Music • Playing Favorite Songs requires playing Familiar songs…and not just to your super-core. a. Hold top-testing currents a lonnnnng time b. Recurrents are your friend c. Include monthly cumers in your music research The next three slides are from a study Mark Ramsey’ presented to Momentum a couple of years ago. Mark correlated Contemporary Christian radio stations’ ratings to their music policies. These slides reinforce that… The fewer songs a station played, the better the ratings (the songs that were played were more powerful) The longer the station kept songs in current rotation, the better the ratings, and The longer songs remained in recurrent (before going to gold), the better the ratings.