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HEP GROUP UNIANDES - COLOMBIA. Carlos Avila On behalf of the group. LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES IN LHC EXPERIMENTS. Uniandes is a CMS collaborating Institution since March 2006. ALICE. CMS. LHCb. ATLAS. 8 L.A. countries participating in LHC experiments.
HEP GROUP UNIANDES - COLOMBIA Carlos Avila Onbehalf of thegroup C. Avila, UNIANDES
LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES IN LHC EXPERIMENTS Uniandesis a CMS collaboratingInstitutionsinceMarch 2006 ALICE CMS LHCb ATLAS 8 L.A. countries participating in LHC experiments. About 250 L.A. people involved (Physicists, Engineers, Grad. Students). C. Avila, UNIANDES
L.A. Participation in other HEP experiments UNIANDES has more than 25 yearsdoing experimental HighEnergyPhysics • D0 -FOCUS -HYPERCP -MINERVA -PIERRE AUGER -D0 -E811 • D0 -DES -FOCUS -KTEV -MINOS -MINERVA -PIERRE AUGER -DELPHI -D0 -MINERVA • D0 -PIERRE AUGER -PIERRE AUGER C. Avila, UNIANDES
Founded in 1948 • Top 4 Latinamericanuniversityby QS universities ranking. • 13000 undergraduatestudents • 2500 Masterstudents • 350 PhDstudents • 30 undegraduateprograms • 25 masterprograms • 15 PhDPrograms • UndergraduatePhysicsProgramsince 1978 • PhDPhysicsprogramsince 1998 C. Avila, UNIANDES
UNIANDES HEP GROUP IN CMS - 2014 • 3 PROFESSORS: • - Bernardo Gómez • - Juan Carlos Sanabria • - Carlos Ávila • 4 PHD STUDENTS: • - Juan Pablo Gomez • - Luisa Chaparro • - Andres Cabrera • - Felipe Gonzalez • 1 POSTDOC: • - AndresFlorez • 3 ENGINEERS WITHIN M&O A CATEGORY: • - Luis Linares • - David Mendez • - Julian Badillo C. Avila, UNIANDES
UNIANDES – CERN UNIANDES Group: 3 professors , 1 postdoc, 3 PhDStudents, 3 Engineers, 3 MSC students. 2 MScThesis(Carlos Bula, I. Caicedo). 3 undergraduatethesis (C. Roa, S. Castro, I. Caicedo.) MEDIPIX 3 Member since 2008 CMS EXPERIMENT Membersince 2006 Instrumentationlab in Bogota RPC´s COMPUTING wtihin M&O A Data Analyses GEM project 2 PhDthesescompleted: 1. C. Carrillo: “Search for heavy stable charged particles in the CMS experiment using the RPC detectors”. Advisors: J.C. Sanabria, M. Maggi. 2. A. Ocampo: “Search for supersymmetry production signals in events with two leptons with the same sign using the cms detector”, Advisors: B. Gomez, M. Maggi. 2 PhD theses in progress: 3. Luisa Chaparro: “Search for the Dalitz Decay of the Higgs Boson in p-p Collisions with the CMS Detector”, Advisors. J. C. Sanabria, C. Cariillo. 4. J. P. Gomez: “Search for stops in theCMS experiment, reducing tt bar background with matrix elements techiniques”, Advisors: C. Avila, M. Maggi. 1 PhD thesis tin the SUSY VBF group: A. Cabrera. • 5 PhDstudentshaveparticipated in differentstages of theRPC´sbetween 2006 and 2013. • Comissioning and operation, debugging of problems, HV Scans, Detector efficiencies, Promptanalysistools, etc. 9 engineersfromouruniversityhavetakenpart of thecomputingoperationsgroupd of CMS, duringtheperiod 2006-2014.Each of themwith a stay of 2 years.Theyhavebeenhiredwithinthe M&O A scheme. Twoenginnershavealsobeeninvolved in the LPC at Fermilab. Duties are directlydefinedbythe CMS computinggroup. We are juststarting: Wehaveassembledone GEM detector in ourlab and are readytostartperformingsometests. Wecouldalso try togetinvolvedoneMScstudent in simulation. Thisisourcontributiontotheupgrade of CMS. This has beenour hardware contributionto CMS and ourpkanistocontinuewithit. Importantactivityforthevisibility of ourengineers and ouruniversity. C. Avila, UNIANDES
PROFESSOR´S RESPONSABILITIES • Teaching : twocourses per semester 40% • Administrativeduties 30% • Research 30% • RESEARCH: • GraduateStudentssupervision • Write up and Submission of researchproposals (~ 2/year) • Organization of scientificevents (about 2/year) • Coordination of the HEP weeklyseminar • Planning and follow up of groupactivities: CMS, MEDIPIX. • Coordination of thewrite up of internal notes, proceedings and paperswithdirectactivities of ourgroup. • Contributionwithtalks in workshops, seminars, etc. C. Avila, UNIANDES
POSTDOC´S RESPONSABILITIES • Teaching : onecourse per semester 30% • Research 70% • RESEARCH: • ContributewithGrad. Studentssupervision • Contributewith data Analysis • Contributewithothergroupactivities: Software maintenance, somehelpwithorganization of scientificevents, etc. • Co-coordination of the SUSY VBF group C. Avila, UNIANDES
PLAN OF STUDIES FOR OUR GRADUATE STUDENTS Years 1 and 2 : Takestandardcourses: ClassicalMechanics, ClassicalElectrodynamics,advanced Q.M., StatisticalPhysics, Avancedlab, 3 Electivecourses in ParticlePhysics. End of Year 2: QUALIFYING EXAMS Year 3: StartResearchactivities. Firstsemester: Traniniing in CMSSW, ROOT, Simulationpackages, etc. Secondsemester: Beginning of Stay at CERN: 90% dedicatedto CMS servicetasks, 10% to define thesisproject. Year 4: Firstsemester: 90% CMS servicetasks, 10% thesisproposal PHD EXAM: Defendthesisproposal Secondsemester: 40% servicetasks, 60% thesiswork Year 5:Firstsemester: 40% servicetasks, 60% thesiswork RETURN TO BOGOTA Secondsemester: 100% dedicatedtothesis Year 6: 100% dedicationtofinishPhDthesis. C. Avila, UNIANDES
