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ENZYMES. Enzymes are proteins. Cofactors. Prostetic groups Metal ions Coenzymes. Covalent bond. Coordinative bond. Secondary interactions. Native conformation. Optimal Conditions :. pH. Ionic strength. Temperature. Solvent. Maximal catalytic activity. Active center:. Asp b COOH.
Enzymes are proteins Cofactors Prostetic groups Metal ions Coenzymes Covalent bond Coordinative bond Secondary interactions
Native conformation Optimal Conditions: pH Ionic strength Temperature Solvent Maximal catalytic activity
Active center: Asp bCOOH pKa = 4.5 - Lysozyme Glu gCOOH pKa = 5.9 pH 5 6 4 4.5 5.9 pH dependence of enzyme activity Asp - Glu Example: Optimal pH? deprotonated protonated Hw: Glu-, His+ (pKa 6.5) optimal pH
Enzyme activity pH 4 5 6 = pH profiles Isoelectric pont pH optimum
Optimal temperature Enzyme activity Q10 temperature coefficient T Temperature dependence of enzyme activity Heat denaturation changes in conformation Heat sensitivity is different Heat-shock proteins
- D[S] Enzyme activity (EA) EA = EA = Dt + D[P] Dt Calculation of enzyme activity: substrate (S) product (P) U = mmol/min U (unit) S.I. unit: Catal = mol/sec
mol (product) mol (enzyme) x sec Turnover number (Molecular activity) examples Carbonic anhydrase: 400 000/sec Chymotrypsin: 100/sec Trp synthase: 2/sec
Substrate (S) Product (P) S ES*1 ES *2 P ES* : enzyme-substrate complex G Eact S DG ES*2 ES*1 P Enzymes as catalysts
S S* P E E ES*2 ES*1 E.g.: „Stickase”
Effect of enzymes : Activation energy decreases DG (Kes ) does not change changes The reaction mechanism does not change The equilibrium state decreases The time to reach the EQ Enzymes are catalizing directions in both
The enzyme - substrate complex Interactions: secondary bonds ionic bonds covalent bond (covalent catalysis) Acid-base catalysis: proton shuttle
Enolase and 2-phospho-glycerate (2-PGA): ionic bond 2 Mg2+ cofactors
S S E E Enzymes are specific catalysts The enzyme-substrate complex (ES) Lock and key model „induced fit” model
S1 S2 E Entropy effect • Binding of substrates • close in space • proper orientation
Dihydrofolate reductase NADP+ cofaktor dihidrofolate
Dihydrofolate reductase NADP+ cofaktor dihidrofolate
Medical-diagnostic significance of enzyme activity measurements 1. Non-functional plasma enzymes accelerated death of certain tissues soluble enzymes enter the circulation
Aminotransferases: a reversible exchange between an a-amino and an a-keto group ALAT: alanine-amino transferase (or SGPT: serum glutamate - pyruvate aminotranspherase) pyruvate alanine a-ketoglutarate glutamate high ASAT in serum hepatocellular tissue destruction e.g. in acute hepatitis (viral infection) in liver chirrosis in mononucleosis
high ALAT in serum muscle tissue destruction e.g. in myocardial infarction in acute rheumatoid carditis in the first 10 days of heart surgery after heart massage after catheter treatment of heart ASAT:aspartate-amino transferase (or SGOT: serum glutamate -oxaloacetate aminotranspherase) oxaloacetate aspartate a-ketoglutarate glutamate
creatine creatine-P ADP ATP high MB in serum myocardial disease e.g. in myocardial infarction (5-6 hrs after heart attack maximum value at 12 hrs) colon cancer high MM renal failure high MM Creatine kinase M: muscle form, B: brain form MM, MB or BB izoenzymes MB form is found exclusively in the heart
Medical-diagnostic significance of enzyme activity measurements 2. Functional plasma enzymes
Deficiency: cholesterol cannot be transported in the blood artheriosceloris, heart attack LCAT: lecitine-cholesterol acyl transferase free cholesterol cholesterol ester lysolecitine lecitine
