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London West Alliance & Challenge Partners Hub. Spring 2014. Barnhill Community High Beavers Primary School Belmore Primary School Brentford School for Girls Brentside High School Charville Primary School Chiswick Community School Feltham Community College
London West Alliance &Challenge Partners Hub • Spring 2014
Barnhill Community High Beavers Primary School Belmore Primary School Brentford School for Girls Brentside High School Charville Primary School Chiswick Community School Feltham Community College Heston Community School Isleworth & SyonBoys Lampton School Lillian Baylis School London West Alliance 13/14: 12 Secondary, 8 Primary and 1 MLD Schools • Marjory Kinnon School • Norwood Green Junior • Oaklands School • Ryefield Primary School • Southville Junior School • Springwell Junior School • Stockley Academy • Strand on Green Junior • The Green School
Context for LWA: NCTL ‘Big 6’ • Initial teacher training (ITT) • Continuing professional development (CPD) and leadership development • Succession planning and talent management • School-to-school support • Specialist leaders of education (SLEs) • Research and development (R&D)
Teaching School Context: NCTL Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • 1 Pupil attainment and closing the gap • 2 Overall effectiveness of schools • 3 Quality of teaching • 4. Quality of leadership • 5 Number of trainees trained by teaching school alliances • 6 Supply of leaders • 7 Number of schools in teaching school alliances • 8 The number of SLEs designated, trained and deployed
LWA Context ctd: Dimensions of a successful system – what LWA are aiming for Hargreaves, D H, 2011, Leading a self-improving school system,
And LWA is a Challenge Partners Hub, which means: We are members of a national network of local partnerships that challenge each other to improve.Advancing the quality of sustainable teaching and leadership through the generation and transfer of knowledge.
OUR SHARED AIMS We are committed to ensuring that we deliver the best possible education to our pupils 1. 2. 3. 4.
THE MODEL A partnership owned and led by its members • Hubs • A local network of schools – usually a teaching school alliance – who come together to pool their knowledge and resources • Partners • Members of the hub who participate in the running its activities • Senior Partners • Head teachers of the lead hub school who helps facilitate collaboration and represent their members in the wider network
CHALLENGE PARTNERS IN NUMBERS A national network of local partnerships 24 237 170,000
A REPRESENTATIVE PARTNERSHIP All phases, governance type and context involved
CORE ACTIVITY We deliver on our aims by drawing on our most valuable resource – our people and schools • The Quality Assurance Review • Every year a Challenge Partners school receives a QA Review and participates in a reciprocal review. • This peer auditing process involves a visit from a team of senior leaders and head teachers from other partner schools, led by an Ofsted accredited inspector. • Teaching & Learning • Ensure that the very best training opportunities are available where they are needed most. We provide the opportunity for teachers to attend Olevi’s ITP, OTP and OFP programmes. • Collaboration • Build capacity in local arrangements by funding activities that support school-to-school collaboration. • National voice and network • Use our voice to influence policy and decisions based. • Apply for funding and research opportunities • Bring together our best practitioners to problem solve • Provide leadership on key teaching and leadership challenges • Work together on strategic initiatives such as SCITTs. • Provide a directory of best practice
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Facilitated school-to-school support • We broker school-to-school support and a range of activities which includes: • School improvement – appointing an outstanding school to deliver a package of proven interventions for schools at all stages of their journey. • Ofsted readiness - a range of services to support schools throughout the Ofsted inspection process. • Subject specific – targeted support for schools that wish to develop a specific area of practice e.g. Maths, English, SEN or EAL. • Challenge the Gap • a strategic whole school programme that has been shown to significantly improve the academic performance of FSM pupils
…in addition, LWA are currently engaged in….. Innovative Programmes Core activities • Primary Maths Skills • EAL for Classroom Teachers • Challenge the Gap • University Learning in Schools • Students Leading Learning • MFL Support for Primary Partners • Implementing the new Primary Curriculum In the pipeline: • The research-informed school • ITE – Schools Direct • Improving Teacher Programme • Outstanding Teacher Programme • Specialist Leaders of Education • School Improvement Support packages – beyond Hounslow • Raising Achievement at A/A* at A level
Primary Maths Skills Programme and Bespoke Support Lead – Ruth Williams, Maths SLE & NCETM accredited lead, rwilliams@lampton.org.uk • Following the launch of the pilot funded by LBH Innovation Fund, a successful bid to the London Mayor’s Fund is enabling us to scale up the Primary Maths Skills Programme around London to ensure more primary teachers develop confidence and competence in teaching maths. The pilot is providing Ruth with a powerful insight into the gaps and needs of primary colleagues which will inform the ongoing programme development. This LBH pilot continues next year. • Partners in the roll-out include: • Waldegrave • Southfields • Compton • And a further programme running through Lampton Teaching School partner Charville Primary School Initial training of our partners took place in November, further training is scheduled for January. The rollout across London commences Spring 2014. By the end of 2014-2015, we expect to have a fully developed and robust programme to continue to offer to primary schools at an affordable price.
