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Reflection. Welcome Back!. How might I use what I learned or reaffirmed yesterday regarding millennial students to increase learning?. The Process of Reflection. Objectives Use a set of guiding questions to determine the effectiveness of a unit or lesson.
Reflection Welcome Back! How might I use what I learned or reaffirmed yesterday regarding millennial students to increase learning? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Process of Reflection Objectives Use a set of guiding questions to determine the effectiveness of a unit or lesson. Apply what is learned from reflections to improve teaching. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Why is Reflection on Teaching Important? • Improves your teaching • Understand what happened • Use that information to shape what you do in the future • Contributes to your professional growth • Reflecting with others improves your school’s performance CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Ideas for Reflecting on Learning CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Thoughts and Feelings CTE Teacher Preparation Project
What? Now what? So what? • Describe in detail the facts and event(s) of the lesson or activity. • What difference did the instruction make? How was that significant? • How will you think or act differently in the future as a result of what you’ve learned? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Contributions of Reflection • How does reflection contribute to professional growth? • What should you consider when you reflect? • How can you make accurate judgments about the effectiveness of instruction? • How can you use those judgments to continue to improve your instruction? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Journal – Reflect on “Teach Back” What warm feedback helped me to reaffirm I am on the right track? 2) What cool feedback helped me to improve my lesson? 3) How could I have provided feedback that would have better helped my colleagues? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The New Mission of CTE Objectives Explain the new mission of CTE and its implications for the role of CTE in secondary schools. Apply the new mission of CTE to the CTE courses you teach. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Are They Really Ready for Work? • How might the deficiencies be addressed? • What are some barriers you might encounter? Designing Effective Instructional Plans
The Purpose of CTE, Part I • Words or phrases that describe the purpose of career and technical education • Your colleagues’ perceptions Binder – page 2 Designing Effective Instructional Plans
The Purpose of CTE--Jigsaw • Divide the article into equal sections for each person in group • Record “Big Ideas” and “Implications” on page 3 • Share with your group • Create a flip chart with main ideas to share with class Designing Effective Instructional Plans
What is a Mission Statement • A brief description of the fundamental purpose of an organization or program • Answers the question, “Why should we exist?” • What words or phrases might we include in a mission statement for CTE? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
With high expectations and strong partnerships, Kentucky Tech will actively engage all students in the mastery of academic and technical skills needed to be ready for college and a career. To develop a versatile individual by providing technical education and skills training in a safe environment. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
TCTW Mission Help all students be successful in both careers AND further studies.
Twenty-Word Mission Statement • Compare and contrast your statements. • Discuss how reading the essays affected your views. • Write a new mission statement that combines the content of both your individual statements. • Use exactly 20 words. • Incorporate ideas from the activity, The Purpose of CTE, Parts I and II. Your Own With a Colleague Designing Effective Instructional Plans
Applying the Mission of CTE to Your Course • Mission of Your CTE Course • Components of Good Course Descriptions • Example: Information Technology Fundamentals • Course description for Your CTE Course CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Activity – Course Description • Explains the purpose of the course • Used in course booklets for scheduling or in a course syllabus • Clearly stated purpose or mission statement • Big ideas or topics • Rationale for the course • Fit in the sequence of career courses • Length of the course What is it? What is included? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Activity: Applying the Mission of CTE to Your Course Tweak your course descriptions according to the criteria given on pages 7 and 8. Have a peer check for readability, grammar and spelling. Would it make sense to a teenager? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Big Picture of Instructional Planning Objectives Explain the use of different planning tools. Identify and define words typically associated with instructional planning. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
How Do I Go About Planning Instruction? • Does instructional planning compare to any planning you have done in your previous work experience? If so, how is it similar? Different? • What have you received from your school, district or state agency that will be helpful in instructional planning? What other kinds of information or materials do you need? • What are your biggest concerns about instructional planning? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Tools for Instructional Planning • Curriculum Map • Course Syllabus • Unit Plan • Lesson Plan
Course Syllabi CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Curriculum Maps CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Unit Plans CTE Teacher Preparation Project
