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Poland / Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 1) Conservation of Panel Painting and Wooden Polychromed Sculpture 2) Specialized Research and Documentation Techniques. Equipment and expertise Equipment
Poland / Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 1) Conservation of Panel Painting and Wooden Polychromed Sculpture 2) Specialized Research and Documentation Techniques Equipment and expertise Equipment Stereomicroscopes, biological microscopes, X-ray spectrometer, spectrophotometers, SEM, laser Raman and LIBS spectrometers Serie of ReNOVALaser systems (Nd:YAG) with wavelenghts 1.06 mm to 213 nm (harmonics); Er:YAG laser 2.94 mm Contact Dr. Krzysztof Chmielewski tél. +4822 62512 51 email: chmiel@asp.waw.pl web: www.xxx.fr 1 Krzysztof Chmielewski - technology of medieval panel painting, restoration of panel painting Izabela Uchman-Laskowska - conservation and restoration of the ancient egyptian wooden sarcofagus 2 Elżbieta Jeżewska - studies of reasons of destruction of objects at wood composites Katarzyna Krolikowska-Pataraja – archeological wood • Research interesting the COST IE0601 • Modern methods of conservation of wood in CH objects (particularly panel paintings) • New treatment/diagnosis methods for disinfection and insect eradication of wooden objects
Poland/Institute of Optoelectronics MUT Laboratory of laser applications Equipment and expertise • Laser cleaning technology of different historical materials (stones, metals, ceramics, paper, parchment, wood, ivory, paintings etc.) Serie of ReNOVALaser systems (Nd:YAG) with wavelenghts 1.06 mm to 213 nm (harmonics); Er:YAG laser 2.94 mm, DPSS picosecond Nd:YAG laser, 1.06 mm to 266 nm. • Diagnostics of art works using laser, optical spectroscopy, interferometry, colorimetry, microscopy, OCT. Series of spectrometers UV-VIS-IR-farIR, fluorescence, luminescence. Laser spectrometers (LIBS, LIF, Raman) X-ray, ultrasound and nuclear methods in partner laboratories. Contact Dr. Marek STRZELEC tél. +4822 6837813 email: mstrzelec@wat.edu.pl web: www.ioe.wat.edu.pl Lab. Head: Prof. Jan Marczak, PhD Laser cleaning of art works Roman Ostrowski, PhD Marek Strzelec, PhD (also international cooperation) Antoni Sarzyński, PhD (numerical modelling) Antoni Rycyk, MSc Diagnostics of art works Wojciech Skrzeczanowski, PhD (LIBS, colorimetry, spectrometry) Antoni Sarzyński, PhD (Raman) • Research interesting the COST IE0601 • development of laser renovation technology of wooden art works, including objects with different coatings, • studies of potential applications of optoelectronic diagnostic systems of wooden historical objects, • application of advanced methods of materials science to the surface characterization.