Primary Maths Skills Programme and Bespoke Support Lead – Ruth Williams, Maths SLE & NCETM accredited lead, rwilliams@lampton.org.uk • In addition to the skills programme, Ruth is continuing to work with the LBH to deliver support as part of the two Innovation Funds. 11 schools have requested bespoke support and Ruth is to work with 7 local schools this year to provide 6 half days provision each. (a total of 42 half days) Ruth also delivered workshops in November on developing number sense and reasoning (£700) with BPSI as part of their LSEF launch and has been working with them to develop baseline evaluation tools for our fund. She hopes to be involved in their future project activities. There are definitely opportunities to market this workshop in our area. In addition further opportunities will exist to work with LBH to increase the level of support both through the skills development programme and increased bespoke support. There have also been requests for further masterclasses for the more able that were run last year and in school inset. Currently Ruth has no more capacity to increase her SLE work! Breaking News! Around 30 Mathematics Education Strategic Hubs (MESH) will be established over the next two years, supported by an £11m allocation from the Department for Education. The NCETM is to take the lead role in developing the new, Government-funded, national network of school-led maths education centres, aimed at sharply improving pupils’ attainment in the subject across the board. Ruth has registered Lampton’s interest in becoming one of these centres.
MFL Support for Primary Partners in partnership with CfBT LIS / MLE lead professionals • Partnership with CfBT to support primary teachers to develop MFL teaching both through • Pedagogy and • Subject mastery Partner schools: Beavers Alexandra
MFL: curriculum development Independent – State School Partnership British Film Institute • Led by SIZ Collaboration between state schools and independent sector to develop successful pedagogy for MFL and opportunities for student to student learning • Led by MHU Development of curriculum resources and approaches to use film to inspire students, to engage them in language learning. Combination of • Leadership of teacher and student workshops at BFI • Materials development + resources for teachers
Implementing the Primary Curriculum Lead - Nicola Forster, Headteacher, Ryefield Primary School nforster5@hillingdongrid.org • The National College funding to support the implementation of the new primary curriculum will be led by our partners Ryefield Primary School with Barnhill School. They are planning a conference (21st March 2014) and the establishment of separate subject working groups to review resources and make recommendations by July 2014. • Primary schools are all welcome to attend, and secondary subject specialists, with particular responsibility for KS3 are also welcomed to join the curriculum working groups.
