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University of Gothenburg. Sustainable Indicators and Environmental Management System, EMS. Ulf P Andersson Environmental Coordinator University of Gothenburg www.gu.se/miljo ulf@gu.se 2010-08-26.
University of Gothenburg Sustainable Indicators and Environmental Management System, EMS • Ulf P Andersson Environmental Coordinator University of Gothenburg • www.gu.se/miljo • ulf@gu.se • 2010-08-26
The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at fighting global warming. IPCC, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the leading body for the assessment of climate change, established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change
The Annual Environment Policy Review (EPR) is a report designed to monitor recent environmental trends and policy developments at EU and national level and the progress towards the EU’s key environmental goals as set out in the 6th Environment Action Programme. In July 2009 the Commission adopted the 2009 Review of EU SDS (Sustainable Development Strategy).
Sweden: Sustainable Development Indicators for Sweden – a first set 2001 In fall 2000, the Swedish Ministry of the Environment commissioned Statistics Sweden to develop this first publication of national indicators that describes sustainable development in Sweden. These indicators are also a contribution to discussions and the ongoing work with a Swedish strategy for sustainable development.
Sweden’s 16 Environmental Objectives The negative pressures on the environment and human health resulting from consumption in Sweden need to be reduced, both inside and outside the country’s borders. That is one of the points raised by the Environmental Objectives Council in its latest report to the Swedish Government, de Facto 2010.
Election in Sweden Information meeting on Sustainable development 2007 2006 results
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a network-based organization that has pioneered the development of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its continuous improvement and application worldwide. The cornerstone of the framework is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The third version of the Guidelines – known as the G3 Guidelines - was published in 2006, and is a free
The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a management tool for companies and other organisations to evaluate, report and improve their environmental performance. The scheme has been available for participation by companies since 1995 and was originally restricted to companies in industrial sectors. Since 2001 EMAS has been open to all economic sectors including public and private services.
The ISO 14000 is a family of internationally recognized standards for environmental management systems that is applicable to any business or organization, regardless of size, location or income. These standards are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which has representation from committees all over the world. ISO 14001 Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
ISO14001 • Environmental Managemant System Requirements • General • Environmental Policy • Planning • Environmental Aspects • Legal and other requirements • Objectives, targets and program • Implementation and operation • Resources, roles, responsibility and authority • Competence, training and awereness • Communication • Documentation • Control of documents • Operational control • Emergency preparedness and response
ISO14001 • Environmental Managemant System Requirements • Checking • Monitoring and measurement • Evaluation and compliance • Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action • Control of records • Internal audit • Management Review
Environmental Management System Organization and responsibility Environmental Investigation Environmental Policy Continual improvement Objectives and program Documents and procedures Environmental Audits Communication Check and review Education
The University of Gothenburg is a traditional European university with nine faculty boards and around 80 departments and units. • Sahlgrenska Academy (Medicine, Odontology, Health and Care Sciences) (2400) • Faculty of Science (1000) • Faculty of Social Sciences (700) • Faculty of Arts (550) • Faculty of Education (520) • School of Business, Economics and Law (500) • Faculty of Fine Applied and Performing Art (400) • IT Faculty (200) • Teacher Training at the University of Gothenburg (30) • University administration (500) • University library (190) • Smaller units under the vice chancellor (50)
Education and Research Education 50.000 students 200 programs and 2000 single courses Research 450 Professors 5000 Researchers/teachers, PhD-students and Technical/Administrative staff Several hundred research groups
Since 2005 the University of Gothenburg has a certificate for ISO14001 and a registration in EMAS. The only University in Sweden and one of few in the world. 2009 we made our first GRI Report (Global Reporting Initiative). For 2008: Level C, Self Declared For 2009: Level B, GRI Checked 2007 we wrote a book, Guide to Environmental Management System in governmental organisations, for the Swedish EPA. From 2008 we educate governmental organisations in EMS. 2010 new legislation on EMS.
Since 1998 the University of Gothenburg has published yearly Sustainability Reports.
The Environmental Management System at the University of Gothenburg works systematically with: • Social perspective • Economical perspective • Environmental perspective on: • Research • Education • Cooperation with society • Climate effects (travel and energy) • Resource consumption (purchases and waste) • Chemicals • Professional development
EDUCATION Objective: The University should integrate sustainable development in education Eco-labelling the programs and courses in sustainable development 2009 Education of Course Leaders New plan for Teachers Education
Higher Education Act chapter 1 section 5 (2006) In their activities, higher education institutions shall promote sustainable development that ensures present and future generations a healthy and good environment, economic and social welfare and justice.
EU summit 2001 Johannesburg 2002 Gothenburg 2004 http://www.chalmers.se/gmv/SV/projekt/larande-for-hallbar/konferenser-workshops/learning-2004
Higher Education 2005 Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Edited by John Holmberg and Bo Samuelsson http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001484/148466E.pdf
Pre-School, School and Teacher Education 2006 Drivers and Barriers for Learning for Sustainable Development in Pre-School, School and Teacher Education Edited by Inger Björneloo and Eva Nyberg http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001509/150966E.pdf
Early Childhood Education 2007 The contribution of early childhood education to a sustainable society Edited by Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson and Yoshie Kaga https://document.chalmers.se/download?docid=1420618238
Public Learning 2007 The Right to Knowledge - Public Learning for Sustainable Development Laboratory for Democratic Learning Edit by Mats Havström, Karl Magnusson and Pernilla Ottosson https://document.chalmers.se/download?docid=1620869201
Summing up 2008 Vision for a common blueprint on Education for Sustainable Development The Gothenburg Recommendations on Education for Sustainable Development
UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, Bonn 31 mars-2 april 2009 http://www.esd-world-conference-2009.org/en/home.html Bonn Declaration http://www.esd-world-conference-2009.org/fileadmin/download/News/BonnDeclarationFinalFR.pdf
OMEPXXVI World Congress August 11-13, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden www.omep2010.org Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Professor of Pedagogy, was awarded a UNESCO chair of “Early Childhood Education and Sustainable Development”. She was also appointed World President of Organisation Mondiale pour l’Éducation Préscolaire, OMEP. She hosted the Gothenburg conference ”Role of Early Childhood Education in a Sustainable Society”
RESEARCH Objective: The University should increase research on sustainable development PhD thesis with Sustainable Development 2009 Publications in sustainable development Members in GMV research network for Sustainable Development
The Environmental Management System at University of Gothenburg Organization and responsibility Environmental Investigation Environmental Policy Continual improvement Objectives and program Documents and procedures Environmental Audits Communication Check and review Education
Environmental Handbook, http://www.mls.adm.gu.se/miljoarbete/ • Policy/Environmental Policy • Handlingsplaner & mål/Objectives and program • Rutiner & regler A-Ö/Procedures • Ansvar & uppdrag/Organization and responsibility • Kompetensutveckling/Education • Lagstiftning/Legislation • Uppföljning & redovisning/Check and review • Revision/Audit • Ledningens genomgång/Management Review • All documents • http://www.mls.adm.gu.se/miljoarbete/handbok/
Faculty Environmental Handbook, • The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg • http://www.handels.gu.se/ • http://www.hgu.gu.se/item.aspx?id=17793 • http://www.hgu.gu.se/item.aspx?id=16547
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Surface finishing (Cr) Chemicals in the wastewater drain Chemical and biological laboratories Solvents Photography developing laboratories Casting metal (Pb) Colouring textiles Casting glass fibre … Ceramic oven Some examples