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Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives

Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives. Unit 1. Modern Technology. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use latitude and longitude coordinates to determine an exact location on Earth.

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Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Unit 1

  2. Modern Technology • Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use latitude and longitude coordinates to determine an exact location on Earth. • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) use geographic information and layers it into a new map showing specific types of geographic data.

  3. Modern Technology • Aerial photography allows geographers to see land use changing over time by comparing pictures of places from years past to current photographs. • Google Earth, satellite images, and remote sensing bring places from around the world onto our computer screens.

  4. Map Distortion • Equal-area projection: keep the size or amount of area intact but distorts shapes. • Ex: Goodes-Homsoline projection

  5. Map Distortion • Conformal maps: distort area but keeps shapes intact. Distance between latitude lines increases the farther one moves away from the common line of latitude • Ex: Lambert conic projection

  6. Map Distortion • Mercator map projection: all lines of latitude and longitude meet at right angles, it greatly exaggerates the land forms around the polar regions.

  7. Map Classes and Types • Cylindrical- shows true direction but loses distance • Planar (azimuthal)- shows true direction and examines the Earth from one point • Conic-puts a cone over the Earth and tries to keep distance intact but loses directional qualitites. • Oval (Molleweide)- combo of cylindrical and conic projections

  8. Map Classes and Types Cylindrical Planar Conic Oval

  9. 5 Themes of Geography • Place • Region • Location • Human-Environment Interaction • Spatial Interaction or Movement

  10. 5 Themes of Geography: Human-Environment Interaction & Spatial Interaction • Human-Environment Interaction- describes how people modify or alter the environment to fit individual or societal needs • Spatial Interaction- describes how linked is a place to the outside world

  11. 6 Essential Elements in Geography • The Spatial World • Places and Regions • Physical Systems • Human Systems • Environment and Society • Uses of Geography in Today’s Society

  12. 6 Elements • Spatial World- No place is alone, everywhere is somehow connected or linked to the outside world • Places and Regions- Assign characteristics to particular locations and link them based on commonalities. • Physical Systems- Physical barriers that prevent the movement of people across landscapes

  13. 6 Elements • Human Systems- Anything humans have done to modify the Earth’s surface. • Environment and Society-Use of land for economic or another type of advantage • Uses of Geography in Today’s Society- How we use geography

  14. Spatial Regions Human Systems Physical Systems Today Environment and Society

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