Segment extrapolation We use residuals to check the quality of the tool used to measure RPC efficiency with segment extrapolation. Y Residual Y WorkdevelopedbyCamilo Carrillo. RPC RPC Rec Hit DT/ CSC X RPC Local Frame. X Point extrapolated from DT Segment Residual C. Avila, UNIANDES
“Muongraphies” Spacers Corners of the gas gaps Measurement of the border effect in the efficiency Uniform efficiency in plateau C. Avila, UNIANDES
HV Scan Comparison Between a Single Gap and a Double Gap Chamber Single Gap Chamber Double Gap Chamber HV Scan performed during CRAFT09. It shows the difference between single an double gap Chamber C. Avila, UNIANDES
Workeddevelopedby Alberto Ocampo. C. Avila, UNIANDES
Activities in the RPC Group - 2013 • Skew and Delay Test of the signal cables for the upgrade of the RPC System of the CMS Experiment (RE+4 and RE-4). • Test of the adaptors for the High Voltage Cable of the RPC chambers. • Test of the RPC High Voltage Cable for the upgrade of the RPC System (RE+4 and RE-4). • Preparationof the reshuffling code for the RPC High Voltage System. • Installation of RPC Signal Cable for RE+4 • Gasleaksearch for the RPC Gas Pipes C. Avila, UNIANDES
BothCamilo y Alberto werenominated, in 2009, bythe muon groupforthe CMS achievementaward. Camilo gotan extra vote: C. Avila, UNIANDES
ACTIVITIES IN DATA ANALYSIS • SearchforSemileptonic stop decaysbytagging t-tbarbackgroundwithmatrixelementsmethod. • PhdStudent : Juan Pablo Gomez • Advisor: C. Avila, Co-advisor: MarcelloMaggi • Search of Higgs Dalitz Decay • PhdStudent : Luisa Chaparro • Advisor: J. C. Sanabria, Co-advisor: C. Carrillo • 3. SUSY searchesthrough vector bosonfusion • Postdoc: AndresFlorez • PhDstudent: Andres Cabrera (willstart in 2014) • Advisor: B. Gomez, in Collaborationwith T. Kamon and A. Gurrolla. C. Avila, UNIANDES
Some of the contributions of Uniandes engineers to CMS Computing: Computing workflow management Detector Conditions data distribution Quality assurance and control in CMSSW. Manage tools and procedures to enable developers to contribute to CMSSW. CMS Computing Support C. Avila, UNIANDES
Support for the Frontier system, which distributes detector conditions data throughout the WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid). Support for the associated WLCG Squid network, deployed to decrease load on central Frontier servers. Implementation of the mandate of the WLCG Squid Monitoring Taskforce, encompassing CMS, ATLAS and the CVMFS system. Tracking, debugging and monitoring of workflows Improving and developing monitoring scripts and tools Detector Conditions Data Distribution C. Avila, UNIANDES
Daily operations of the CMS computing jobs distribution system, GlideinWMS. Deployment and updating of WMAgent software for CMS Workflows management. Daily operations of the CMS Dataset Book-keeping Service (DBS), currently transitioning from v2 to v3. Computing Workflow Management C. Avila, UNIANDES
Quality assurance and control in CMSSW. • Test new changes proposed by the developers for the current releases. • Run code analysis tools to perform efficiency checks and optimization. • Inform developers about errors and problems found in the releases caused by their codes C. Avila, UNIANDES
Ivan Caicedo Carlos Bula Study of Angiografic and TomographicimageswithMEDIPIX C. Avila, UNIANDES
FINANCIAL SOURCES: HELEN program (ALFA II), EPLANET, COLCIENCIAS, CMS, UNIANDES HELEN 22 Latin American Institutions 17 European Institutions Countries participating: From Europe: France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom From Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. ~70% of fellowships for mobility to CERN HELEN and EPLANET are finished. We need a new international project. This is important for mobility of students, postdoc and professors.
GOALS & PERSPECTIVES FOR 2014 • Continueouractivities in MEDIPIX with new MScstudent in collaborationwiththebio-engineeringdepartment and otherColombianuniversities. • Continueourparticipation in theRPCs • Maintaintheparticipation of ourengineers in the CMS computing M&O A program. • Finishthesis of Juan Pablo Gómez on stop searchwith t-tbarbackgroundreductionwithmatrixelementsmethod. • Advancewiththesis of Luisa Chaparro onHiggsdalitzdecay. • Startthesis of Andres Cabrera on SUSY VBF withmuons in final state Thisthesiswillhelptopavethewayforourcollaborationwith Texas A&M and Vanderbilt. • Startourcontributiontothe GEM project. Collaborationwith Texas A&M and Vanderbiltseems positive. • Wehavealsointerest in participating in a SUSY phenomenology- experimental project in collaborationwith Texas A&M and Vanderbilt Possiblywith new PhDstudent Felipe Gonzalez. • Needtowritesomeinernal notes forthework done byourgroup, includingservicework and theses of ourstudents. • Needtofind new externalsourcestofinanceouractivities, speciallymobility. C. Avila, UNIANDES