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Science and Technology English 科技英文. Students: 資訊三 A 9379201 梁展尉 ( 資料收集,口頭報告 ) 資訊三 A 9379203 李宗原 ( 翻譯,排版 ) . The Grape Wine . Classification of the grape wine
Science and Technology English科技英文 Students: 資訊三A 9379201 梁展尉 (資料收集,口頭報告) 資訊三A 9379203 李宗原 (翻譯,排版)
The Grape Wine Classification of the grape wine " The grape wine " Refers to it in general by the alcohol beverage that the fresh grape passed the ferment and produced. Depend on its different characteristics, can be divided into five big classes . 認識葡萄酒 葡萄酒的分類 所謂 “葡萄酒”就是泛指由新鮮葡萄經發酵而產生的酒精性飲料。依其不同的特性,又可分為五大類。
White wine 白葡萄酒
Claret 紅葡萄酒
Blush wine 玫瑰紅酒
The Champagne vapour steeps the wine Should in fact be divided into 2 kinds: Champagne According to French government's regulation, the vapour produced only in the French Champagne steeps the wine and can preceded and call the Champagne, other places can only let the vapour steep the wine. Champagne (Champagne) It is the place where lie in an extremely small area by the French northeast, about 145 km from Paris, because of the fertile soil, suitable climate and unique variety of famous and precious grape in this area, therefore make and make out well known Champagne. The Champagne is with the bottle 2 times [ferment naturally ], produce the carbon dioxide and succeed. Can drink or mix with the first one or seafood alone, it is also the beverage that a joyous banquet is indispensable. It is 5 degrees Centigrade - 10 degrees Centigrade to drink temperature rightly. 香檳汽泡酒 其實應該分為2種 香檳酒 據法國政府規定,只有在法國香檳地出產的汽泡酒才可以冠稱香檳酒,其他地方的只可以叫汽泡酒。 香檳(Champagne)是位於法國東北邊一個極小區域的地方,距巴黎約145公里,由於該地區肥沃的土壤、適宜的氣候以及獨特的名貴葡萄品種,因而釀製出舉世聞名的香檳酒。 香檳酒以2次瓶內[天然發酵],產生二氧化碳而成。可單獨飲用或配以頭盤或海鮮,亦是喜慶宴會不可缺的飲料。適飲溫度為5℃-10℃。
Sparkling Wine Beyond France Champagne producing region, pass the traditional way (Methode champenoise) Make and make it. Or add the carbon dioxide in the grape cask with the artificial method, and then bottle but succeed. Can drink or mix with the plain boiled pork, seafood, the beverage with indispensable joyous banquet alone. It is 5 degrees Centigrade - 10 degrees Centigrade to drink temperature rightly. 汽泡葡萄酒 在法國Champagne產區以外,經傳統方式(Methode champenoise) 釀製而成。或以人工方法將二氧化碳加進葡萄酒桶中,而後裝瓶而成。 可單獨飲用或配以白肉、海鮮,喜慶宴會不可缺的飲料。適飲溫度為5℃-10℃。
Strengthen the grape wine Cook it for the wine after the meal more, can drink or match the dessert or the cigar alone. 加強葡萄酒 多做為餐後酒,可單獨喝或搭配甜點或雪茄。
Four songs (4 S) sampling wine 品酒的四部曲(4個S) • (1) Sight • Using has no glass of the pattern, because it is tasteless, the natural fruit that will not influence the wine is fragrant with fragrance. In addition, because being colourless, glass can make us to be correct to judge of the wine. The tougher the white wine is, the color will have been deepened gradually. The tougher the claret is, the color will have been changed light gradually. • (1) 看酒 • 用沒有花紋的玻璃杯,因為它是無味的,因此不會影響到酒的天然果香和香氣。此外,因為玻璃杯無色的,可讓我們正確判斷酒的顏色。白葡萄酒越老,顏色會漸漸變深。紅葡萄酒越老,顏色會漸漸變淺。
(2) Swirl • There should be high feet in the cup, can is it is it is it wake up to shake as you wine of cup slowly to want to guarantee so in order to at demonstrating characteristicking of it (stir soup, companion of pan, the reason making it fragrant is the same) . • (2) 搖酒 • 杯子應該有高腳,這樣可以確保當你想緩緩將杯中的酒搖醒以展露它的特性時(與攪伴鍋中的湯,使它散發香味的道理一樣)。