Succession Planning for Leadership Lead - Jacquie Smith, Associate Head Teaching School jsmith@lampton.org.uk • All Alliance Heads have been asked to audit their likely staffing needs over the next few years so we can plan appropriately • A register of senior and potential senior leaders is being compiled so we can quickly communicate with opportunities and leadership courses • NPQML is underway for a second time with Teaching Leaders • NPQSL is finishing this term and we will be offering a second programme shortly with Future Leaders
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE) LWA SLE lead - Audrey Douglas, The Green School • Lampton have appointed 15 SLEs. For more details see http://www.lampton.org.uk/teaching-school/sle/ • The most recent round for new applicants closed 23rd October and one new applicant is being interviewed in Jan 2014. SLE Network meetings • Tuesday 1st Oct Agenda -rebrand, update projects, identify how we can met the current needs/issues • Thursday 15thJan – share good practice, strategic marketing, ideas to redesign evaluation forms to evidence impact Re brand and marketing of SLE’s • Coordinated update and redesign of SLE flyers with Teaching School livery in a format that all SLE’s can adapt and amend details • Second stage is to upload these on to website and ways of strategic marketing International developments – examples of SLE activity • Observing and teaching lessons in Beijing at Tsinghua International & State School focusing on sharing assessment, creativity and collaborative lessons • Hosted 6 Chinese teachers: devised 2 week programme for visit with focus on developing assessment, creativity School - in reach – examples of activity • Forum Sessions on Challenge • Developing Literacy lessons • Compiling staff action research projects into book to disseminate • Teaching and learning initiatives – monthly T&L postcards, T&L wall, literacy placemats, etc For more information please contact: Audrey Douglas Audrey.Douglas@thegreenschool.net
Schools Direct Schools Direct Secondary Schools Direct Primary • LWA lead Julie Jaffray, Lampton School. Programme is live this year with approx 30 trainees across 10(?) schools in the Alliance being trained currently with support of Roehampton University. • A new round of applications is opening this month for the 2014-15 cohort of trainees. • Looking at a SCITT in the long term • LWA lead Sue Harrison, Strand on Green Junior. New programme is being developed this year for 8 applicants who will be trained from 2014-15.
OLEVI PROGRAMMES OTP ITP • Autumn cross - phase OTP completed on 10th December with 15 participants from 6 different schools • Power of Coaching supported OTP and A/A* Critical Thinking • Spring Primary OTP will be run out of Charville by Lampton beginning 21st January • Power of Coaching to take place for trained facilitators at Lampton in the Spring. Dates TBA • Autumn ITP was successfully completed on 11th November with students leading learning with lesson feedback. • Well attended with 12 participants, all supported by in-school coaches. OFP This programme was over- subscribed and took place in September at Lampton with 12 participants.
Challenge the Gap Lead – Alex Leggett, aleggett@lampton.org.uk The Programme • Challenge the Gap is a whole school improvement programme that is designed to support schools narrow the gap between FSM and non FSM pupil’s achievement and attainment • The programme supports interventions at all levels (leadership, class teacher and para-professional) through a workshop programme and facilitating JPD with colleagues from other schools. Impact (2012) • On average, the target pupils made around 5 points progress in primary English, primary maths and secondary English and 3.8 points in secondary maths (pupils in Accelerator schools made around 4.5 points). The national average for pupil progress is around 3 points, so this is equivalent to five terms progress in a year. 2013-14 • The Challenge the Gap programme will start its 3rd year in June 2013 and schools that are interested in applying to be a part of the programme should contact Alex Leggett.
Closing the Gap - Test and Learn Lead – Alex Leggett, aleggett@lampton.org.uk The Project • Closing the Gap is a research project run by the National College. It is designed to test the effect of various interventions on the progress of FSM pupils. Schools have been allocated a specific intervention and a role in the project (either as a trial school or a control school). The intervention will be run and the impact judged using pre and post intervention testing. Update Jan 2014 • Lampton School is working with Heston School and Springwell Junior • Lampton is a control school in 2013-14 whist Heston and Springwell are trial schools • Lampton’s intervention is “inference training”, whilst Heston is working on “Growth Mind-sets” with Springwelltrialling “Achievement for all” • Schools involved in the project have tested the pupils and this information has been submitted to the National College. They will begin training to deliver the intervention shortly
