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Tropospheric Ozone Observations at UAH. NDACC Lidar Working Group Meeting , NASA/JPL, Table Mountain, CA, Nov. 5, 2013. Shi Kuang 1 , Mike Newchurch 1 , John Burris 2 , Wesley Cantrell 1 , Lihua Wang 1 , Guanyu Huang 1 , Ed Eloranta 3
Tropospheric Ozone Observations at UAH NDACC Lidar Working Group Meeting, NASA/JPL, Table Mountain, CA, Nov. 5, 2013 Shi Kuang1, Mike Newchurch1, John Burris2, Wesley Cantrell1, Lihua Wang1, Guanyu Huang1, Ed Eloranta3 1UAHuntsville, 2NASA/GSFC, 3U. Of Wisconsin-Madison http://nsstc.uah.edu/atmchem/
A collocated Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) provides aerosol backscatter, wind/RH/T profiles, and other surface data. O3 Transport through Low-level Jet Ceilometer backscatter Higher increasing rate of the surface O3 before 10AM on Oct. 5 due to the low-level transport on the previous day Oct. 1, 08 Oct. 2, 08 Oct. 3, 08 Oct. 4, 08 [Kuang et al., 2011b AE] Surface O3 and convective boundary layer height Oct. 5, 08 Oct. 6, 08
Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Transport [Kuang et al. 2012 JGR] Ozone lidarand ozonesonde measurements, as well as the MPR-observed and model-derived tropopause. Pressure-altitude cross-section of PV (black lines), RH (color contours), and tropopause pressure, at 86.65°W longitude at 1200 UTC 27 April 2010 derived from the NAM model. IPV at 320-K isentropic surface
Low O3, likely southern transport (ocean?) 2-min O3 Lidar Profiling at Huntsville during the SENEX Campaign, June 2013 Shi Kuang, Mike Newchurch, John Burris, Wesley Cantrell, Kevin Knupp ozonesonde Low clouds ~60 ppbvbackgrond O3 in the FT STE impact on PBL and surface Rain at 2300 Jun 1st 6/1 Both strato source, but diff air mass 6/5 6/4 ozonesonde LT=UTC-5 Low O3 due to raining in the early morning Strato source Fog 6/8 6/9 6/10 Ceilometer data Norcturnal enhancement due to transport? 6/11 6/12
SENEX O3 & CO Measurements on June 29, 2013 A Complicated Case – HSV affected by both STE and Smoke Transport Ozonesonde See next page for detail MOZART CO fire tracer at 900hPa, 20130629 00Z NOAA P3 Some SI air, but some insufficient mixing O3 CO wind GOES 7.0um, mid-trop moist, 20130629 00Z O3 digital data from IlanaPollack and Thomas Ryerson; CO data from John S Holloway
A Closer Look of the O3 Profiling by Multiple Sensors June 29, 3013 P3 2200UT Lidar 2100UT 4km ASL Ozonesonde 1830UT Comparison of the UAH O3 lidar, UAH ozonesonde, and NOAA P3 aircraft measurements
Co-located O3 and Aerosol Obs. at UAH – Correlation, Source, Chemistry? Ed Eloranta of U. of Wis., provided HSRL plots, http://hsrl.ssec.wisc.edu Nan Feng and Sundar Christopher of UAH provided analysis on aerosol. Small size, urban. AC just missed this alt. Diff. aerosols Rain Note the near-surface O3 changing with ML height evolution Affected by both smoke and strato CA/CO forest fire The P-3 obs mostly shows stratospheric source of the high O3 at 4 km with low H2O, low CO. But it missed the obs. at 5 km, so can’t tell the source of 5-km air. The small thickness, short lifetime, and high O3 suggests a local, pollution source.
Idaho/CA Smoke Observed above Huntsville 14 Aug. 2013 ~25ppb enhancement 10.2km AGL GMAO, 8/12-8/19 ~15ppb increase
NASA DC8 O3 DIAL & HSRL Obs. on Aug. 14, 2013 Courtesy of John Hair http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/lidar/seac4rs/ HSV HSV
Ozone Lidar & Ozonesonde Obs. at Huntsville for SEAC4RS, Aug. 2013 Shi Kuang, Mike Newchurch, John Burris, Guanyu Huang, Wesley Cantrell, Lihua Wang, Kevin Knupp, Ed Eloranta Pre-frontal system; low PBL O3 due to clouds and precipitation; typical summertime high upper-trop O3. Ozonesonde Low PBL O3 and high mid- or upper-trop O3, surprising? 8/8 8/9 Enhanced O3 after cold front passing Cloudy and moist PBL; reduced upper-trop O3 Idaho smoke 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/20 8/19 8/22 8/21 Higher PBL O3 8/27 8/28 8/30
Comparison of the Recent Results with Ten Years Ago [Newchurch et al., 2003] Until 2011, unsubmitted Boulder, CO Huntsville, AL Changed
Huntsville O3 Trend (2000-2011) Ozonesonde EPA Winter Spring Fall Summer
The Opportunity for Us to Answer SE Chemistry Questions • What did the models miss causing underestimated organic and dust aerosols [Drury et al., 2010] and overestimated summer surface ozone [Fiore et al., 2009] in the southeast U.S.? • What are the roles of transport and lightning-NOx on the summer upper-tropospheric ozone maxima in the southeast U.S. [Cooper et al., 2008]? • What is the role of clouds on the distribution of ozone?
Huntsville Both high total in 2010. TOC/TP of two sites differ in JJA. Both positive trop O3 and total O3 trend. Blue: tropospheric O3 Black: tropopause height Red: total O3 Dashed: yearly average Dotted: yearly trend Why high freq oscillation? Boulder