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‘A Study of the implementation of the JSY Program in Himachal Pardesh.” By “ ankur” (HP) Researchers Manisha Sharma Deepak Kumar. Lay out of the Presentation. JSY-The Program Objectives of the Study Study population Methodology Key findings Recommendations Limitations Conclusions.
‘A Study of the implementation of the JSY Program in Himachal Pardesh.”By “ ankur” (HP)ResearchersManisha SharmaDeepak Kumar
Lay out of the Presentation • JSY-The Program • Objectives of the Study • Study population • Methodology • Key findings • Recommendations • Limitations • Conclusions
Janani Sureksha Yojna(Safe Motherhood Program • Launched in the year 1997, as a National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS) with the aim to provide cash assistance to the women of BPL family during her last semester. This assistance was to improve her nutritional status. • Under this revised scheme certain cash benefit to the beneficries as well as to the motivator have been attached to promote institutional deliveries.
Main objectives of the study • To know how the introduction of JSY Program in the last year have brought a change in the lives of the women who have delivered & in the health practitioner (Formal and informal) who have played a role in women assessing these health requirements. If not what are the constraints..
Geographical area of study Geographical Areas of Study-Himachal Pradesh, District UNA,
Our Focus Populations for Study.. • Women who have delivered in institutions between 2007-2008. • Women who have delivered at homes (registered in JSY) between 2007-2008 • Govt Health Providers (AWW/ ANMs/ Doctors) • Private Health Providers (Traditional Midwives/ Private Doctors)
Himachal Pradesh Other 11 Districts District UNA Gagret Block Other 4 Blocks Others 5 PHCs Gagret PHC Doulat Pur PHC Sub-Center Kaloh Sub-CenterThaplan Sub-Center Ambota Sub-Center Mawakohlan Sub Center Oel
Methodology for Study Survey of the women who have delivered during 2007-08 291 In depth interviews FGD-women who have delivered at home and in the institution. 6 Medical Officer 1 Block Medical Officer 5 Registered Medical Practitioners 6 FGD-with Trained birth attendant. One with each group. 6 Interviews ANM 5
Key finding-Why women choose home over Institutions for the delivery. • lack of confidence in health institutions. • Lack of sensitivity of the institutions, anger expressed towards the antipathy of the system. • Actual cost is more, costly medicine at emergency difficulty in accessing JSY incentives. • No cure is available for obstetric emergency. • Difficulty in accessing JSY money. • Women do not decided the place of delivery.
Findings why women choose to deliver at facility • Women from nuclear and migrant families. • Women who go far sex selective deliveries-precious male child to be delivered. • Women who had adverse experiences from TBA and ANM of delivering at home. • Women get motivated by ANM.
Findingsperception of the health functionaries • Administration could not decide between ASHA and AWW. • Doctors have limited knowledge of the JSY and its components. • They agreed that health facilities lack emergency obstetric care services. • Communication gap between beneficiaries and services providers. • Services providers were also of the view that the process of getting incentives is cumbersome • Most of the doctors have admitted that there knowledge of the JSY is limited to monitory benefits.. • They agreed that health facilities lack emergency obstetric care services. • Communication gap between beneficiaries and services providers. • Services providers were also of the view that the process of getting incentives is cumbersome
Recommendations. • Appoint ASHA to bridge the communication gap between beneficiaries and health facilities. • Provide good quality obstetric care to build confidence among communities to use them for the maternal emergencies. • If administration failed to post specialist in the FRU, Promote Public Private Partnership by accrediting doctors/ clinic/ nursing home to provide emergency obstetric care. . • Provisions for regular and good quality capacity building program for AWW and ANM to make the system sensitive to women maternal needs. • Appoint more women doctors particularly gynecologist in the government health system to motivate women for institutional deliveries.
Limitations of the study. • The scope of the finding of this study is limited to the concentration of particular cast (SC/St) in the study areas.
Conclusion • The JSY scheme has the potential to increase the proportion of institutional deliveries. • In order to increase the effectiveness of the JSY cash incentive, we need to build the confidence of women in institutional deliveries by improving health infrastructure and quality of care.