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INSTITUTE of PHILOLOGY and INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. The historical roots of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication (IPIC) go back to 1804 when the department of philology opened its doors to students of Kazan Imperial University.
The historical roots of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication (IPIC) go back to 1804 when the department of philology opened its doors to students of Kazan Imperial University. Kazan School of Linguistics, established by Baudouine de Courtenay in the mid-1870s, has played one of the leading roles in the field going head to head with Moscow and Peterburg schoolsof linguistics
Today IPIC is one of the largest academic units of Kazan Federal University with about 400 members of academic and administrative staff including 64 professors with the Doctorate Degree and 215 with the Candidate of Science Degree and foreign PhDs as well as lecturers from Spain, Germany, the USA and Poland.
IPIC serves 3 thousand undergraduate and master students, 100 first doctoral degree students, and 11 second doctoral degree students • Every year about 40 doctoral students defend their dissertations and receive Candidate of Science degree. • We annually host more than 10 international scientific conferences • IPIC hosts Students’ Research Society, over 20 student research groups and the Council of Young Researchers
Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication includes 3 divisions: • Lev Tolstoy Division of Russian and Foreign Philology • Gabdulla Tukay Division of Tatar Philology and Intercultural Communication • Salikh Saidashev High School of Arts
We train highly-qualified specialists in Philology, Education, Intercultural Communication and Arts
IPIC ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 58 Bachelor degree programs 20 Master degree programs 35 5-year programs (“specialitet”) 11 Doctoral (Candidate of Science degree) research areas • 4 master degree programs in English Philology. Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (in English) Philology. Linguistic and Media Studies Languages of Professional Communication: English and Russian Business English (correspondence course) • One master degree program in French: French in Professional Communication • Russian as a Foreign Language
Philology. Linguistic and Media Studies • Focuses on the study of media, media texts Develop strong theoretical and practical knowledge of • Core courses: Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Media Studies, Media Literacy, Discourse Analysis, Media Discourse Research Seminar • Elective courses: Pragmatics, Information Technologies in linguistic and media studies, Speech Strategies, Political Media Discourse Rhetoric, Advanced English, Academic Writing, Business English, Second Language (German, Spanish or Russian), Text Analysis • Careers: research, education, massmedia, PR, translation/interpreting, editing, linguistic expertise,, publishing, etc.
Philology. Comparative Literary & Cultural Studies Exploring narratives from the perspective of various national and cultural literary traditions, studying literature in dialogue with intellectual currents and cultural trends, providing students with methodological tools in analyzing literary texts. • Courses: Modern theory of literature, Multiculturalism, Modern comparative studies, Myth in World literature of the XX century, Cinematographic and stage adaptations of classics, Modern British poetry, Synthesis of fact and fiction as national tradition of American literature • Designed for a wide range of students, having Bachelor’s degree in philology, journalism, history, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, etc.
Languages of Professional Communication: English and Russian Focuses on developing language for communication skills, learning strategies of efficient communication in the workplace. • Masters skills in two languages – English & Russian • Offers a variety of problem-solving activities which activate and reinforce background knowledge • Prepares for careers in educational and research institutions, international companies, tourist agencies, publishing business, civil service, mass media, translation agencies, etc.
French in professional communication Focuses on developing practical skills in French for Special Purposes Courses: Business French, Professional languages in international trade and law, Specialized translation in trade, economics and law, French for business negotiations, Language of advertisement, Workshop on culture of speech communication Careers: trade and industrial enterprises, administration, mass media, education, translation.
Russian as a foreign language Developed for international students: master program (2 years), short-term programs (1-4 weeks), research programs, professional development, doctoral program • Over 30 years • Students from 12 countries (USA, China, South Korea, Germany, France, Poland, Turkey, Arabian countries, etc.) including students coming on travel grants • Courses: Russian (phonetics, stylistics, grammar), Russian Culture, Russian for Special Purposes (economics, mass media, business, etc.) • Careers: education, media, translation, international businesses. Russian language and culture centers abroad (live sessions via web conference)
IPIC is a host institute for over 120 students from 13 countries : China, Turkey, Iran, Vietnam, France, Republic of Korea, Yemen,Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan,Belarus, Azerbaidzhan, etc.
We have International Students’ Council that helps students adjust to life in Russia and actively participate in students’ activities.
KAZAN INTERNATIONAL LINGUISTIC CENTRE (КILC) Short-term and long-term language and literature courses: English, German, French, Spanish, Tatar, Russian Professional development and life-long training courses in languages, literatures, and arts Grants KFU Certificates or Diplomas For students, schoolchildren, civil service officers, teachers, residents (more than 650 people in 2013) Distance and mobile education (Ana Tele project http://anatele.ef.com/) Meeting with the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov and rector of KFU I.R. Gafurov with students of Tatar language courses
KILC: INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION English language: Cambridge University Certificate Cambridge ESOL (Key English Test, Preliminary English Test, First Certificate in English, Certificate in Advanced English, Certificate of Proficiency in English) German language: certificates of Goethe Centre (Start Deutsch 1, 2, Fit in Deutsch 1, 2) French language in the sphere of tourism and hotel business B1 level (DFP du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie B1) For schoolchildren, students, educators, businessmen, travellers
Students take part in extra-curricular activities such as team-building activities, skiing, and hiking.
WHY TO STUDY AT IPIC? World class training in Russian and foreign languages, literatures, intercultural communication, education and arts Well qualified faculty with PhDs and additional training in Europe, USA and other countries Variety of programs (bachelor, master, doctoral) Programs in English and French Strong support to international students Russian language and culture outreach projects (Russian culture centers abroad, online sessions)
Welcome to the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication! Contact: 2, Tatarstan Str., Kazan, Russia 420021 Telephone: +7 (843) 2924287, fax: +7 (843) 2924274 Deputy Director for International Affairs: Gulnara V. Sadykova gsadykova@yahoo.com, gulnara.sadykova@kpfu.ru