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Status of FINUPHY project High Resolution Multi-photon and Electron-pair Detection Systems KVI Groningen, FZ J ü lich. With the financial support of FINUPHY, under the Joint Scientific and Technological Activities and Studies program, we have organized four international workshops:
Status of FINUPHY project High Resolution Multi-photon and Electron-pair Detection Systems KVI Groningen, FZ Jülich With the financial support of FINUPHY, under the Joint Scientific and Technological Activities and Studies program, we have organized four international workshops: (FEMC01-FEMC04; FEMC: FINUPHY Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter) with focus on the following topics: 1) To discuss relevant physics issues, status of ongoing research,create a community (experiment and theory) Workshop on Strangeness Production(FEMC01), at KVI, Nov. 2-3, 2001.15 invited lectures, 54 participants Web information: www.kvi.nl/~bacelar/strangeness/program.html
2) To extend the community to the nuclear structure field Workshop on Inelastic Scattering with Radioactive Nuclei (FEMC02), at KVI,Feb. 19-22, 2003 14 invited speakers, 63 participants Web information: www.kvi.nl/~wortche/workshop_2003/workshop_www.htm 3) To discuss the technical aspects of an e.m. calorimeter Workshop on Advanced Electromagnetic Calorimetry and its Applications (FEMC03). at KFA, Jülich, March 10-11, 2003 21 invited speakers, 41 participants Web information: www.fz-juelich.de/femc03/de/index.shtml
4) To discuss the physics and technical aspects of a 4 e.m. calorimeter at COSY Workshop on Advanced Electromagnetic Calorimetry and its Applications: Physics with a 4π Detector at COSY (FEMC04) at KFA, Jülich, Jan. 26-29, 2004 33 invited speakers, 80 participants Web information: ankecvs.ikp.kfa-juelich.de/femc04/en/index.shtml The organizational costs of the above mentioned 4 workshops, exhausted the allocated budget.
Given, the enthusiasm of the present community, which was consolidated through the focus and continuity of the series of 4 workshops, and the fact that new scintillator materials, like PbWO, and new fast read-out channels with APD (Avalanche PhotoDiode) technology, are being considered, as well as novel data-visualization IT-techniques, we would like to propose two new Workshops, to be organized during 2004/2005, on these new technologies. The foreseen budget would be 15 kEuro per workshop. Therefore, we formally request an extension of the present Project, until end of 2005, with an extra financing of 30 kEuro.