Basketball Academy - Developing young leaders Lead - AlanKeane, Director of Basketball Academy akeane@lampton.org.uk • Lampton School Basketball Academy players are inspiring and motivating KS2 pupils to become young leaders. • 55 Lampton pupils are working with approx 270 KS2 pupils • Autumn term – 20 sessions delivered (4 x 5 weeks): • Beavers (2 classes) • Alexandra Junior (3 classes) • Ivy Bridge (2 classes) • Hounslow Town (3 classes). Impact and feedback “The first thing to say is that the children looked forward to their basketball lesson every week. They really enjoyed it. I think that the coaches were excellent; they were able to build up a good rapport with the children and were extremely encouraging. Previous learning was re-capped every week and the outcome of the lessons were clearly delivered. The teaching of the basketball skills was fantastic and I was able to see the children progress from their first lesson to their last. Thank you for your time and effort with my Class”. Amy Cox Year 5 teacher (Ivy Bridge)
Gifted & Talented Lead – Jessica Hamer (Hounslow Network and LWA) jhamer@lampton.org.uk • We have been working with schools within the LWA and Hounslow network on developing criteria for the identification of and provision for more able pupils. • Training of teaching staff in the provision for more able pupils has been given within the borough. • Debate workshops for primary school pupils and teachers have been run. This will continue in 2014 with an expansion to include competitions at KS3 – 5. Feedback: “The children felt more confident and enjoyed the whole course...being given the chance to work alongside secondary pupils was fantastic” Teacher “When I grow up I want to be a lawyer and debating can help me win court cases. I really enjoyed getting to know other people from another school” Year 5 pupil • Spring term meeting: Tues 21st January
Research & Development Programme What CPD leads to outstanding pedagogy? • Changes in leadership mean Lampton are taking the lead as of December 2013 to develop the work started by Gavin Henderson in 2012-13. • Led by Lampton staff engaged in PhD programmes – focus on ‘what makes successful CPD’. • 3 projects feature
Young Shakespeare Nation - RSC Working Group RSC Workshops Live streaming of Richard II • This is a new three-year, RSC initiative to roll out less familiar Shakespeare plays to young people. • New ideas were shared with five participating schools in workshop sessions for teachers. • Within Lampton, these in turn have been shared with colleagues in the English department with a particular focus on Year 8. • Year 8 participated in a series of specially designed lessons in order to prepare them to watch the live streaming of Richard II on November 15th. • Year 8 rose to the challenge of watching a three hour production of the play. An observer from the RSC was impressed by their understanding, absorption and resilience. • Students also had an opportunity to submit questions in a live web chat with David Tennant (Richard II). • Feedback from the students was very positive and some interesting reviews were written by students. Aditi Mukherjee, Teacher of English
SEND network Lead: David Bartram • Termly network meetings attended by primary and secondary colleagues from Ealing, Hounslow, Hillingdon and Richmond schools. • Guest speakers: • September 2013 Dominic Siwoku, SEN Policy Advisor for DfE • February 2014 Vijita Patel, Swiss Cottage School & Shona Crichton, Communication Trust • May 2014 Malcolm Reeve, SEN Director for Academies Enterprise Trust & Chair of Federation of Leaders in Special Education; Mel Byrne, CEO of Dyslexia-SPLD Trust • Outreach support provided by Lampton Inclusion team: Denbigh Alliance, and Lealands School, Luton and St Mary’s School Herts.
English & Maths Working Groups Terms of reference - to improve T&L and pupil outcomes in Maths and English by: • Identifying expertise and enabling schools to learn from the best • Providing expertise for the wider Alliance • Reporting and making recommendations to the HT Group • Developing guidance on the new curriculum
English network Lead: Gary Munro Gary.Munro@thegreenschool.net • Termly working group of mainly secondary colleagues from Hounslow and Hillingdon • Autumn discussion included new KS5 curriculum and IGCSE v GCSE; OFSTED accountability; • Spring term meeting – • GCSE and iGCSE – where are we now? • The new curriculum – if you’ve done any work on the new KS3 curriculum which you would like to share, do bring this along • Pupil premium – how are you using this money in your schools • A level • Promoting reading
Maths working group Lead: Alex Pett, Feltham Community College, Alex.Pett@felthamcc.org • Termly working group includes primary members from Hounslow, Hillingdon • Autumn term discussion included assessment KS4 and KS5; tracking pupil progress; PiXL and an ongoing bank of shared resources • Spring term focus – • best practice in terms of prep for summer exam • Showing progress throughout lessons • Chance to see discuss the new curriculum • KS3 challenges
