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Validation of OMI Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals

Validation of OMI Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals. Xiong Liu 1,2,3 , Pawan K. Bhartia 3 , Kelly Chance 2 , Thomas P. Kurosu 2 , B.R. Bojkov 1,3 , Robert J.D. Spurr 4 , Ozonesonde Investigators xliu@umbc.edu 1 Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center,UMBC

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Validation of OMI Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals

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  1. Validation of OMI Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals Xiong Liu1,2,3, Pawan K. Bhartia3, Kelly Chance2, Thomas P. Kurosu2, B.R. Bojkov1,3, Robert J.D. Spurr4, Ozonesonde Investigators xliu@umbc.edu 1Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center,UMBC 2Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 3NASA Goddard Space Flight center 4RT Solutions Inc. OMI Science Team Meeting June 25, 2008

  2. Outline • Introduction • Comparison with OMTO3 and OMDOAO3 • Comparison of OMI ozone profiles and stratospheric ozone columns with MLS data • Comparison of OMI ozone profiles and tropospheric ozone columns with ozonesonde data • Examples of retrieved tropospheric ozone • Summary and future work

  3. Introduction • OMI ozone profile retrieval (Liu et al., 2005) • Retrieve ozone at 24 ~2.5-kmthick layers from 270-330 nm radiances • Optimal estimation technique • Use ozone profile climatology by Mcpeters et al. (2007) to constrain retrievals • Apply X-track and wavelength-dependent correction (assuming multiplicative) derived from 1 day’s zonal mean MLS in the tropics • DFS: 5-8 in the atmosphere with up to 2 in the troposphere. • Vertical resolution: ~6-8 km FWHM in the stratosphere and ~8-15 km in the troposphere

  4. Introduction 2006m0615 • Information content in the first 0-3 km layer • DFS: 0.15-0.4 for most of the latitude range (i.e., 15-40% of ozone deviated from a priori can be retrieved at this layer) • 40-80% of ozone deviated from a priori can be captured in the retrievals

  5. Random (N) and Smoothing (S) Errors • N: <~2% above 22 km and within ~10% below • S+N: within 3% between 22-40 km, increase to 10% above 40 km, and to 15-30% below 20 km. • SOC: 0.5-2 DU (N), 1.5-4 DU (S+N) • TOC: 0.8-3 DU (N), 1.5-6 DU (S+N) • TOZ: 0.2-3 DU (N), 0.5-6 DU (S+N)

  6. Larger biases at high SZA 2006m0110 2006m0501 2006m0711 2006m0502 Comparison with OMTO3and OMDOAO3 OMTO3: 2.5-3.3 ± 3.3-4.7 DU ( 0.9-1.1± 1.1-1.5%) OMDAO3: -1.2-3.3 ± 4.2-6.7 DU (-0.3-1.1± 1.4-2.1%) • Comparison for 12 days in 2006

  7. Without OMI AKs With OMI AKs Comparison with MLS Ozone Profiles • MLS: on-board EOS-AURA, spatiotemporally coincident with OMI • MLS O3 error estimate:~5% in the upper strat., ~10-15% in the lower strat., ~2-3% in strat. O3 column (Froidevaux et al., 2007)

  8. Comparison with MLS Ozone Profiles Without OMI AKs With OMI AKs Mean biases and standard deviations are within ~5% between 2-50 mb.

  9. Comp. with MLS 215 hPa O3 Column 15 days of Comparison Mean Bias: -0.5-1% Std. Dev. (Global): 2.4-2.9% Std. Dev. (Tropics): 1.8-2.6% 0-200 hPa O3 columns can be accurately derived from OMI !!!

  10. Comp. with MLS 215 hPa O3 Column 2006m0110 2006m0501 2006m0711 2006m1015

  11. Comparison with Ozonesondes • Ozonesonde data: available at AURA AVDC for August 2004-March 12, 2007 • For consistency, all ozonesonde data are not normalized to coincident total ozone column • Coincidence criteria: within 6 hours, 1º longitude & latitude, OMI edge pixels excluded • Focus on two latitude bands: Tropics (30ºS-30ºN), Northern Mid- Latitudes (30ºN-60ºN) • Compare profile and tropospheric O3 column (surface-200 mb) • Ozonesonde profiles are convolved with OMI averaging kernels, but not the tropospheric ozone column

  12. Comparison with Ozonesondes (30ºS-30ºN) • Profile: within 15%, significant improvement throughout the troposphere Solid line: mean Dashed line: 1 • Tropospheric Ozone column (Surface-200 mb): –4.65.6 DU, high correlation (0.8)

  13. Spring Winter Summer Fall Comparison with Ozonesondes (30ºN-60ºN) • Within 10-20%, significant improvement in the middle and upper troposphere.

  14. Comparison with Ozonesondes (30ºN-60ºN) • Northern Midlatitudes (30ºN-60ºN) • Winter: 2.39.2 DU, R = 0.58 • Spring: 1.88.7 DU, R = 0.74 • Summer: -5.66.4 DU, R = 0.79 • Fall: 0.75.6 DU, R = 0.51 Seasonal/latitudinal dependent biases Not from vertical resolution & radiative transfer approximation

  15. “Boundary ozone” (0-3 km) Ozone over Southeast Asia • Enhanced ozone over Indonesia in Oct. 2006 relative to Oct. 2005. • Enhanced ozone over South China especially in Oct. 2006.

  16. Column-Averaged O3 Mixing Ratio (July 15 – September 7, 2006)

  17. Summary • Ozone profiles and tropospheric ozone are retrieved from OMI radiances. Stratospheric and tropospheric ozone columns can be very well derived from OMI data alone. • OMI ozone profiles and stratospheric ozone columns compare well with MLS, to within combined retrieval uncertainties. • OMI ozone profiles and tropospheric ozone columns compare well with ozonesonde data, but show seasonal and latitude-dependent biases. • Retrievals show signals due to pollution, biomass burning, regional and intercontinental transport, convection, and stratospheric influence.

  18. Future Work • Better understand biases with respect to other correlative measurements and continue to improve retrieval algorithm • Speed up retrieval algorithm with specialized VLIDORT or linearized TOMRAD (Dave Flittner). • Make data available for the whole OMI record. • Interpret retrievals using CTMs, meteorology, in-situ and other satellite data. • Acknowledgements • OMI and MLS Science Teams • Support from NASA • Support from various organizations on Ozonesonde observations

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