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MY CHILD TOOK THE GT MATH TEST… NOW WHAT?. A presentation to provide information, build confidence, and calm your fears. You CAN ask questions but…. Please just let us get A LOT closer to the end. There WILL be time for Q and A! Thanks. Who is this for?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MY CHILD TOOK THE GT MATH TEST… NOW WHAT? A presentation to provide information, build confidence, and calm your fears.

  2. You CAN ask questions but… Please just let us get A LOT closer to the end. There WILL be time for Q and A! Thanks

  3. Who is this for? • Parents of 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th grade students who took the CogAT test and have been newly articulated into GT Math for next year • 4th/5th Grade students who were new to HCPSS and missed CogAT and took the SCAT • Parents new to CES with 3rd or 4th graders entering GT Math

  4. What will be presented? • Background and philosophy of GT Math • Routines and instruction • Basic information about Common Core and ramifications for middle school • A “Show and Tell” of texts and resources • A “General Question and Answer” period

  5. Gifted & Talented Education Program Mission The Gifted and Talented Education Program seeks to recognize and develop talents in advanced-level learners.

  6. The G/T Education Program Goals: • Accelerate the achievement of students who participate in the G/T Education Program. • Increase successful participation of underrepresented populations of students in • G/T Education Program offerings. • Develop a highly qualified professional staff. • Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for G/T Education Program communication and community involvement.


  8. 4th and 5th Grade GT Math • An identified group of students. • Accelerated by 2 years and enriched with a focus on problem solving and application. • Preparation for middle school. We are working to make students more independent • 4th Gr. GT Students do NOT retest for 5th grade, but they must be successful to be recommended to continue • 5th Gr. GT Students are only ELIGIBLE to continue with GT Math in Middle School, provided they pass the COGAT test and/or are successful in 5th grade and recommended to continue (C avg. or better) • Parents have right of consent • Assuming student was in GT and/or passed the test • You cannot consent if the student did NOT test in, BUT • You CAN request a placement review • Procedures for that are available once testing is complete

  9. Support for New Students from ON GRADE LEVEL Classes Push-up books and websites will be made available 3rd Grade “Enrichment Classes” Boot Camp Let’s talk about tutors…

  10. Texts and Resources HCPSS: http://hcpssfamilymath.weebly.com/elementary-math.html MSDE: http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/programs/ccss/ccssip_m.html McDougal Littell: http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/msmath_1_na/book_home.htm?state=MD McDougal Littell: Course 1 and 2 hard copy and electronic books

  11. NEW TO GT BOOT CAMP • Designed for 3rd graders and parents • June 11 Time and Place TBD • June 17 Time and Place TBD • Interactive, hands-on experiences for both parents and children • GT Teachers present to work with groups

  12. Routines • HW Mondays – Thursday • (if >30+ minutes, write us a note!) • Quizzes Most Fridays • Based On the Week’s Work • Tests After Each Unit • Some Study Guides and Practice, but not always • Meet Long-term Deadlines • Some culminating projects and extensions • Note taking and Study skills • Test Taking Skills

  13. Notebook • 3 Sections • Warm-Up/Notes • Homework • Assessments • Emptied Each Quarter • No Ripping… use holes and reinforcements • Keep Organized • Use as a resource

  14. Homework • Full Name, Date, Assignment • Show Work…Keep It Neat! • Turn It In On Time for Full Credit • Make Arrangements if Absent • Progress reports keep everyone in touch • Assessments get signed • Reading, writing, practice, building, preassessment… all part of HW • Some from text, some not

  15. Reminders and Expectations • This is CHALLENGING! • You Must Practice, Apply, and Persevere, it’s messy sometimes! • You Are Responsible for Your Learning, Different methods are used • It Will Get Easier… • Parents Can Help • It will go fast and deep • Connections, applications, and transfer of skills across topics

  16. Sample Problem - Olympiads A work crew of 3 people requires 3 weeks and 2 days to do a job. How long will it take a crew of 4 people to do the same job if each person on either crew works at the same rate? Note: A work week contains 6 days

  17. Strategies??? Make a simpler problem Use a formula/algebra Draw a picture or chart This is one of those “math tricks.” “Work-problems” have an algorithm for solving them once you understand the situation

  18. Solution 3 people x 20 days = 60 “people_days” 4 people x ? days = 60 “people_days” 60/4 = 15 Crew of 4 works 15 days Where is the math? Factors, equations, multiples, algebra, organizing data, multiplication and division…

  19. 4th Grade Sample Task Wally travels out-of-state to bring some specialty taffy to his shop. Once a week, he drives to the Licorice Valley to pick up the taffy. Wally can drive 600 miles on a full tank of gas. One week, Wally decides to visit both Taffy Larry and Taffy Linda in the same trip (he usually only has time to visit one or the other). When Wally drives from his store to Larry’s and back, he knows he uses 5/12 of a tank of gas. When he drives to Linda’s and back, he uses 1/3 of a tank. Wally hears that there is a road from Larry’s to Linda’s that is 120 miles long. He wants to drive from his store to Larry’s, then to Linda’s and then back to his store in one trip. Wally can tell by looking at his gas gauge that he has 5/8 of a tank of gas. Can he complete this trip without having to stop for gas? Or should he buy gas before he starts the trip?

  20. Standards Across All Areas Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  21. 4th/5th Gr. Common Core Based Units 4th Grade Units 5th Grade Units • Ratio and Proportion (fraction, decimal, percent) • The Number System (integers) • The Number System (computation of rational numbers) • Expressions and Equations (prealgebra, inequalities, and linear equations) • Geometry • Probability and Statistics - embedded • Problem Solving Factors and Multiples Operations in Algebraic Thinking (basic functions) Number and Operations in Base Ten (whole numbers and decimals) Number and Operations-Fractions Geometry Problem Solving Pre-Algebra Skills Statistics - embedded Ratios and Scale – extensions w/in Fractions and Geometry Unit

  22. Curriculum Standards, Prerequisites and Extensions • DOMAIN: Ratios and Proportional Relationships • Cluster: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. • 6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. • For example, “The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak.” “For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.” Essential Skills and Knowledge • Knowledge of ratio as a comparison of any two quantities • Knowledge of a ratio is not always a comparison of part-to-whole; Can be part-to-part or whole-to-whole • Express the ratio as a fraction, proportion/percent, decimal, or in words

  23. Sample 5th Grade Activity

  24. Texts and Resources Curriculum Driven, NOT a Text Driven Program Text has an online component, but is for practice and introduction HCPSS provides up to date and cutting edge instructional materials Teacher developed materials based on best practices Scope and sequence follows curriculum, not the order of the text Demonstration of sample items…

  25. Final Thoughts… Build independence, do NOT feel like you should be doing HW with your child all year long Upwards of 30 – 45 minutes of HW is possible This is possibly a bigger challenge that you are your child are used to (but it should be an appropriate challenge) Not NEW math, it is a new way of thinking and building a repertoire of skills We want those skills to help them understand the relationships of numbers so well, that they can choose EFFICIENT strategies to do their work UNDERSTANDING 1ST, APPLICATION 2ND, MEMORIZATION LAST

  26. Questions? • rschwab@hcpss.org • Schwabgt.weebly.com • bweiskind@hcpss.org • Weiskindgt.weebly.com • jmichaelson@hcpss.org • Michaelsongt.weebly.com • 410-313-7050

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