Students Leading Learning Lead –Lawrence Carroll lcarroll@lampton.org.uk • This is a termly programme designed to develop year 9 pupils as observers of teaching and learning. The programme consists of a training day for a cohort of 27 pupils allowing three schools to bring 9 students to be trained. • The programme builds capacity for improving whole school learning, develops pupil metacognition and improves pupils’ language of learning. It also creates a culture of collaboration between pupils and teachers. • Outcomes (1): pupils will learn how to discuss teaching and learning, identify excellent teaching ,observe a lesson and give constructive feedback to teachers. • Outcomes (2): Staff will learn how to develop pupils as future leaders of learning. At Lampton the programme is being extended to the rest of KS3 and training teachers to support the programme. • Feedback from Staff - “The feedback was great – very precise and the questions they asked were very thought provoking. I’m looking forward to having the next group of SLL observers in my lesson.” • Feedback from Students…‘I can see how hard it is to be a teacher now!’….you helped me really develop my skills – especially giving feedback’ ‘I really liked the way we worked together in depth and then tried out what we learned’
University Learning in Schools • University Learning in Schools is an innovative pilot project, funded by the Greater London Authority and based on the ‘Brilliant Club’ model of partnering outstanding PhD researchers with schools, in this case to produce exciting new classroom resources. • This project, delivered in partnership by Achievement for All 3As, Lampton School, Haberdashers’ Askes’ Federation and the Brilliant Club will enhance KS3 teacher’s subject knowledge and passion ultimately increasing pupil achievement in core subjects. • 2013: focus on English, Geography, Biology, Physics
Raising Achievement at A/A* at A level Lead: Lynne Isham, Lampton School lisham@lampton.org.uk • This is a developmental programme of 6 sessions over the course of term. Achievement at A* at A level is based not on knowing more content but requiring students to demonstrate a greater degree of sophistication in terms of conceptual understanding; analytical and evaluative thinking; clear and cogent written communication. The programme looks at specific Critical Thinking based strategies to be used as part of routine teaching and learning in order to foster such outcomes. • As part of the programme teachers link strategies and tools very directly to their subject A level specifications to ensure all learning is highly contextualized for the demands of their subject. • Autumn term programme ran with 10 participants across 4 schools within the Alliance. • Teacher feedback through evaluation forms identified specific areas of improvement in their practice, specifically in relation to: questioning; close reading; and organising course content around key concepts. Teachers report that these have led to increased student engagement with more complex ideas and better quality of responses from Y13 students • Teacher feedback comments refer to ‘being challenged’, ‘inspired’, ‘refreshed’ • Quality of facilitation was evaluated as outstanding
EAL training for classroom practitioners Partnership between HLS and Lampton, with strategic partners London Borough of Hounslow, Heston Community School and Charville Primary. Successful bid to the London Mayor’s Excellence Fund to design and develop a new suite of pilot training programmes to enable teachers at all stages in their career to improve their knowledge and understanding of how to support EAL pupils in the mainstream classroom: • Level 1 NQT and ITT • Level 2 Good and outstanding teachers with potential to become specialist leaders in classroom practice for EAL • Level 3: English Language Master classes for subject teaches who need to depend their understanding of how to support pupils’ spelling, punctuation and grammar. • Alliance members will have the opportunity to train teachers during the pilot testing of these programmes during the funded period.
School to School support – out of local authority Current projects: • OXFORD ACADEMY: support for improvement in t+l using CPD support (JSM on ‘cohort’ programmes, English support (1 day a week from JPA / ECR) and Science leadership (JPA) with Senior Leadership Strategic support (SJO) • WELLINGTON ACADEMY: support for improving the practice of weakest teachers: ITP personalised for in school cohort (JSM) will expand to leadership of CPD • AET (Clacton Coastal Cluster) JSM development of OTP for AET lead facilitation – personalised approach for AET staff only • ST JOSEPH’S: SWINDON: LIS Support for middle leaders in core subjects
Contact InformationLampton SchoolLampton AvenueHounslowTW3 4EP Tel: 0208 572 1936Fax: 0208 572 8500Email: info@lampton.org.ukWeb: www.lampton.org.uk