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TAKS Practice Run. April 20, 2012 Setup – Procedures -- FAQ. 10 th Grade – Math, Science, Social Studies 11 th Grade – Math, Science, Social Studies Exit-Level Retest – ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies. What tests are we taking?. April 23 – Grade 11 Social Studies
TAKS Practice Run April 20, 2012 Setup – Procedures -- FAQ
10th Grade – Math, Science, Social Studies 11th Grade – Math, Science, Social Studies Exit-Level Retest – ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies What tests are we taking?
April 23 – Grade 11 Social Studies April 24 – Grade 10 Math April 25 – Grade 11 Math April 26 – Grades 10 & 11 Science April 27 – Grades 10 Social Studies What days are we testing? 9th Graders will participate in STAAR Blitz Tuesday – Thursday. This will be detailed in future slides.
The Exit-Level Retest will be given Monday – Thursday during TAKS Week. If you are a retester you will test according to the schedule that was given to you. If you do not have your testing schedule or cannot remember what test you are supposed to take please see Brenda Davidson-Swartz in room 118. She will be able to provide you with this information. Senior retesters will follow the schedule for seniors on the days they are not testing. Exit-Level Retesters
Monday you will attend your normal classes. If your class is on the 300 or 400 hall it will be relocated. Signs will be posted at the end of the hall to remind you where to go. Come to THIS classroom at the beginning of the day Tuesday. You will not be testing however, you will be participating in a STAAR Blitz that will focus on your four core classes. Lunch will be part of your rotation during the blitz. Please note that Java City and the Library will not be available for lunches the week of TAKS testing. Bring your netBook so you can work on the STAAR lessons. 9th Graders Gr. 9
Monday – Regular Bell Schedule (classes on 300 and 400 halls will be relocated.) Tuesday – STAAR Blitz (Schedule will include going to the Student Union for lunch. Java City will be closed.) Wednesday – STAAR Blitz (Schedule will include going to the Student Union for lunch. Java City will be closed.) Thursday – STAAR Blitz (Schedule will include going to the Student Union for lunch. Java City will be closed.) Friday – Regular Bell Schedule (Upstairs classes will be relocated) 9th Schedule Gr. 9
Come to this classroom at the beginning of the day Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday you will be completing your Math TAKS. We will provide calculators. Wednesday you will not be testing. You will be attending a presentation by our counselors and completing some related activities. After that, you will have some time to read, study, or work on homework. Please leave your cell phones and netbooks at home. 10th Graders Gr. 10
Monday – Regular Bell Schedule (Classes located on the 300 and 400 halls will be relocated.) Tuesday – Math TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) Wednesday – Counseling Presentation (Bring a Sack Lunch) Thursday – Science TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) Friday – Social Studies TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) 10th Grade Schedule Gr. 10
Come to this classroom at the beginning of the day Monday and Tuesday. Monday you will be taking the Social Studies TAKS. Tuesday you will not be testing. You will be attending a presentation by our counselors and completing some related activities. After that, you will have some time to read, study, or work on homework. Wednesday you will be completing your Math TAKS. We will provide calculators. Please leave your cell phones and netbooks at home. 11th Graders Gr. 11
Monday – Social Studies TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) Tuesday – Counseling Presentation (Bring a Sack Lunch) Wednesday – MATH TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) Thursday – Science TAKS (Bring a Sack Lunch) Friday – Regular Bell Schedule (Upstairs classes will be relocated.) 11th Grade Schedule Gr. 11
If you do not bring a sack lunch you may purchase one in the Student Union BEFORE school starts. Sack lunches will consist of a sandwich, chips, water, and fruit. Buying Lunch Talking is NOT permitted during the lunch break On days that you are testing. Gr. 10 & 11
Grades 10 and 11 only: If you plan to purchase a sack lunch at school instead of bringing one please raise your hand so we can get an estimate of how many we need to prepare. Instructor: Please take lunch count, Wednesday and complete the back portion of the attendance page. You do not need to provide names or ID information since students will be picking up lunch for themselves. We only need a number. Gr. 10 & 11
Your room assignment for Tuesday and Wednesday will remain the same. However, there will be some changes to rooms on Thursday and again on Friday. Please make sure you check the online room assignment database, check with your teacher, or check the room assignment list posted in the Mix-Master to determine your correct room assignment for Thursday and Friday. 10th & 11th Graders Gr. 10 & 11
#2 Pencils Water bottle (if you want one) A sack lunch (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) A book to read when finished testing (eBooks such as Nook, Kindle, Sony eReader, and iPad are not acceptable) What should I bring for testing? Gr. 10 & 11
You may not have any electronic devices in your pockets, purses, backpacks, or on your person during testing. Possession of these could invalidate your test. Please come to the testing room prepared to turn your cell phone off and turn it in to the teacher. Cell phones will be returned when we are released from the testing room. Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices Gr. 10 & 11
Not much. Pencils, erasers, highlighter, test booklet, answer sheet, and water bottle (water bottle must be kept on the floor). You can also bring a jacket in case the room is too cold for you. All backpacks, books, purses, lunches, etc. will be stored away from your desk at the front or back of the room. What can I have at my desk during testing? Gr. 10 & 11
You have all day to take your test. Any classes you miss due to testing will be excused. Officially you can test until 5:00 if you need to and if you have a ride home. You see, there is no need to rush. Take your time, review any questions you were unsure of. Read over your essay to make sure it makes sense and addresses the prompt. How long does the test take? Gr. 10 & 11
I have homework. Can I work on it when I finish my TAKS? The only thing you can have at your desk when you finish testing is a novel to read. You will not be able to work on homework until all testing in the room is complete and the tests have been removed from the room. On days you are not testing you may have some time to work on homework. Gr. 10 & 11
Monday We will be following the normal bell schedule. Tuesday Periods 7 & 8 Wednesday Periods 1 & 2 Thursday Periods 7 & 8 Friday We will be following the normal bell schedule. What classes will we go to after testing? All Grades
Why should I care about TAKS? Your performance on TAKS affects you, your classmates, the school and the community you live in, in many ways. This is your chance to SHINE. Regardless of your grade level, your TAKS scores are important and will impact your future in high school, for graduation, and in college. Ultimately, you must pass TAKS to graduate. Gr. 10 & 11
If you are presenting a Capstone Project please make sure you are not late for your appointment. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – Report to PAC at 1:30 P.M. Eat Lunch before you arrive. Friday – Report to PAC at 12:30 P.M. We will be attending the lunch periods Friday. 12th Graders Gr. 12
Monday – Regular Bell Schedule (classes on the 300 and 400 halls will be relocated) Tuesday – Report to PAC at .When testing is complete we will attend 7th and 8th period. Wednesday – Report to PAC at 1:30. When testing is complete we will attend 1st and 2nd period. Thursday – Report to PAC at 1:30. When testing is complete we will attend 7th and 8th period. Friday – Report to PAC at 12:15. From there you will be dismissed to 5th period and will follow your normal schedule. Senior Schedule Gr. 12