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MAPB: Curriculum Structure and Module Content (updated). Elena Cherkezia November,2010. Academic regulations in Georgia. Master’s degree. Description of qualifications for the second step (cycle) of higher education ( Master’s level). MSc structure. MSc structure
MAPB: Curriculum Structure and Module Content (updated) Elena CherkeziaNovember,2010
Academic regulations in Georgia • Master’s degree
Description of qualifications for the second step (cycle) of higher education ( Master’s level)
MSc structure MScstructure • MSc Program – 4 Semesters, 30 ECTS each; total 120 ECTS • Each module – 5 ECTS or multiple to 5 ECTS (10ECTS) • Semesters 1, 2, 3 – academic studies • Semester 4 – research project Modular format: • 60 ECTS – core general; • 30 ECTS – core optional; • 30 ECTS – research project
MSc Applied Biosciences Includes: Core Common Modules Optional Modules of 4 specialty strands: Healthcare Biotechnology, Agrobiotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology.
MSc Applied BiosciencesModular Structure ( Healthcare Biotechnology)
MSc Applied BiosciencesModular Structure (Food Biotechnology)
MSc Applied BiosciencesModular Structure ( Agrobiotechnology)
MSc Applied BiosciencesModular Structure ( Environmental Biotechnology)
MSc Applied Biosciences Modular Structure ( Healthcare Biotechnology)
MSc Applied Biosciences Modular Structure (Food Biotechnology)
MSc Applied Biosciences Modular Structure ( Agrobiotechnology)
MSc Applied Biosciences Modular Structure ( Environmental Biotechnology)
MSc Applied BiosciencesModule Content Common modules The main topics to be covered: • research scheduling, planning, theoretical approach, scientific reading and writing; statistical methods; qualitative and quantitative methods of research; • molecular cell processes; the cellular and molecular mechanisms of ontogenesis, basic principles in biotechnology; • structural and functional genomics; • general concepts and techniques in microbial biotechnology; • applications of toxicology; • commercial activity in biotechnology; • biotechnology regulations; • IPR instruments; • strategies for optimizing the nutritional health of population
Healthcare Biotechnology Obtained knowledge Systematic knowledge and understanding of the processes occurring in the human organism on different levels; the mechanisms of disease development; principles of pharmacology; modern diagnostics techniques; modern problematic issues, such as stem cells, reproduction technologies and genetic manipulations; understanding of environmental impact on human health • Employment opportunities: • Clinical laboratories and diagnostic centers • Pharmacological and pharmaceutical companies • Corresponding laboratories of scientific-research institutions • Examination services
Food Biotechnology Obtained knowledge: Characteristics and composition of main food components; food microbiology; chemical and physical features and nutritional quality;; technological processes of food preservation and processing and their influence on food quality; fermentation technology; food toxicology; food expertise, standartization and certification. • Employment opportunities: • Food processing, supply and sale services • Regulatory and consulting services • Food safety services • Corresponding laboratories of scientific-research institutions • Examination services • Food processing and agricultural private companies
Agricultural Biotechnology Obtained knowledge Systematic knowledge of the methods of agricultural crop and livestock processing; plant tissue culture and micropropagation; identification of technological and economic problems; sustainability and ecological perspectives in agriculture; environmental safety issues; interpretation of scientific, economic and business principles. • Employment opportunities: • Agro-industrial services • Governmental/private research and consulting services • Corresponding laboratories of scientific-research institutions • Examination services • Food processing and agricultural private companies
Environmental Biotechnology Obtained knowledge Environmental technology fundamentals, with special focus on biological treatment processes, environmental management and legislation; environmental risks and impact; principles and approaches used in sustainable bioprocess innovation and development with specific applications in cleaner production, energy generation and utilization. • Employment opportunities: • Industries including health, pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture, energy and fuel • Governmental/private research consulting and regulatory services • Corresponding laboratories of scientific-research institutions • Examination services
The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in GeorgiaMaster’s Degree
MSc Applied Biosciences The goals: • to develop a framework with shared understanding of academic issues, regarding credits’ distribution, programme structure, modular scheme, etc; • to establish the academic, research and industry liaisons between institutions and partner organizations • to share experience in teaching and research, including development and implementation of teaching materials and sharing of research facilities • to develop an effective and flexible programme management scheme • to promote students’ mobility • to establish joint degree • to develop a basis for creating new MScprogrammes