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Enhancing Russian Legal Academia with a Global Perspective

Explore the challenges and opportunities in the Russian legal academic environment, focusing on the need for internationalization and improved standards in legal periodicals. Learn about the role of English-language journals, peer review processes, and the efforts to bridge the language barrier.

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Enhancing Russian Legal Academia with a Global Perspective

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  1. Наукометрия и юридическая периодика :на примереRussian LawJournal

  2. ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ НАУКОМЕТРИЯ • Наукометрия и библиометрия являются методами изучения самих научных исследований • В юриспруденции в отличие от других наук такие методы не получили широкого использования • Библиометрия используется в основном при рейтинговании юридических вузов

  3. New academic environment

  4. Legal rankings

  5. Legalperiodicals ratings

  6. Russian legal rankings and indexes • There is no legal rankings and indexes in Russia

  7. Challenges of the russian legal academia • Internationalization of the legal education and academia • Isolated nature of the Russian jurisprudence • Language • (English is the modern lingua franca)

  8. Russian legal academic periodicals • There are three types of legal academic periodicals: • University law journals • Specialised journals (specific branches) • General Legal periodicals

  9. Advantages and disadvantages • Closed nature • Publishing only University authors • National law as a subject of research • Low editorial standards and ethics • Lack of professional reviewing • Poor quality of works in 80% of periodicals • Limited use of modern publishing standards • Limited availability on key international aggregators • Inaccessible for the foreign audience

  10. How to improve russian legal academia? • Isolated nature could be overcomed by the effective national journal on comparative law in English

  11. National legal periodicals examples • A National Legal Academic Magazine in English is a trend for the Non-English speaking countries: • German Law Journal • Israel Law Journal • China Law Review • Hong Kong Law Journal • Journal of Korean Law

  12. International legal journals on russian law JOURNALS(non Russia’s origin) • All comparative legal academic journals on Russian law have Non-Russia’s origin: • Review of Central and East European Law (Holland) • Journal of Russian Law and Politics (USA) • Journal of Eurasian Law (USA)

  13. Russian law journal

  14. Russian law journal RLJ magazine is one of the first English-language legal academic editions regularly published in Russia Science globalization Place of Russian science in global world Initiative of Russian scholars “Indexing” and “Casting” of scientific efforts

  15. Press-conference «Uncovering Russian Law for the World» • RLJ Presentation in RIA Novosti Agency in the form of a round table "Russian Law Journal: Uncovering Russian Law for the World" , • November 13, 2013

  16. Concept of the Russian Law Journal • Why English? • Language of international science • Unification of terminology Russian Law Foreign Law Transnational Law Social Sciences 4 issues annually

  17. International Editorial CouncilAND RUSSIAN EDITORIAL BOARD


  19. dinamics 2013 – Press-conference 2014 – HeinOnline 2014 – RLJ is a winner of the Ministry of Education Competition among Russian Journals 2015 – DOAJ, EBSCO Legal Collection … Special Issue 2015 2013 Volume II Issue IV Volume I Issue I Volume II Issue I Volume II Issue II Volume II Issue III Volume III Issue I

  20. RLJ rankings • 2015 AIMS • What to check: • Editorial Policy • ISSN • International Editorial Board • High citation index of the members of the Editorial Board • Bluebook citation rules • Internet Page with ELPUB system RLJ is a winner of the Russian Ministry of Education Competition among Russian Scientific Journal.

  21. RLJ’s Authors country representation 65 authors from 22 countries

  22. RLJ supporting events

  23. Submission guideline Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is published four times per year on a peer-reviewed basis. The journal is exercised by peer-review and editorial quality control. The review process takes approximately 4–6 weeks. The RLJ does not operate an exclusive submission policy, but authors are required to inform us about non-exclusive manuscripts if the latter have been published or expected to be submitted elsewhere. As a rule, RLJ does not accept for publication manuscripts written by undergraduate students. RLJ accepts submissions written only in English. The Journal does not do translations or provide language services of any kind. Before submitting a manuscript, authors whose native language is not English may want to get relevant editing assistance (grammar, spelling, and usage of language) from special language editing companies. RLJ encourages the use of gender-neutral language. The length of the manuscript should not be less than 10,000 and should not exceed 30,000 words (including footnotes). The book reviews and information-nature submissions may be below 10,000 words in length. Authors should submit their manuscript in Microsoft Word format, double spaced (both the main text and footnotes). Please include: a title page with the title of the article and author’s contact information (mailing address, phone, and email) a starred footnote next to the author’s name with author’s bio and acknowledgements 200-250 words annotation and five to ten keywords Text and citations should conform to THE BLUEBOOK. Please use footnotes only.

  24. www.russianlawjournal.org

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