Medical-diagnostic significance of enzyme activity measurements 3. Enzyme activity assay in tissue biopsy
pyruvate oxaloacetate ADP ATP, CO2 Deficiency: mental retardation Assay from skin biopsy Treatment: oral Asp, Glu Pyruvate carboxylase
Enzymes as Catalysts Ser Proteases
Acid-Base Catalysis A general acid His+ Cys-SH Tyr-OH Lys+ A general base His Cys-S - Tyr-O - Asp-, Glu -
Covalent Catalysis E + S [ES] E + P Covalent bond in the enzyme-substrate complex
Ser Proteases • Protease: cuts proteins • hydrolysis of peptide bond • Ser-proteases: Ser in the active center • e.g. • Chymotrypsin • Trypsin • Ellastase • Thrombin • Other blood coagulation factors
O O P F O Irreversible inhibition of Ser- enzymes DIPF: Specific inhibitor of Ser enzymes Di-isopropyl-fluoro-phosphate E Ser OH • e.g. • Chymotripsin • Acetylcholinesterase • (chemical weapon)
Proteolytic activation of zymogens Intestine Pancreas Enteropeptidase Trypsinogen Chymotrypsinogen Trypsin p - Chymotrypsin a - Chymotrypsin Trypsin inhibitor Inactive trypsine
H3N+ Chymotrypsin 15Arg 16Ile a-chimotrypsin(ACTIVE) Proteolytic activation of Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsinogen Trypsin p -chymotrypsin (ACTIVE) Interaction of 1NH3+ with 194Asp- Formation of substrate binding pocket
57His HN N 195 Ser 102 Asp HO Chymotrypsin: Acid-base catalysis The catalytic triad A proton shuttle in the active center
O C Ser - O Ser - O Ser - OH NH His HisH+ His O- C NH O C H2N 1st product Chymotrypsin: Covalent catalysis Peptide bond of the food protein to be cut 1st tetrahedral transition intermedier Acyl- enzyme intermedier +
O- Ser - O Ser - OH OH C HisH+ His O OH C 2nd product + H2O 2nd tetrahedral transition intermedier +
R CH Substrate binding pocket O C NH Specificity of Ser proteases Chymotrypsin: Big, nonpolar pocket R: aromatic rings (Phe, Tyr, Trp) Trypsin: negatively charged pocket R: positive charges (Arg,Lys) Elastase: small pocket R: small (Gly,Ala, Ser)
fibrinogen Proteolytic cleveage (Xa) OH A S B S thrombin fibrin prothrombin Thrombin is a Serine protease
v1 P S v -1 1. v1 >>>v -1 D[S] 0 2. Enzyme activity (v) should be measured as initial rate: Conditions for measuring initial rate: [P] 0
[P] time S P S P S P linearity equilibrium Initial rate v = constant v decreases Product formation as the function of the time [S] decreases [P] increases v = 0
steady state The Michaelis-Menten model Assumptions: k1 k2 [ES] E + S E + P k - 1 k -2 0 IRREVERSIBLE [S] [ES] One-substrate reaction Initial rate
k1 k2 [ES] E + S E + P k - 1 steady state vmax [S] v = KM + [S] Rate of [ES] formation= Rate of [ES] breakdown Definition: (k2+k-1)/k1= KM
v vmax 1 vmax 2 [S] KM I. Low [S] II. [S] = KM III. High [S] Enzyme activity (v, initial rates) as the function of substrate concentration Vmax = max EA KM = [S] where v = 1/2 vmax
vmax [S] v = KM vmax [S] vmax [S] v = v = KM + [S] KM + [S] I. Low [S] II. [S] = KM III. High [S] First order reaction Michaelis-Menten Kinetics v = vmax saturated substrate concentration Zero order reaction
Vmax kcat = [E] KM Michaelis constant KM = k-1 + k2 k1 kcat KM Turnover number kcat Affinity of the substrate to the enzyme low KM - high affinity „catalytic efficiency”
1/v 1/vmax 1/[S] - 1/KM Linearization for determination of KM and vmax Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal plot Slope : Km/Vmax
KM [S] 200 20 2 0.2 0.15 0.013 v 60 60 60 48 45 12 Vmax = 60 Vmax/2=30 60*0.013 12 = vmax [S] KM + 0.013 v = KM + [S] Calculate the KM and the vmaxfrom the data below!
[S] 1/[S] 200 20 2 0.2 0.15 0.013 1/200 and so on v 1/v 60 60 60 48 45 12 1/60 and so on Calculate the reciprocal values! Calculate the Vmax and KM using a graph!