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Protection Against Environmental Factors

Protection Against Environmental Factors. Medical Protection. Prevention Vaccines (Immunization) are killed forms of the microbe (bacteria or virus) don’t cause the disease, but your body builds immunity through the production of antibodies

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Protection Against Environmental Factors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protection Against Environmental Factors

  2. Medical Protection Prevention • Vaccines (Immunization) • are killed forms of the microbe (bacteria or virus) • don’t cause the disease, but your body builds immunity through the production of antibodies • Many diseases have decreased in the last 80 years due to vaccination (Polio, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, Measles)

  3. Herd Immunity – the more people that are vaccinated, the less likely anyone is to get the disease – even those that have not been vaccinated

  4. There is an Anti-Vaccine Movement which makes a number of health-related claims (allergies, autism….)

  5. Why the anti-vaccine movement? • Because we have had vaccination programs in North America for so long, it seems we have forgotten how serious some diseases can be. • E.g. 1918 Flu (H1N1 virus) – “Spanish Flu” • About ¼ of the world’s population was infected • 50-130 million people died (1 in every 25 people) • Measles – The World Health Organization calls this the number 1 preventable disease through vaccination programs. 800,000 people / year die

  6. Other Medical Prevention measures • Drugs – e.g. antimalarial medications (take prior to travel – will kill the parasite (not 100% effective) • DEET – insect repellent (a registered pesticide) • Hazardous? (Health Canada requires the limit be 30% or less)

  7. Asthma Medication – controls inflammation of the airways (keeps them open)

  8. Non-Medical Prevention • Sunscreen – SPF (Sun Protection Factor) – protects against UV light rays (chemicals absorb rays and release it as heat) • Mosquito Nets – especially important in countries where malaria is prevalent

  9. Respirators • 1. Air Purifying Respirators – absorb chemicals and microbes in a cartridge (filter)

  10. 2. Supplied Air Respirators – supply clean air from a compressed air tank – used in extremely hazardous environments (life threatening toxins in the air)

  11. Hearing Protection • Ear Plugs / Ear Muffs

  12. Water Filters • Removal of microbes (pathogens), some chemicals • Usually ceramic or charcoal

  13. Healthy Homes • Proper ventilation systems – exchange of air inside with outside air; especially important as homes are being built to minimize heat loss

  14. Air Filters – furnace filters or stand alone electric air purifiers (different technologies available) • Benefit is usually to those suffering from allergies (pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke particles, VOCs) • Sick Building Syndrome

  15. Carbon Monoxide Detectors - CO is a product of incomplete combustion….so if something goes wrong with the furnace (or venting to the outside), CO can be released and build up- odorless, toxic- most cities now have bylaws requiring them (near furnace)

  16. Mold Prevention – black mould spores can produce mycotoxins- grows/spreads in a damp environment- bathrooms/kitchens/basements- drywall that is mold resistant can be used- mold resistant paint- dehumidifiers can be used

  17. Radon Gas • Natural: radioactive colourless, odorless noble gas - responsible for most background radiation- product of the natural decay of uranium- depending where you live and the age of your house, it can seep into your basement (through walls and floor) from the soil/rock below the house- 2nd leading cause of lung cancer- ventilation under the floor in the basement

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