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The nature and its creatures. Natura si animalutele sale. Natura este pretutindeni , asa ca astazi vom invata creaturile ce traiesc pe langa noi : animalele .
The nature and its creatures Natura si animalutele sale
Naturaestepretutindeni, asacaastazivominvatacreaturilecetraiescpelanganoi: animalele. Cele care traiescalaturi de oamenisi in apropierealor, suntanimaleledomestice, sicelecetraiescdeparte de oamenisuntnumiteanimalesalbatice.
Animalele domestice nu fac rau, ne tin companie sau ne sunt de folos in ferme si in gospodarii, ele ne pot oferi lapte, carne sau ne pot ajuta in treburile gospodaresti.
Care din urmatoareleanimalevaplaccelmaimult? Animaledomestice: Animalesalbatice: • cainele; -leu; • pisica; -zebra; • gaina; -leopard; • rata; -tigru; • vaca; -vulpe; • calul; -urs; • capra. -elefant.
Today we will meet some of the domestic friends and their babies but also some of the wild animals. Here are some farm animals for you: Cat’s baby is called: kitten Goat’s baby is called: kid Horse’s baby is called: foal Dog’s baby is called: puppy Caw’s baby is called: calf
3 1 2 5 4
Exercises: Match the animals with their names: a 1.Cat 2.Dog 3.Cow 4.Goat 5.Horse 6.Lion 7.Zebra 8.Bear b c d e f g h
Identify and click D for Domestic and W for Wild for the boxes given below the animals 1. Zebra Sheep D W D W
2. Mouse Horse W D W D
3. Goose Frog W W D D
4. Rabbit Deer D W W D
1. 2. 3. 4. Yes!! I gave the correct answer!
1. 2. 3. 4. Oups I did A mistake…
Ai dreptate! Gasca este animal domestic. • Ai dreptate! Gasca este animal salbatic. • Deci gasca este atat animal domestic cat si salbatic! 3.
Ai dreptate! Iepureleeste animal domestic. • Ai dreptate! Iepureleeste animal salbatic. • Deciiepureleesteatat animal domestic cat sisalbatic! 4.
Thank you very much for your attention! Have a nice day!