(3) Smell • Stretch into cup nose, you can obtain wine might offer sense of taste of you experience roughly. Is it see wine this fragrant, or smell stop up, light, fresh, sour, sweet, thick strongly fragrant, a oily one, stimulate, be strong or have shyness lured to smell. • (3) 聞酒 • 將鼻子伸入杯中,你就可大致獲得酒可能給予你的味覺感受。聞聞看該酒是否芳香,或氣味閉塞、清淡、新鮮、酸的、甜的、濃郁、膩的、刺激、強烈或帶有誘惑的羞澀。
(4) Sip • It is the part of making people meet most finally - The entry is checked. • Drink a mouthful of wine, but don't swallow first. Let it roll about in the mouth, in order to have a trial test and judge its slight difference taste, then after you have already administrated and appraised correctly, just swallow, experience its pleasant impression. • A bottle of good grape wine, should be sugariness, acidity, alcohol, single four kinds of peaceful senses of taste reach a kind of balanced energetic sense. • (4) 品酒 • 最後是最令人滿足的部份-入口檢查。 • 喝一口酒,但先不要吞下去。讓它在口中打滾,以便品嚐和評判它的細微差別口味,然後當你已正確地給與評價後,才吞下去,並體驗它的餘味。 • 一瓶好的葡萄酒,應該是甜度、酸度、酒精、單寧四種味覺達到一種平衡的飽滿感。
Read labels 閱讀標籤 • The ID card that the label of the grape wine is for example a person, you can find out the basic materials about this bottle of wine from label. • The following is a label of a French grape wine: • 葡萄酒的標籤就好比一個人的身份證,你可以從標籤上看出有關這瓶酒的基本資料。 • 以下是一張法國葡萄酒的標籤:
Keep the method 保存方法 • In front of opening the bottle: • The wine bottle must be often put sideways to make the bottle plug keep moist, otherwise the bottle plug will be dry and causing the air to soak in making the wine oxidize. • Most ideal storing the wine place is the cellar or the basement naturally, because can make the temperature too steady to change throughout the year. Ideal storing wine temperature is Centigrade from 11 degrees Centigrade to 15 degrees Centigrade, humidity and 65% to 80% of the places. • If there is no cellar, can place on the coolest place. • 開瓶前: • 酒瓶須經常橫置使瓶塞保持濕潤,否則瓶塞會乾燥而致空氣浸入使酒氧化。 • 最理想的儲酒處自然是地窖或地下室,因為可使氣溫常年穩定不變。理想的儲酒溫度是攝氏11℃至15℃、濕度65%至80%的地方。 • 假如沒有地窖,可放在最涼快的地方。
Avoid storing the wine and is close to articles with bad smell, for example: Petrol, diesel oil, solvent, paint and industrial oil pharmaceutical,etc.. • The noise, light and high temperature are apt to injure and store the wine. • If grape wine is stored properly, can have kept for a long time. But as far as Beaujolais Nouveau put out at the end of every November are concerned, it are all drunk up at the end of December before in that year that this wine answers. • Because the grape wine is various in style, mouthfeel is different, there is a stink while opening to only meet the grape wine, and when being not the taste of the grape wine, can just say: [This bottle of wine is problematic ]. • 避免儲酒接近具有難聞氣味之物品,例如:汽油、柴油、溶劑、油漆及工業用油劑等等。 • 噪音,光線與高溫易傷害儲酒。 • 葡萄酒如果儲存得宜,都可以保存很久。但以每年11月底推出的 Beaujolais Nouveau 而論,此酒應在當年的12月底前全部喝掉。 • 因葡萄酒品種繁多,口感有別,只有踫到葡萄酒打開時有臭味,和不是葡萄酒的味道時,才可以說:[這瓶酒有問題]。
After opening the bottle: • Wine that open should get cork back into, wine is it is it answer the refrigerator to wave to stand upright drink [red white ]. • Can store about 3-7 days. • Can be used as the stir-fry or salted the using of the beefsteak down such as not liking to drink the left wine. • 開瓶後: • 開過的酒則應將軟木塞塞回,把未喝完的[紅或白]酒直立擺回冰箱。 • 可儲存約3-7天左右。 • 如不喜歡喝剩下來的酒,可以用作炒菜或醃牛排之用。
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