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Circuits and Voltage: A Beginner's Guide

Learn about circuits, voltage, and resistance in this comprehensive guide. Discover how electricity flows, the role of voltage, and factors affecting resistance. Explore circuits in action and voltage sources. Join the Resistance and dive into the world of electrical engineering!

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Circuits and Voltage: A Beginner's Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Circuits and Voltage

  2. What is a circuit? • Circuit – A path that is a complete loop for electricity to takeFound anywhere there is electricity • Once broken -> Electricity cannot pass!

  3. Circuits in action • Inside our walls • Plugs • Electronic Devices

  4. Voltage • Voltage – Difference in potential energy between 2 places in a circuit • Measured in Volts (Symbol = V) • Causes a current in a circuit

  5. DO NOW : Answer the following • What are the three transfers of charge? Can you give an example of each? (static electricity notes) • Mr. W stands on the bookshelf and leans over the ledge. He has a high ________ ________. As he falls he loses this and gains a high ______ _____.

  6. DO NOW: Answer the following • Based on the following Data Table • When deionized water is tested, it shows no conductivity. Why would it become a strong conductor when mixed with Sodium Chloride? • What ingredients in Gatorade make it a good conductor?

  7. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING • How is a rollercoaster similar to Voltage?

  8. Voltage • How does a rollercoaster work? • Voltage = exact same

  9. Where does Voltage come from? Voltage Source – two terminals, both different • positive and negative All circuit require source of energy • Batteries • Power plants

  10. Unparalleled Power? • Current not always unobstructed • What slows a rollercoaster? • Brakes? Gravity? Weight? • All of these are forms of resistance!

  11. Join the Resistance! • Resistance – Measure of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material • Measured in Ohms • 4 Factors of Resistance 1. Material • What is wire made of? • Insulator or Conductor? 2. Length • Long vs. Short • Longer = more resistance (more bumps on the way)

  12. Join the Resistance! 3. Diameter • Thinner wire = more resistance • Larger wire = less resistance 4. Temperature • Electronics don’t like heat! • Colder = less resistance

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