A Framework for What to Teach in CTE Objectives Analyze the different types of content that are taught in CTE. Explain the Common Career Technical Core as a curriculum framework for CTE. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Content of CTE Courses CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Technical Knowledge and Skills • State or local career/technical standards or competencies verified by business and industry • National industry standards • Business Management: Identify potential business threats and opportunities for protecting a business’s financial well-being. • Health Sciences: Explain infection control practices and procedures. Description Examples
Academic Knowledge and Skills • State academic standards • Reading • Mathematics • Science • National standards—Common Core State Standards • Read, comprehend, and synthesize information from a wide range of sources within the technical field. • Demonstrate mathematical reasoning and procedures, and an understanding of major mathematics concepts that underlie a career field. Description Examples
21st Century Skills • Common foundation fundamental to success in all workplaces • Needed for further learning Productivity and Accountability • Set and meet goals, even in the face of obstacles and competing pressures • Prioritize, plan, and manage work to achieve intended results Description Examples CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Examples of CTE Content in Your Course • Write an example of each type of content. • Discuss the questions and be prepared to share your ideas with the rest of the group. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Content of CTE Courses—Discussion Questions • How have you used each of these kinds of knowledge and skill in your own work experience? • In what ways have you learned these different types of content—formal training, on the job, personal experiences, etc.? • How does each type of content contribute to the mission of CTE? • How do the different types of content overlap? Interact? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) Standards CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Relationship of Standards in the CCTC CTE Teacher Preparation Project
My Career Pathway in the CCTC Standards • Identify the career pathway that best matches your CTE program. • List sample practices or standards part of the framework related to your pathway. • Answer the questions about your findings. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Industry-Specific Knowledge and Skills Objectives Explain the development of industry-specific knowledge and skills and their role in CTE course content. Analyze state-level CTE standards. Determine the process for becoming an industry-certified CTE program. Outline the process of earning an industry credential in a specific CTE field. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Development of Industry-Specific Knowledge and Skills CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Industry-Specific Knowledge and Skills for Your CTE Course • Identify the knowledge and skills for your program. • Research the questions about their content and development.
Certifications and Credentials • What are the purposes of credentials and certifications? • What is the value of students’ obtaining these credentials and certifications? What is the value of promoting these certifications and credentials in CTE programs? • Why should CTE instructors be aware of these certifications and credentials as they plan their instruction? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Employer/Certification Examinations’ Role in High School Assessment • What purposes do industry examinations serve? • What constitutes a “rigorous” industry examination? • What is the process for developing these examinations? • Why are industry examinations significant to CTE? • Should industry examinations be used as requirements for graduation? Why or why not? CTE Teacher Preparation Project
All Aspects of an Industry • The context in which technical knowledge and skills are used • “Big picture” of the industry • Explain labor issues within the industry • Understand health and safety challenges of the industry as a whole Description Examples CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Defining All Aspects of an Industry • What does All Aspects of an Industry mean and why is it an important focus for CTE? • What are the eight central concepts of All Aspects of an Industry? • Give examples of how these concepts are applied to your CTE area. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Academic Knowledge and Skills Objectives Develop a rationale for integrating academics into CTE courses. Analyze the academic knowledge and skills students need to transition from high school to further learning and the workplace. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Perceptions of Employers on Essential Skills of New Employees • Far too many recently-hired graduates are inadequately prepared to be successful in the workplace. Source: Silvert, Henry and Jill Casner-Lotto. New Graduates’ Workforce Readiness: The Mid-Market Perspective. The Conference Board, 2008. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Are They Really Ready for Work? • Read and INSERT: • A checkmark when you agree with something or already knew it • An exclamation point next to things you think your classroom instructional strategies can address • A question mark next things you don’t understand, aren’t sure whether they pertain to your career field, or if you aren’t sure how you can address through classroom instructional strategies CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Integrating Academics and CTE—Research Findings CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Integrating Academics and CTE—Research Findings CTE Teacher Preparation Project
Integrating Academics and CTE—Research Findings Source: Association for Career and Technical Education, Facts about Career Technical Education. Available at www.acteonline.org. CTE Teacher Preparation Project
The Rationale for Integrating Academics into CTE Courses Develop your rationale in the following categories: • Improved Student Achievement and Successful Completion of High School • Readiness for Further Learning • Readiness for the 21st Century Workplace CTE Teacher Preparation Project